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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. $400 at Canadian Tire plus sales tax. How smoky were they? Would you need to place it under a ventilation hood?
  2. I have the book Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day on which this recipe is based. The only difference between the KAF one and that one is the amount of salt. One time I made a lot of it and I agree, it's good. I made John some grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch today using the peasant bread I made yesterday. It made amazingly good grilled cheese sandwiches, really crispy on the outside. He liked them a lot. I asked KAF about baking the peasant bread in a loaf pan and they suggested using the smaller pan de mie.
  3. Welcome. You will enjoy this forum.
  4. I made the peasant bread today that @lindag linked to above. This is a put everything in a bowl, mix together, let rise in same (unwashed) bowl, put in the pan in which you are going to bake it in, let rise uncovered, bake. I don't think I have ever made a one-bowl bread before. It was both easy and quick. Not as flavourful as one that is fermented longer, but if I were looking for something easy and fast, I would make it again. This was baked in my 1 quart ancient pyrex casserole dish.
  5. I can't open the pictures. Anyone else have this problem? Edit to add: oops, never mind.
  6. Oooooh, nice! I'll have to make it. I just made s Shokupan the other day which has been sliced and in the freezer so won't need more until near the end of the week. Have you ever tried this in a loaf pan?
  7. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    You're weirder than I am.😀
  8. ElsieD

    Breakfast 2019

    I have both but I find that taste-wise there is a difference between the two. Maybe @liuzhou can add to this.
  9. ElsieD

    Breakfast 2019

    Is the sweet fermented sauce the same as this?
  10. Once you have cut into it, can you post a picture of the crumb?
  11. ElsieD

    Breakfast 2019

    I just looked up a couple of recipes and by the time I made the preserved vegetables, the chili sauce and all the rest of it, I would not only have made the pancakes, but eaten them. I must say, though, it looks good.
  12. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    @Shelby Campari tomatoes are pretty good compared to the alternative, except for Kumato tomatoes. Have you tried those?
  13. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    And here I thought I was the only one who doesn't like salmon. Oddly enough, it is only fresh salmon I don't like, although i like it as lox or as smoked salmon. Canned is also fine, but only as a salmon salad sandwich. I have never had arctic char, mainly because it looks like salmon. What does it taste like?
  14. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    What is the red and green stuff? Is the red a fruit relish of some sort?
  15. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    @Shelby We are big fans of that cheese although it is hard to come by.
  16. ElsieD

    Breakfast 2019

    @Shelby Yeah, right! If I had never found eGullet there are a whole lot of kitchen gadgets I wouldn't have.
  17. Sorry, I just realized I didn't answer part two of your question. No, I don't add anything to the bag.
  18. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    That's some lovely looking bread.
  19. Great post, @Anna N. So glad you and @Kerry Beal were able to get out. We have, on occasion, been stopped on the road as Canada Geese were nonchalantly crossing it. They wander across like they have all the time in the world.
  20. I just did a small Black Forest ham for 2 1/2 hours at 145F. The only other one I do is a smoked picnic pork shoulder which is I think different from the Wigwam ham. Or at least the price would suggest that.
  21. I sous vide cooked ham at 145F. Comes out nice and juicy.
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