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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih


    hhhmm - I remember that resting thing from the old old boxes of cornmeal - like pre C Hennes birth - who knows. But that was just simplistic cbread and I still do it by habit.
  2. Ironic that I was baking bread early this morning in a sweatshirt on the west coast (Los Angeles) and so cold I've kept it on all day! Yes parchment paper is such a miraculous friend. I would eat those cookies with a cup of coffee with pleasure. Looks do not matter when taste is stellar,
  3. Agreed on electrical. One day when not looking it will pop up somewhere. Did KA even tell you if they made one and if so the model number(s) to make more searchable. Still we wait your kitchen pics Kinda hoping @andiesenji may pop in. She kinda knows everything about this stuff.
  4. First time since shortages started --- NO YEAST. I think I can play with what I have (using longer room temp before fridge snooze) for 2 loaves so not a major drama. Just that my own baked is one of my current culinary joys. Well and also empowering when control is not something we have much of now.
  5. Yes I saw it was kinda blah versus KA. Did you guys email KA and ask or check eBay. Again - sure you already thought of it
  6. Sure you have triple checked. The SMEG mint green is kinda close in look but check reviews and price point. Do you have an all Kitchenaid kitchen in pistachio? Show us https://www.verishop.com/product/p1834464444451?variant_id=15375203205155&campaign_id=6481513614&adset_id=76635141734&ad_id=380918185131&kwid=pla-57313162348&d=c&mt=&kw=&pl=&adtype=&pid=F40008001000330&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20191001_verishop_us_all_18-65_google_acq&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-L2BRA_EiwAacX32RV72tWvW-k12fjtoV-OyiJYpL70-PwY3L2UsQFs-G9bEc7rGqevhBoCfEwQAvD_BwE
  7. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Oh gosh - I have severe bi-valve envy. Maybe I'll at least find local mussels at the farmers market on Sunday.
  8. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    I have too much cabbage taking up fridge real estate and some leftover soyrizo so... thanks for the inspiration
  9. Along the lines of what Charlotte spun in her web about Wilbur: Some loaf!
  10. I still love the chocolate balloons. Perhaps adapted to pride colors. Although the melt might be an odd message OR balloons of all colors merging as one?
  11. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Aahhh pork neck Not in mainstream stores here but always lovely pieces esp in Korean markets.
  12. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Your rib dish looks totally worth the time. I used that method years ago as my standard when cooking for gatherings. The chopped ribs provide a better texture variance and sauce ratio to my taste.
  13. I don't care for bananas in baked goods and prefer durian fresh so >>> running! But I'll admit they do have some taste profile similarities with stinky cheese. Then again I can't wrap my tiny mind around some of the plus cheese stuff I see in Korea.
  14. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Why? Typical Trini and other island green. We tend to sub collards in the US as canned are well canned
  15. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Adorable AND wise.
  16. heidih

    Worst Candy Ever

    Confused! Is that not what those are The kids liked them, Better than stale jelly beans
  17. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    A smiling fish - good luck/ happy finale
  18. Thanks for this. Judy Rodgers legend lives on in our own permutations.
  19. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    At least he did not demonstrate that spiral pineapple cut. I am such a barbarian with ananas.
  20. My property manager friend reports that her dry cleaner/alterations tenants (she has 2 in different parts of the city) are making ends meet by selling interesting well made masks and people leave their clothes by the door so they can "adjust the seams. They pay over the phone via credit card.
  21. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    For nice produce from a farmers market - decent pricing. Umm isn't it getting a little warm for north American cauliflower? Will check out mine tomorrow. The guys did have these unseasonal mini mini br sprouts last week?!
  22. I kinda think the word Mitch used is more Yiddish which is my sorta dialect.
  23. Oh yes. I have a friend - brilliant rocket scientist mind (Rand think tank kinda person) Perhaps her proudest accomplishment is her prolific arugula. Her other plant efforts - well let us just say she "overthinks".
  24. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    Well then Chinatown or HMart or whatever you have is the playing field. ETA: I have melamine aversion but they are out there in spades. Just a click away depending on shipping issues https://www.webstaurantstore.com/thunder-group-3004tr-longevity-12-oz-round-melamine-rice-bowl-case a one of bazillions
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