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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    @rotuts Those spuds look really good. Which setting and what temp do you use?
  2. I shall never again leap off the bed, collar my husband for help, get him to start cooking while I do the other required prep, apologize for "overnapping" as I put the finishing touches on the dish without taking a second look at my watch. I had put it on upside down and it was an hour and a half earlier than I thought it was, 5:15 instead of 6:45. We usually eat around 6:30 so lots of time. Good thing it is a casserole type dish.
  3. I tried searching the forum but couldn't find it. Anyway, I now have rice flour so will attempt to make it. I will post my findings on the bread topic.
  4. @MetsFan5 Thanks for the idea of the puff pastry appetizer. I have a sheet of puff pastry in the freezer so I think I'll try this. Can't see trying to sprinkle the garlic and herbs over it though, probably easier to just mix it with the tomato sauce. I too would prefer mozzarella. Edited to add: I bet puff pastry topped with muffaletta mix wouldn't go amiss either.
  5. Can you elaborate on your experience? I want to try it too and it would be helpful to know what happened with yours.
  6. Maybe @Shelby will chime in and give us a refresher on her experience.
  7. I don't remember ever eating bread with that kind of topping. I looked up recipes for tijgerbrood and they are all similar, much like the ones you linked to, although for the bread part the recipes varied a bit in terms on the type of flour used. I too, need to find me some rice flour.
  8. Welcome to the forum. There are a lot of helpful people here.
  9. I wrotο»Ώe about it here and ο»Ώrhapsodized aο»Ώbout their burgers withο»Ώ tο»Ώhe Dutch Crunch buns. @Smithy what were those buns like? I came across a recipe for them a few weeks ago and thought, 'I'm Dutch, and have never heard of them before". IIRC, there was a water/sugar mixture painted on them which crackled as they were baking. If they were good, I'll try and find the recipe again.
  10. ElsieD


    @rotuts i've never noticed a canny taste. Maybe my tπŸ™„aste buds are shot.
  11. Made pain de mie using the recipe from The Bread Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum. It was great. Has a lot of flavour.
  12. @kayb and @MelissaH Bread turned out really great. The taste is much better than the KAF version, although that one was pretty good too. It did not has that sort of compressed dough look at the bottom of the loaf. Any idea what her 4 cups translate into grams?
  13. I just made that recipe and it is in the oven. 7 minutes after I put it in the top popped off. I left it on in it's current position until it is time to take it off for real. Nice dough to work with. Can you explain to me why I shape the dough into a 16" roll and put it into an 13" pan?
  14. ElsieD


    I like this one:
  15. I usually make the 13" one but I'll try the 9" one next time.and see how that compares. I do use potato flakes rather than potato flour, using the amount KAF recommends. I now know of a place that sells potato flour so next time I'm out I'll get some and see if that makes a difference.
  16. Which pain de mie recipe do you use? I use the one from KAF but it can sometimes come out a bit dense near the bottom of the loaf compared to the top part. I don't understand why this should happen so I'm wondering if there us a better recipe out there. It does make great sandwiches so I'm not complaining, but.........
  17. Yesterday I pulled out a chicken breast that was dated April 19, 2018. I made butter chicken with it. Tonight I took out the last chunk of the Christmas capon and am making a spicy Asian noodle dish using zeroodles. A big thank you to whoever it was who suggested dry frying the noodles. It makes a huge difference.
  18. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    Were the potatoes baked, then fried or did you have both?
  19. I made the Modernist Carrot Soup. I found it way too sweet.
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