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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. Oh I respect and appreciate RR but I perceive her as a Berkeley chick at heart like Alice Waters though peppered with her New York upbringing. As always our experience color our perceptions.
  2. As an Angeleno I am partial to the late Jonathan Gold. https://www.latimes.com/local/obituaries/la-fo-jonathan-gold-obit-20180721-story.html I like reading Ruth Reichl's works as she paints the scene so well. Kim Severson interviewed her for Spoon Fed. Her quote regarding giving money to women on the streets: I always give money to women on the street. What if that was my mother and no one would give her a thing? She has often described her mom's mental health struggles.
  3. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    @liuzhou - your chives look chubbier than what I get. My markets tend to have green and yellow - both the flat and the blooms about to open ones. I prefer green overall. You?
  4. Mindful of keeping the hands "non-stick" my 5 day a week (pre-pandemic) bridge playing stepmother reports bck with thumbs up on things like quiche bites. No crumbles/flakes. They don't do "half-time". - any break is reserved for old lady bathroom scurries. @lindag yours sounds like quite the party feast.
  5. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Green spring garlic holds a place in my taste heart. Oh my as the allium in my ripe tomato based salsa. Forget the rest of the meal.
  6. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    It would be unkind and cruel not to share the sorrel sauce method! Love the spinach paneer curry as well My local India Sweets does lovely saag
  7. I've never seen it in the big chains like Food4Less that tilt Hispanic (at least in Los Angeles). Sounds fun.
  8. Yes text and chat. He even took a picture of the possible subs when the app was not prompting sensibly.
  9. Instacart shopper today is having a not so great time. Poor guy. The old people are at Costco. Why!?!
  10. Horrid! Years ago they had one with octopus. Unloaded it at Big Lots or 99cent store. Bizarre texture.
  11. For taste of eGullet history and smoking anxiety you might enjoy
  12. Do no hesitate to check out Miss Kansas and her 2015 blog (signature linked) -She knows vegetables and preserving!
  13. Selling the image on line ? do
  14. As others have noted I just polished off my farmers market overflowing basket by myself and with juice on my chin
  15. Nice! Plus a better framed shot could get you into MOMA - the color! And the one after you looks like the green background of movie shots
  16. Looks like a nice product. I have always had luck with fish and seaweed based. Ya gotta love Canada for the labeling! It was in a major hort trade magazine ')
  17. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    Those chives are such a powerhouse. I called my local IGC (independent garden center) and they are out but sourcing seed, I refer to support them though internet available.
  18. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Oh gosh - my favorite dish from childhood. For some bizarre reason we planted the 'taters near the only oleander - no fatalities. How do you make your cream sauce. Ours was just a blond roux with milk.
  19. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    OK you had me at the "on the vine raisins" - so picked after they wrinkle on their own? Source? Awfully gorgeous tuna as well.
  20. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Is the squash pickled from raw? Overview of method?
  21. In all your spare time get a hold of the little book - :The Secret Garden" by David Bodanis. A whole new perspective on them plants. I got it at a $1 sale at our botanic garden - best steal ever.
  22. They smelled great at farmers market so I just ate the whole overflowing basket all day. Happy.
  23. My first farmers market outing this morning. Not very busy. Customers and vendors all masked and distancing well. No children. The vendors offer to pick your choice and bag it. As a bonus I lost my ride home (emergency water leak at one of her properties). i was waiting for Uber but a kind guy offered me a ride home. Confirming good people appear everywhere. He was sweet, kind and engaging. My haul - I kept up the mantra "slow down - you can return next week. " The teeny brusells - quick toss in olive oil and a blast of heat. Th beet greens steaming later and beets will roast though may grate the smallest for raw salad. The cucumbers are incredibly fragrant - my favorite Japanese cuke guy for many years. The apples from Tehachapi have been my go to since our trees bit the dust. Strawberries are small and flavorful. Cherries were a gift and not my favorite type but tasty.White nectarines he chose for later in week as still quite firm. -
  24. No there is something about that blue that is far from "darkness" and it works with the stainless. I don't see pull hardware so all finger groove? Otherwise stainless pulls would tie things. Far from yours but interesting - Food 52 showed a black cabinet kitchen today https://food52.com/blog/25310-black-kitchen-decor-ideas
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