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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. Oh I think they do their best. The chicken breasts were just amusing. Kinda like "of all the gin joints" - why mine - bring me a free thing I do not like
  2. i remember my niece's shock (she was maybe 4) when 5 of us sat at the beach feet from the water eating lunch and a gull snatched her bag of Fritos away. They are tough birds. I do love their red bill spots to give the kids a clue where to beg food https://www.audubon.org/news/why-do-gulls-have-red-spot-their-bills
  3. Maybe adopt a FIFO approach (first in -first out) Right! - hear your laughter
  4. Yes they were Jeannie's primary roadkill finds
  5. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Reminded me of Kim Severson describing cooking Leah Chase's rendition of gumbo z'herbes. Artistic wall and counter art, "There I was with two huge pots filled with muck" Delicious in the end
  6. Jonathan Livingston (Richard Bach) meets regular greedy gull
  7. I'll share one from dad's wife just now. She forgot to grind their whole coffee beans at Costco so I unearthed 2 small grinders. Father insists on micro-managing grinding.The bickering starts and she accidentally dumps all the ground coffee (many batches) into the half full bag of beans. I left the room so as not to crack up in front of them.
  8. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    Why am I not surprised!
  9. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    Comfort food. I don't recall - do you have a bonito shaving box?
  10. We all have our priorities
  11. I will confess to a fondness for Krab salad. So a big bowl of sweet kale and Krab in the fridge - eating a little bowlful whenever I feel like it - screw set mealtimes. Discovered that the dead built-in microwave makes a great breadbox for my no-knead (which must be craggily cut and crisped in the toaster oven
  12. Last order I asked for tomato paste and got 2 pounds of chicken breast instead. Can't stand- at least did not get charged.
  13. I'd read about the whole grouse hunting culture in romantic novels about the Scottish countryside. but who knew- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/dec/19/scottish-grouse-moor-owners-face-licensing-within-five-years Roadkill harvest of larger critters like deer is a thing right? Free food. My college bestie cruised the roads in her Texas hometown in the early hours to collect dissection specimens. She is now a wonderful ,medical doctor.
  14. It is a tough industry. I grew up when everybody had friends whose father was "at sea" on a tuna boat for extended periods, or whose female relatives worked in a cannery. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-02-07-me-1290-story.html
  15. heidih

    Potato mystery

    No please. Cool, dark, well ventilated spot is my preference. Old woven Easter basket - garage in Winter (California so no frost happening), and pantry in warmer months.
  16. Too many 'taters Warden , Washington on May 1
  17. heidih

    Potato mystery

    It is the way Kenji does it. https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2010/07/classic-potato-salad-recipe.html
  18. I love Jim - my morning treat
  19. heidih

    Potato mystery

    Yes! - not a good plan. Seen it
  20. heidih

    Potato mystery

    I meant how stored after harvest by the growers. Oh do not give up on the potato + toothpick + water. You have to change the water - does get fetid . A lovely vibrant plant can grow. https://homeguides.sfgate.com/make-potato-plant-water-cup-61262.html
  21. heidih

    Potato mystery

    But not a consistent issue right?
  22. heidih

    Potato mystery

    I never pre cook for a stew. I do enjoy Russets. It my be storage differences. I posted about the Idaho bunkers a while ago. II thought they were a joke until the small plane I was in flew over some outside of Boise Oh the backstories https://www.unitedcountrycommercial.com/search/id/court-ordered-auction-of-potato-farm-land-bannock-co-idaho/1013606/
  23. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Ha the only mushroom I can not stand fresh fresh or dried (shitake) but oh yes the soup is my comfort go to. A local Vietnamese market had it on the steam table - decent version. Love the ties.
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