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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. I freeze bread all the time as well. Bake, cool, slice, wrap in Press 'N Seal, then put in a ziplock bag and freeze.
  2. Yes. I really like raisins. I love raisin bread, particularly the kind TJ sells. I love making and eating focaccia buns into which I put raisins and dried cranberries. Just this morning I put some on my bran flakes. I loathe, loathe I tell you, raisin bars.
  3. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    I too have the BSOA but find that when I use the air fry for say, frozen sweet potato fries, the ends often come out almost burnt. I have noticed in your posts that it doedn't seem to happen to you. What temperatures do you mostly use for what?
  4. I've marked the Potato Sandwich Loaf recipe and I made her pain de mie a couple of days ago. I really liked it.
  5. Thanks. That's what I thought. I'll make two batches so that if I need more, it will be there. If there is any left, I'll freeze it.
  6. I posted this same question in the topic The Bread Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum but I didn't recognize any of the posters names so since my question is about pizza dough, I thought I would ask here, as well. On page 90 she gives a recipe for pizza dough that she says is enough for 2 people. Is it? The recipe calls for 3/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon flour. It seems to me that is not very much.
  7. I just received this book and am wondering about the pizza dough recipe on page 190. She says it is enough for 2 people but it sure doesn't look like enough dough to me.
  8. @Ann_T does the rye flour have to be organic? I never use rye flour so having to buy a whole bag would be a waste whereas I can just buy what I need from Bulk Barn.
  9. This is great, I'm really enjoying this. Wonderful photographs. Thank you for taking the time to share your trip with us.
  10. Fascinating. Thank you.
  11. I made another Pain de Mie today. I was going to do the Dutch Crunch buns but noticed we were out of bread so made that instead. Folks - if making Pain de Mie don't forget to grease the lid!😳
  12. I didn't think I'd be back here so soon......😳 I shall never again put bread dough in my 13" Pullman pan without spraying the lid with oil. You bake it with the lid on for 1/2 hour with the lid on and 1/2 hour with the lid off. After the first half hour, it was a b...h to get off.
  13. I count 8 rolls. Having read that this recipe makes 6 large ones, I too wondered about making a few more than that. Are yours the right size for burgs? I plan on trying my hand at them today, and will post about it on the bread topic.
  14. I just ordered The Bread Bible by Rose Levy Berenbaum and it arrives tomorrow. I was surprised that when I used the "look inside" feature, it displayed page after page of this book including full recipes. Therefore, I was even more surprised that the Index was not. However, I know I will like the book so I went ahead and ordered it anyway.
  15. If you are going to add water, ( and you may have already thought of this) I would use a spray bottle.
  16. I agree 100%. Unless I'm really, really sure I want the book, if there is not an index that means I can't really see what I am buying = no sale.
  17. I managed to finish off the rest of a pork loin and a top sirloin steak. Going in is some pork schnitzel and 1 package of chicken thighs. In my defense, I was out of chicken thighs.
  18. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    You almost have me wanting some.
  19. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    I share your dislike of BS but I like pears. I was raised the same way.
  20. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    I love pork with apples and mustard. Can you share the recipe for the sauce?
  21. We had wings. Just wings. They were huge.
  22. I deep fried these jumbo wings using the Control Freak. They were cooked at 375F and went in straight from the fridge. I was amazed at how quickly the oil came back to it's temperature, I'd say within 2 minutes. Also, it was nice to just put them in the oil, set the timer and walk away until my timer went off.
  23. Off to get a clothes hanger..........
  24. @Anna N You guys eat the most interesting food!
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