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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    So the fermented black beans are just floating in the broth? New to me.
  2. This link to "Nothing Fancy" was tucked into a post I made but I think it might be better enjoyed here https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/entertainment/movies/story/2020-05-21/legendary-mexico-cook-diana-kennedy-documentary-nothing-fancy
  3. heidih

    Beef Cheek Mole?

    No just how you come up with the ingredients around you. Beautiful beautiful book. We almost had a Q & A but .Oh and I missed this https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/entertainment/movies/story/2020-05-21/legendary-mexico-cook-diana-kennedy-documentary-nothing-fancy
  4. heidih

    Beef Cheek Mole?

    I asked the wife of a Oaxacan employee for her opinion. She giggled and said the equivalent in Spanish of "y'all over complicate"
  5. Beautiful greens, Spring tonic time young man
  6. heidih

    Beef Cheek Mole?

    Good point. I would scoot the simmer liquid more to birria like @chardgirl cooks did. https://forums.egullet.org/topic/78851-eg-foodblog-chardgirl-21st-century-peasant/?do=findComment&comment=1073521
  7. Exactly! We had a double gas oven. My dad used to make the most incredible beef jerky. Our drams were infused with the beefy spicy aroma, No glove as ours held very low temp steady easily overnight. My ex ordered one of those "as seen on TV" ones. It worked but was small and the clean-up was more trouble than the appliance was worth. Whoever got it at the garage sale probably loves it though.
  8. My neighborhood title given by kids was "Mrs K - the one that cooks flowers". We like then in thin rice flour batter and served with a sweet and hot chili dip. Mind possible bees - they sometimes get caught inside.
  9. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Or the source and milling She shops our Little Ethiopia - I will check. City is bit of a mess right now Just for fun here is Jonathan Gold's early review of Meals by Genet. Historic now. https://www.laweekly.com/chicken-stew-for-the-soul/
  10. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    @BKEats now I have injera on the brain. A friend had a caregiver (Ehiopian) for her mum. Her injera was sublime. I will ask if they are still in contact. I need a hands on lesson.
  11. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    mortar & pestle - sorry thought it a common reference. I get the pretzel family thing
  12. Wow! I hope they are the type of folks who get that thank you is enough
  13. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    i am all in on your "pesto" - m & p or ? Bison can be good- pretzel roll- I not get - is it chewy. I know the term is popularly tossed about but what it is exact;y? Curiosity (I have no cat to kill)
  14. Ha I was wondering where the cut would be. They picked the best spot to preserve the look. Yes his eyes do look a bit half-mast. H will never forget it though!
  15. Did the guys laugh? Maybe you can crank out a chuckle too. Really though that is an astounding amount of food loss. Can any of it be donated?
  16. Two years after his death I found this article interesting and insightful https://www.thedailybeast.com/remembering-anthony-bourdain-before-he-was-famous
  17. Plantain bread as a savory relative of banana bread makes sense. Thanks. Love fried cauliflower but for one person rarely a thing. Oh and buzzing olives for a smoother integrated sauce makes sense. I need to use up my nasturtium "capers" so that is a technique I will employ. This year's seedpod crop is approaching.
  18. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    We must have you and yours up to Santa Maria one day Lots of great wineries nearby as well. https://santamariavalley.com/wine-country/
  19. Octopus looks great. How was the cauliflower prepared? Can you elaborate on plantain bread - I do not know it. Also I think you meant National Guard maybe.
  20. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    I am Donau-Swabian. Clearly Alte Oma who cooked the family meals was holding back!
  21. Everyone else on the planet has probably already seen this but I finally noticed it in an image from a grocery from the South: Stressed spelled backwards = desserts
  22. Those are my colors. The grayish slate backsplash works well. Thank you. If the oven, fridge etc are stainless I'd be tempted to use ss coverplates. Perhaps my oddness from hospital work
  23. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    My immediate thought was Diana Kennedy's pineapple vinegar which she popularized many years ago. http://www.edibleaustin.com/index.php/food-2/techniques/623-handiwork-pineapple-vinegar Beautiful spread. Many of my favorites.
  24. Thanks. I still have hope and an offer from a member. No restos nearby doing that. Isolated community.
  25. That is what I did with walnuts when doing holiday baking and the food processor went AWOL. I used the flat side of the meat mallet and did it outside on the patio concrete.
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