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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. This is now a common discussion. "take off the pajamas and wear real clothes for a reality check". I am not finding eating a thing but am used to working from home. Speaking with others newly working from home I do hear they eat more because the damper of others judging what you eat is lifted. ??? 1st world problems?
  2. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    For those who have never experienced this type of prep would you say it is similar to a pasta dish with great crispy edges/top or ??? We get the towers of matzo in major stores around holidays but people not familiar do not pick it up. They know what it is but are not up on preparation or taste. I see a matzo tutorial in your future
  3. As a teen we had teens from Austria here for a month and they found the Bircher Muesli in the regular store. When I see the "new fad" of overnight oats I am reminded.
  4. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    i tend to use wild fennel as it is a pervasive invasive in Southern California. No bulbs but fragrant greenery. I really like that anise/licorice flavor. I shall forage on the property tomorrow. Old image
  5. I am out of coconut, raisins, craisins, dates and the like. Eyeballing the masses of citrus on my trees and I still have sugar - so - using the peels seems like a fun project.
  6. @A Polderman All lovely. The angular bunny is different - what inspires that design?
  7. heidih

    Breakfast 2020!

    You go "all in" Love them. Reminds me of Halloween kid parties. Oh the bowl of blue jello with swimming gummy fish, the hard boiled egg eyeballs, green pizza crust with something orange as topping. They are late 20's/early 30's now and still remember Parents came later and asked me if the kids were making it up
  8. Thanks. I was thinking more savory but could adapt savory granola ideas. I'd like it for crunch on salads or thick soups, or wherever croutons seem good.. Playing with the one Melissa Clark swooned over years ago from Bklyn Larder. Her take. I would dial down the sweet bits https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1012630-olive-oil-granola-with-dried-apricots-and-pistachios
  9. heidih

    Breakfast 2020!

    What a great memory using the dyed eggs. The kids never questioned the color bleed; the adults seemed squeamish!
  10. I always thought it was historically a wartime food - seems appropriate now,
  11. Cheaper - no lid once pasta added = no boilover.. Sticking - drain and reserve water for add back to sauce. and rinse if holding for longer than immediate service. Starch is like glue or like mom's spray starch on ironing board to stiffen shirts
  12. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Wow all those years of fighting the others for the crisp at bottom of rice pan and I never ever thought of this. Thank you!!!
  13. I do not see or hear bragging or shameless self promotion. I always hear passion, excitement, and a desire to inform eaters with new experiences. I have asked people way more connected and "bigger" than me in other fields why things happened and the percentage of positive wanting to inform has been good. Despite the social isolating issue we are all connected and learn in various ways from one another As my fresh greens supply dwindles I think of you and look to the open spaces and to what I can forage. Often not easy being the inspirational one. As to the idiots (as Mitch told be the other day) "f 'em"
  14. Yup - a pretty glass bowl and you are set
  15. I posted about this before. In terms of food chain I am concerned about our migrant workers who are huge in produce, dairy, and meat. My son's company (national) has given up on some of the delivery services like Insta Cart because you do not know what you are going to get especially substitutions. Some of the kids have strong eating disorders. Staff takes all the precautions and risks the lines at Costco and such - they get priority entry. Here first responder and disaster relief categories get priority.
  16. Dad' wife does not either. I asked once and then decided I am not eating it so....
  17. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Yakisoba - such a quick and easy, adaptable, kid friendly fall back option. And think of the calories you will burn tramping - opens larger food vistas Oh and the Easter Bunny is like Santa who gets all the presents down a chimney!
  18. As has been noted I would not risk anything you are not willing to lose. No way to determine long term effects I ran post 9/11 and recession businesses. Stress levels off the charts. If partners involved make sure nobody's head is in the clouds.
  19. As with any food items the storage conditions matter (cool dark versus heat exposure) As noted - test the taste and smell. A jug sounds like a plastic bottle for commercial use?
  20. Yss. Here usually $1 or less for the pound. I do miss my dwarf lime from couple houses ago . Unfortunately I am sensitive. Only one episode but it scared the laylights out of me https://www.healthline.com/health-news/beware-the-margarita-burn-this-summer#3
  21. You seriously need a hook up to giant cheap bags of Mexican limes Thin skinned, fragrant, and juicy.
  22. I need glass noodles. I love how they absorb flavors. Slurpability a bonus. The pink plastic net bag ones?
  23. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    They are the perfect airline snack w/ a G & T
  24. Gardener worked his tail off yesterday removing a fallen tree impaled in the roof so I threw caution to the winds and tucked the nicely wrapped box of See's chocolates (in freezer from Christmas!) into the cab of hi truck. Was not mine but I found it necessary. Pantry presents
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