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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. Where are the greenhouses located? I'll look for them. Thank you.
  2. Gee, I wonder where a lot of them end up?😃
  3. https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2015/04/pulled-pork-jalapeno-poppers-bacon-recipe.html Some seriously good poppers.
  4. And if the current government is to be believed, soon beer and wine will be available at your friendly corner store.
  5. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    Aw, you're too kind. Don't know about stunning, but it probably would have looked better. I have some, too, but didn't think to use them.
  6. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    Korean stewed chicken with spinach. Looks terrible. Tasted great.
  7. I have a book "Cooking Light Global Kitchen. I'm curious to know if you would consider that a diet book. I really like some of the recipes in it, tonight I am making Korean Stewed Chicken with Spinach.
  8. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    @Ann_T I checked today at a local store and they were not waxed.
  9. A friend and I went to Table Sodam today. She had the Soy Dak Gang Jung, boneless chicken with sweet & soy sauce with corn cheese. It cane with pickled daikon. I had the Dak Gang Jung which consisted of boneless chicken with Spicy Sauce and an assortment of side dishes, which were, left to right, mushrooms, cucumber, kimchee, salad with nut flakes, soup and rice. Very yummy except I find kimchee to be too salty. John enjoyed the leftovers.
  10. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    Like @Okanagancook, I too am Csnadian and tend to mentally translate swede=turnip. You rarely see rutabaga labelled as such around here - they are usually labelled and called turnip. That said, the white ones are also labelled and called turnip. Doesn't make sense, but that is the way it is, at least in these parts. I wonder if your kipflers are what we call fingerlings?
  11. They produce a lot of fruit. There is one farmer from Niagara who comes to the Ottawa market in the fall with peaches, grapes, cherries, etc. I grew up in the Woodstock area and my mother did a lot of canning so every year we would do the Niagara tour and get whatever fruit she wanted for that purpose.
  12. I love collards but I have only recently been introduced to them. Recipe?
  13. Sadly, peaches, apricots and cherries don't grow around here.
  14. Yesterday we came across this unmanned stall with a cash box. There were three sizes of maple syrup for sale, all being sold on the honor system. A little later I stopped at my egg farm place where I bought 4 dozen free range eggs, also on the honor system. Usually the chickens are running around outside (no boundaries) but yesterday they were inside. Not enough to,peck away at yet, I guess.
  15. And also Acorns and Cattails by our own Rob Connoley https://www.amazon.ca/Acorns-Cattails-Modern-Foraging-Cookbook-ebook/dp/B01KELJ8KM?_bbid=12194593&tag=bookbubemailca-20
  16. What heat setting do you use?
  17. I have made this recipe too. It is really good.
  18. Me too. @Duvel is there and I went over some posts to see if he was anywhere near those places. The only place he referenced was somewhat in from the coast.
  19. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    We don't normally have sandwiches for dinner but the new edition of Cuisine@Home came out this week and this jumped out at me, so that was dinner tonight. The recipe was called Korean Barbeque Steak Sandwiches. The steak was a rib-eye grilled (on a Breville indoor grill in my case), sliced thinly, mixed with a sauce consisting of ketchup, rice vinegar, light brown sugar, soy sauce, gochujang, garlic and sesame oil. Buns are toasted, I used brioche, shredded napa cabbage is put on the bottom of each bun, sauced meat on top. The cucumber salad, called Korean Cucumbers, had a dressing of rice vinegar, gochuganu, soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil. Sliced scallions were added as were some toasted sesame seeds. Looking forward to having them again.
  20. I have the ICE50, the earlier version. I would like a new one and keep dithering between the ICE 100 and the Breville one. Did you do any comparison between them?
  21. I'm curious - which model of the Cuusinart did you buy?
  22. Oh. I somehow thought it was one piece hence my wrong answer.
  23. The shape of it reminds me of an oval slow cooker lid.
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