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    Ottawa, Ontario

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  1. Here is the finished dish. Got a bit carried away with the parsley.
  2. I stumbled across this today, a video by Chris Young, that explain the difference between a Pacojet and a Ninja Creami. I found it very interesting.
  3. From the US Department of Agriculture: They aren't quite the same thing but close enough. "Between 1960 and 2000, the average share of Americans’ disposable personal income (DPI) spent on food fell from 17.0 percent to 9.9 percent. DPI is the amount of money that Americans have left to spend or save after paying taxes. For the past two decades, however, the share of DPI allocated to food has remained around 10 percent." From Statistics Canada: Statistics Canada figures show that, in 1969, food ate up 18.7 per cent of spending in the average household. By 2009, that number had fallen to 10.2 per cent.
  4. Did they use Jamaican curry? I love that stuff.
  5. I'm of an advanced age (78) and remember going into a butcher shop for my weekly supply of meat and asking, and receiving, free soup bones. Now you have to pay for them.
  6. I do the ice cube trays thing with chicken and turkey stock. I reduce it to the point where you can stick a knife in it and it stands straight up. Once frozen, I bag it.
  7. That pic is the lot braising away - finely chopped carrot, onion, leeks, celery, calls for 1 BULB of garlic, (it doesn't like me so only added maybe a teaspoon) and mushrooms and of course, the oxtails.
  8. We bought ours at a butcher shop, one I go to when I want something special. It comes packaged as 1 cut-up entire oxtail to a package and while it has some fat, it is nicely trimmed. We have a grocery here called Farm Boy and the beef they sell is all AAA. I called them to ask about oxtails and they said they'd start getting them near the end of the month and carrying them til the end of the year. I'll be curious to see how much they charge.
  9. Thanks, everyone. That was my inclination as well. I've moved everything out of my dutch oven and into a stockpot as I decided the Dutch oven filled as it was to the top, was too full. @Senior Sea Kayaker Per the recipe after it's 7 hours on the stove it is strained, meat picked off, cooking veg discarded, pearl onions and carrot added and the lot reduced to ragu consistency. As per me, I plan to cool it on the balcony overnight (2 degrees C) and defat it first. Not much to see @rotuts But this is what it looks like right now:
  10. I am making an oxtail ragu, from a recipe I've never made. It called for 6 1/2 pounds of oxtails and at one point it says to cover them with liquid, let it come to a very slow simmer and let it simmer for 7 hours. It does not say whether to cover the pot or not. The tails just fit in my dutch oven and the liquid covers them but just. Should this be covered? The recipe doesn't say one way or another. If I don't cover it, as the liquid evapourates, the top layer of tails will no longer be covered and I don't know what that does to the meat as far as tenderizer it goes. Thanks for any and all advice. I have $90 worth of oxtails in there and don't want to botch it up.
  11. ElsieD

    Ninja Crispi

    $179.99 in Canada, currently out of stock.
  12. John came across this site the other day and which has a wealth of information. https://www.thepurposefulpantry.com/ She is also on Facebook.
  13. Can you elaborate on how you cooked the pork cheeks? I have some in the freezer waiting for me to do something with them.
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