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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    I like the simplicity and price of these Pottery Barn ones (4/$20) My favorite are from Target (by Furio) long go (both Italian). https://www.potterybarn.com/products/classic-coupe-soup-bowl-set-of-4/?catalogId=84&sku=4538844&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Kitchen %26 Dining > Bowls&cm_ite=4538844&gclid=CjwKCAjwiMj2BRBFEiwAYfTbCm68-rUtRj7cJ6RVA2JRWeERlrZCbnI0yCCQyqyqzI_RjcTEyIu3FRoCuDsQAvD_BwE
  2. Just because I have an evil streak I will take pics if I make it to FM tomorrow. I have to say last week they were good but smaller than usual.The unusual rains we had really messed with the fields. This image is 2019 but we had the same muck this year with the topper of CV19
  3. Wow seems too early. Labor supply issue maybe?
  4. If you have been good about no double dipping and there are no goofy colors going on - I'd taste and enjoy. I'v never had yogurt "go off" But maybe my time frame was short.
  5. heidih

    2020 Farmers Markets

    I asked my favorite farmer how they were doing, Their land is about 45 miles south of me. Labor getting dicey and the oddness of our weather made them toss out their usual succession planting schemes. Adjusting...
  6. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    I freeze it on occasion. Quite a difference in texture at least to me. Sometimes I splurge on the small batch fresh stuff - see link - bout 5 minutes away so not bad for Los Angeles. Again a different "animal". I like to snack on the grocery store stuff lightly pressed (paper towel abuser here) and letting sit for just a bit with squeeze of orange, turmeric dusting, fish sauce and olive oil. (I know it is a mash up). Domino sized and broiled one rack down. Gets a "skin" and creamy center. https://www.kcet.org/shows/the-migrant-kitchen/tofu-so-good-people-eat-it-plain-with-a-spoon-meiji-tofu-in-gardena
  7. So back to plant murder. I was reminded of this great gardener and his poem "Why did my plant die" https://awaytogarden.com/a-favorite-poem-to-mark-passings-in-the-garden/
  8. heidih

    Worst Candy Ever

    Oh and at the German movie place these round tins of hard fruit candy. I could never bear to throw them out so they must be here. Oh that stuck top drawer in the study?
  9. people grill romaine - a use? Everything looks happy
  10. heidih

    Worst Candy Ever

    Ha don't get me started on cherry flavor cough lozenges like Sucrets. They got me through years of long commutes
  11. heidih

    Worst Candy Ever

    The pastel hearts on many occasions have meaning. Rolaids are more tingly in a not quite Alka Seltzer way (no recent personal experience). Necco have an odd chalky taste My ex liked them for some odd nostalgia reason. Child rebelled (always a wise lad) He became a Hi-Chew person after the StarBurst fad left the building Finding new flavors was a fun adventure. https://www.hi-chew.com/story/
  12. Any chopped liver I'm there. I was gonna offer a trade - my mezzaluna for a bowl - guessing answer would be a sharp NO. Just in case...
  13. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Hello Birds Eye freezing empire Madhur Jaffrey in one of her books talks about serving a very thin dal (so bean broth) in pretty teacups as a course to producer Ismail Merchant.( or maybe he served it to her (distant memory)
  14. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    This might seem pretty "duh" but I use it like stock for soups especially with bitter greens. Based on your posts you seem to do more composed recipe based meals. I'd kill for some right now as my soup needs oomph.
  15. heidih

    Worst Candy Ever

    Wow you made me smile. It has been a day full of little moments despite outside crud.
  16. I have yet to murder a plant plant over a long career. Faulty green house software notwithstanding. I still have a heart stopping flashback memory of the "tomato witch" finding out one of her guys was wearing earbuds and did not hear the greenhouse alarm go off. Fried the 'maters. She has great product. Down the road from me but I think @KennethT in NYC has ordered from her. Links to Laurel and to one of my favorite tomato nutters. I did MG years ago but switched to seaweed and fish based. https://www.heirloomtomatoplants.com/ https://awaytogarden.com/tomato-success-from-transplant-to-harvest-with-craig-lehoullier/ ETA: and I love Garden Betty and her fish heads. I used to toss the extra feeder goldfish (feeding mynah babes) into the veg garden. https://www.gardenbetty.com/grow-bigger-and-better-tomatoes-this-summer/
  17. heidih

    Breakfast 2020!

    Wow that looks perfect. I grew up with those flabby toaster (Eggo) things. A former beau gave me a wafflemaker as a wedding gift eons ago - we had no waffle tradition, and I never used it. Must be in my storage boxes. I think enough time has passed Thanks for the inspiration.
  18. Well ya gotta pitch the milk now so can't hurt. Maybe 1/2 cup if full fat. Won't hurt the others either. During drought here I have poured many liquids into the planters. Waste not...
  19. Well tomatoes are notorious for calcium deficiency so???
  20. Some of the beautiful produce World Central Kitchen has been giving out at NYC farmers markets.
  21. Nice! Lawns are now considered a "dirty in a bad way" word.
  22. heidih

    Ginger brews

    I've posted this elsewhere before here. My life - no complaints / Mixed in at the Viet market - Jamaica brew
  23. heidih

    Breakfast 2020!

    When we all descend on NYC on the LES we will expect that tasty looking breakfast. BTW the toast level on the bagel = excellent.
  24. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    Show off! - just kidding. I applaud your ride and lust for your greens. Lucky fmily meal.
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