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    Ottawa, Ontario

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  1. In the case of the mango and blackberry, i use frozen puree sweetened to taste then mix equal measures of the Vanilla Ice Cream Mix (picture above) and the pureed fruit. I also added about 2 tablespoons of white (light?) corn syrup. That's it - freeze and spin.
  2. I tried blackberry ice cream and mango ice cream. Both were delicious, though I had to re-spin both before it was scoopable. I've also made strawberry using fresh strawberries which I pureed and strained to get rid of the seeds. That one got a gold star.
  3. I used to have a Black and Decker toaster. It made fine toast. Itt was given to me by a friend who had already used it for a number of years. My last toaster prior to the one I have now was a Breville die cast toaster which worked initially but after a while you needed to stand there, watch it, flip the bread at least once to get something resembling even browning. I tired of this and bought a Cuisinart which also requires flipping. I have a CSO which makes lousy toast but is otherwise a great little machine. I've also had 2 BSOPs and neither of them made good toast. The upshot of all this is that cheap little B & D toaster made the best toast.
  4. I am no computer wizard. Not even remotely close. But I'm lucky that John is good with them so I'll have him look at your responses. I have a Samsung, so am running on Android.
  5. @TdeV. How are you printing recipes from Evernote?
  6. And then there's this: https://www.pcgamer.com/software/devastating-loss-digital-lending-library-internet-archive-removes-500000-books-after-being-sued-by-publishers/
  7. Thanks for that link. I had never heard of that site. I signed up and am having a look at Cookies by Dorie
  8. It was very uneven.
  9. You are right. I bought the Vidalia Chop Wizard Pro Max the other day. The first thing I tried was slicing strawberries. They got smooshed. Yesterday I tried it on celery and green onions and I couldn't apply enough pressure to dice/slice either. Today I'm sending it back.
  10. I no longer have the BSOA, I replaced it with the Cuisinart Steam Oven which I much prefer. The air fry and toaster functions on the BSOA sucked.
  11. When I was growing up, the only place for peanut butter was on bread. (Dutch)
  12. I'll have the Smoked Salmon sandwich, please.
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