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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    I thought it was intentional frico
  2. Yes it is a "loss leader". Just like the even cheaper than usual cabbage heads around that date. They know they can move it and you will buy other stuff.
  3. I am more in the "oh you are so good at X" - you just dug your hole. I tried doling out chores to BIL who said he wanted to help. It was painful to watch. Almost kicked the ladder out from under him I am not a burger girl but those look appealing.
  4. Nutritionally but using Cal water to service buyers abroad. It gets dicey.
  5. Overheard a young guy asking about egg delivery at the market. Employee said there were pre-cooked ones. I waved at him and said "I would not. Maybe if e wait it out we will all appreciate them in future" He returned big smile and said "I am with you". Or...get some chickens. https://www.gardenbetty.com/backyard-chickens/
  6. Yes my go to "fresh pasta" as a young cook was frozen from a small corner Italian deli versus air dried (+egg) that great grandma made. Now I am on the hunt for the Stag embossed noodle tin with tiny perforations to allow a bit of air. Aluminum.
  7. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    @BonVivant Thank you! I saw poppy seeds somewhere in this hellhole. Probably 20 years old but....
  8. Not sure what access you have but fish balls of many varieties are usually plentiful in my Asian markets. They have that dense "chew". They bunc rund un got pit fir a long time and never break up
  9. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    Lots of flavor going on. Appealing. I have an issue with bacon and lobster because I adore the simple sweetness of the beast. Of course it is going to take me a while to get the image of my son standing in a commercial dumpster shoveling fake butter covered lobster carcasses as he manned a lobster festival. As a youngster it was his favorite food. He is still recovering from the dumpster experience!
  10. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Looks good. Like that pasta shape. I like bitter so would eliminate the sugar. Personally I find the cheese dulls brightness but we cook as we like to eat. I feel a need for just a few drops of acid. However - if served to me I'd be in the kitchen "helping" as I scarfed leftovers.
  11. You can simply hand squeeze the tofu and let it drain on paper or cloth towel. And be quick with your folding and cooking. Practice your crimping/folding. It is a meditative quick process (repeating myself from another topic) My mentor https://blog.workman.com/2014/04/chicken-dumplings-with-ginger-dressing/
  12. As with any slack dough practice and speed make a difference. Thinking is your enemy. Watch videos of mamas (grannies) doing it as a ritual rpactice.
  13. NO that would be more confusing, You are good. Let the others deal.
  14. I indulged in locally made very spicy wasabi fried peas today. That box of Sees chocolate in the freezer dad's wife's accountant sent at Christmas is sending out "try me" messages.
  15. The water thing is really interesting. Another food back story we rarely are exposed to. Shall we talk almonds in central California... https://newrepublic.com/article/125450/heres-real-problem-almonds Nothing happens in a vacuum
  16. A useful fix is squeeze and do the ice cube route. Dry some of the peel to use in stews. They are not long lifers so better to deal with sooner than later while still juicy.
  17. You flashed me back to my first ceviche experience In 1985 in Cancun chartered a small fishing boat to go to Isla Mujeres. We treated the crew guys to lunch and the tall gorgeous captain ordered just ceviche. I told him he could order whatever he wanted. It was a super simple clean prep with....saltines as the scooper! They did dive for conch. I have one of the shells somewhere. They tossed them hard into packed sand to dislodge the muscle. I wish the story continued with a beach fire and cooking - no stupid us sent them home with the goods (and the tuna).
  18. I think that is what attracts people to the Peruvian twist with cooked yam and ginormous crunchy corn. -more textural and flavor variety.
  19. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Thanks for reminding me to up my poppyseed game. Solo poppyseed cake is nice but so much more to be played with. Really nice ones at Indian market.
  20. All I remember bout "food" SF in 1980 is Buena Vista. I have been admiring your tuna salads. Inspiring. The Japanese brown rice in the cooker was also a revelation to me. You hear "nutty and complex" and think blogger double speak. It can be really nice.
  21. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Looks in my ballpark. Yes those sometimes not that well flavored tomatoes concentrate and transform so readily. I got spoiled by my Fresno farmers who come down for several markets. Mama won't let the girls pick the cherry tomatoes - says they are not gentle enough - the flavor! And calamari is underappreciated. My fishmonger sees me and hurries to the freezer to get my squid.
  22. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    I can almost smell it. Great combination.
  23. Yes! On a hot hot day hibiscus (jamaica) rocks! I love it with some spice in the brewing (star anise is my fave) and no sugar. You?
  24. I meant to say earlier - what I do (using ancient little toaster oven) is cut my slices and let them sit so they dry out a bit. I like well toasted also. A small thing but worth a try.
  25. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    @Duvel Food as always appealing. The plates are great!
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