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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. You are a brave soul. I really like the dark blue. Head and shoulders above the old.
  2. The jamaica agua frescas I see are usually plain though I'v seen it with a more spicy anise tilt (star anise is good) often served as a warm tea..
  3. I thin that is just "self protection" by Walmart
  4. Not quibbling but they are in the same taxonomic family as are the smiling sunflowers - asteraceae
  5. Called a friend to wish her happy birthday yesterday and she suggested we attempt farmers market this Sunday. I am giddy with anticipatory excitement.
  6. Like dandelion relative. Peppery and lightly bitter? A "spring tonic" green.
  7. Oh ya! Dad's wife proclaimed yesterday that she had to throw a pan out as it was no good anymore. It is perfectly fine - she just can't cook. I do omelettes in it - no sticking. She has my dad scrub it so hard any seasoning is gone. So she will be buying a new one...
  8. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Nice. I think pear nectar v. apples is almost a classic eG tick.
  9. No - ultra pasteurized, Everyone said pitch it which I did. No smell, no taste. I will hold out for buttermilk or goat to play. No curds with that biologically bankrupt crud. I did spill it on a calcium loving planting.
  10. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Good info. I have never done alkaline noodles myself and will give this a go as my entry point. I can buy them easily but the Pandemic is limiting shopping.
  11. My closest market is a Ralphs (Kroger). I like the spices in the clear plastic packs. The turnover seems high and the quality is more than acceptable. For some reason (space and visibility . wars I suppose), they have one rack on the side of an end cap near the salsas and another in the produce section. Different vendors. They had bulk tamarind pods, piloncillo, and jamaica but those vanished. Granted they had no other bulk bins in the store. I wondered who was buying the spices in a demographic that trends to McCormick when it hit me that the housekeepers were doing the shopping and "had a clue". The pepper packet is just enough for my little pepper mill and is decently priced.
  12. Well after some research turns out I am screwed on curds as it is UHT processed milk = so back to yogurt. Elders shopping tomorrow so I will ask for a small container of plan.
  13. The oranges are ridiculously prolific. Giant bowls adorn the house. However I am at the end of yield from single kumquat. Picked the last just now. From uphill side leaning over a rickety split-rail fence. The thing is starting major bloom so I feared knocking off the future crop. Plenty on downhill side but the slope is steep and unstable so not a good plan for one person to navigate. Marmalade on deck. Oh having your nose buried in the blossoms - what a scent.
  14. They look like individualistic XL donut holes. Interior shot maybe? No treat needy neighbor's doorsteps?
  15. Just received a Ralphs (Kroger) Instacart delivery. No white whole wheat which I like for bread - tried to sub regular whole wheat but that did not "take" on the app. I ended up with a half gallon of organic whole milk which nobody here will use. No charge. I'd try yogurt but no yogurt to use for starter here. Any thoughts before I pour it down the drain? Oh and then the shopper tried to sell me masks out of her trunk. People are very very stressed generally and esp financially.
  16. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Oooh that is painful. I am on your train regarding "gadgets". Stepmother who currently is in-house has one for everything. She insisted on using one for raw carrot salad. Bits so thin a toothless extreme senior could eat it. I rarely "cook" with her.
  17. Vespertine as a building visually annoys me but this article about Chef Kahn's take-out approach appealed to me. The title is "Who knew Vepertine's Jordan Kahn could make such comforting take-out food? (He did)" https://www.latimes.com/food/story/2020-05-19/vespertine-jordan-kahn-culver-city-takeout-creativity-coronavirus
  18. Mackeral has a lot of flavor on it own. I wouldn't fuss with adding anything. You can always sauce later.
  19. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Is that a fry bread?
  20. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    My first husband would get just a tad frustrated so he kept a pile of 3 x 5 index cards on the table and would gently walk me over there to record my "one off" while he did the dishes
  21. Dad and wife hit Trader Joes and Ralphs (Kroger) this morning. Only thing they could not find was garlic. No lines outside either store. Everything wiped between customers and "masks on"
  22. Mine would have been that old but got lost in a move. Got a replacement (same style) in 2011 when Messermeister came to do a knife sharpening demo at local cookware store and gave discounts
  23. If ya wanta go fancier you use meatballs and supply fancy pants frilly toothpicks. Made in crock pot set on buffet table.
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