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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    Looks yummy. Welcome to the forum.
  2. I saw that as well. I chose 165F for an hour as I fear squishy meat. That's a hangover from my bbq comp judging days.
  3. Cooked some chicken wings tonight using the control freak. First I cooked the wings sous vide at 165F for an hour. They were then marinated in buttermilk to which a beaten egg had been added. Then they were dredged in a flour mixture consisting of garlic salt, celery salt, salt, pepper and hot paprika. The control freak was set to 350F and when the oil hit that temperature, they were tried just long enough to brown them. Really good wings.
  4. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    Following @Shelby's instructions for the most part, I made these chicken wings tonight. They were labeled jumbo and they were huge. . The were cooked sous vide for 1 hour at 165 F, then marinated in buttermilk combined with a beaten egg. They were then dredged in a flour mixture containing celery salt, black pepper hot paprika, and garlic salt. I set the control freak to 350F and when the oil reached that temperature, fried them up. Quite possibly the best chicken wings I have ever made. Thank you, Shelby!
  5. @Panaderia Canadiense That was interesting information on baking soda. I did some reading today on Ecuador. According to what I read, the country's standard of living in many aspects has improved greatly in a relatively short amount of time. I need to read some more about it.
  6. I used my first little batch in some butter tart muffins. The caramel taste of the toasted sugar did not come through at all although that may be an unfair judgement because I didn't think much of the muffins either. My thinking is the same as yours that it would be good in a custard type of dish. I'm going to keep it on hand but I'll be making it using the one-cup-at-a-time method. It's painless that way.
  7. I finally cooked the beef cheeks that had been in my freezer for two years. It was the first time I had cooked beef cheeks and I would happily do it again. Now I need to cook the pork cheeks I bought at the same time.
  8. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    I don't know for sure but I have a bunch of celery in the fridge and when I saw your picture, I thought, what a great idea! I had just come back from a store specializing in olive oil and balsamic vinegars and had picked these up and I'll use an olive oil balsamic combo that would be good on celery. Maybe the green apple/smoked hickory combo.
  9. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    @Margaret Pilgrim I only ever eat celery in things like a stew or in a mirepoix. Can you tell me how you did yours?
  10. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    When I take the silverskin off, I wrap a piece of paper towel around the starting point on the narrow end and it pulls right off. It was a pain to do it without the towel.
  11. I wouldgave purchased the Thai book but only saw it this morning and the price has gone back up. Edited to add: I just looked through my Kindle and see that I have it. I really need to consult my Kindle more often.
  12. Yesterday Serious Eats sent an e-mail which included a recipe for Eggless Chocolate Mousse. It calls for toasted sugar. I was not particularly impressed with it the first time I made it but when I looked the directions up again, Stella Parks mentions how to toast smaller amounts of sugar, specifically one cup. You spread it in a pan to a depth of no more than 1/4" thick. It goes into a pre-heated 350F oven for half an hour. That's it, no stirring required. I did this last night so I could make the mousse today. After the 30 minutes were up, I gave it a stir, popped it back in for 5 minutes and called it done. It tastes nice and caramelly and I'm curious to see if that caramel taste comes through in the mousse.
  13. Sure wish my poached eggs look like that.
  14. I went to their site and they only accept orders in the US. However, both Amazon.ca and Amazon.com sell their products so no doubt it will show up there. I agree, it will be interesting to see the ratings.
  15. https://www.pressurecookingtoday.com/mealthy-crisplid-air-fryer-lid-for-electric-pressure-cooker/ Anyone heard of this?
  16. I bought some Red Fife cookie and cake flour today that they claim is 16% protein. They also had bread flour which was 19% which I did not buy. The bread flour was of the whole wheat variety. The flour is really fresh as it has a mill date of May 29th. I plan on using this flour for bread and have an active rye starter I would like to use with it. Is there anything special I need to know about using flour that has a protein content this high? I am used to using bread flour that has a protein content of 13%. I practically had to mortgage the condo to buy this stuff so if there are any pitfalls I would like to know ahead of time. Thanks!
  17. I would not pound it. The stems are nasty.
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