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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. then smother the whole thing with Hollandaise ..even the salmon ...add a glass of pinot grigio and it sounds perfect to me (whoops you said tea)
  2. apricot and walnut hands down ..I dont think it was on your list and looks like you figured things out! good luck
  3. I have silly logic ..in big markets that have tons folks I tend to avoid bulk items ..open bread ..and worry more about snotty fingers on my food in tiny shops I dont worry ..I am sure there is the same issue but on an obviously smaller level in my strange mind ..I use tongs...then wash my hands before I eat or put anything near my face (always that just makes sense during cold and flu season especially!) ..or an inside out bag or the wax paper... I never touch public door knobs with my hands however (unless I have to) I am neurotic about that and will always either let someone open the door for me or use my elbows ..a paper towel or something ....
  4. well where I live asparagus and salmon are a natural paring because they come into season at the same time ... I think it sounds wonderful I dont know about the carrots but if you like them go for it ..I do a rice dish a lot with salmon it just goes to me
  5. Halal markets are very close with local growers you can go through them as well (if this has been mentioned I am sorry)
  6. green chile cheese steak sandwiches Dos Equis (PLURAL)..a shot of Corazón's Reposado ...vanilla ice cream with dulce de leche the plan is growing as I am sitting here (maybe even a huge sleeping bag and take it to the beach ..the ice cream will not thaw that is for sure )
  7. I forgot one item I can not imagine buying anywhere else beer glasses...it is because I purchased two boxes of sturdy pint glasses... for a great deal and have never had one break! (I just jinxed myself didn't I?) about 5 years ago
  8. no it is true there is more milk in a latte but the steamed milk is put in the cup first then the shot is put on top ..and with a cappucino (yes less milk) milk is added after the shot is put in the cup ..my son was a Barrista for a while and this is how he explained it to me ..but who knows ...I drink brewed or pressed coffee so I don't claim to be an expert...I just know either way they should be hot!
  9. I just posted about coffee frustration in the "food purist" thread a latte (I believe) is an upside down cappucino and should be made with steamed milk ..steamed very hot ...poured in a cup then a shot of espresso on top...Starbucks is awful you are not miss out on anything ... if the are making a luke warm latte I can understand your frustration ... nothing like a good hot cup of coffee!!!
  10. I am a purist with coffee ..no flavored syrups ...no "double skinny butterscotch lattes" no flavors no way no how!!! at Christmas when I see "Gingersnap latte's" I want to gag...a "creamcicle latte????? What is the point of taking a decent bean and adding so much crap to it? I remember when Starbucks started they made a huge deal about how they would never add anything to their coffee ..now ..well ...honestly I never liked their coffee it always tasted like burned beans to me I always thought a cappucino was a nice espresso with a cap of steamed milk and a latte an upside down cappucino? with the steamed milk first then the shot...but I drink brewed or pressed coffee so I am not sure about that ... there is no excuse for a coffee shop to make lousy coffee and then try to make it better with a shot of some kind of syrup ...but they do and that is a shame! ETA no lid or straw either...I prefer a regular cup but paper is not bad if it is open.. when you suck it through tiny hole you get no aroma! and a huge part of drinking coffee is that wonderful waft!
  11. YES! Curry is not meant to be a stir fry of veggies + protein with a curry sauce. *shudder* just wrong. ← I totally agree with this!!! both wrong and distracting
  12. try your local 4H'rs not only do they know who is good but they raise there own well loved animals
  13. you are right Synergy I am going to bow out of this now I keep saying the same thing over and over just using differing words
  14. Good grief Jackel and they talk about "ugly Americans"!!! well I am curious and may have missed this but if the tip is already applied to your check do you ask to have it removed? I can not imagine telling a whole country thier system is wrong just because you dont like it! but it is a free country and if you dont care that you hurt an individuals wage or feelings then so beit ... just remember that you are not in your country and that it is our culture..as I said before you are hurting individuals not a system with your actions..we are not going to change because you do not like it! ...and no I dont feel our system is wrong ..personally I love the fact we have the ability to make tips for hard work ...not a flawed system ..but a distorted view from a person who has a bias..flawed argument.. and resentment for something they really are not wanting to do in the first place ...
  15. I am sure you think you understand this system but obviously you don't ...yes in every field there is exploitation and abuse ..but I can honestly say I think you underestimate servers ability to fend for themselves in the industry! I was in a Union for most of my career and we were given healthcare, vacation and sick leave...I considered myself a private contractor for the most part and worked hard for those tips..they paid my bills and helped me achieve my goals ..and honestly if I did not want so badly to become a nurse then I would not have felt any less pride in remaining a server..feeding people is a labor of love!!! ..I never felt used or abused..if I had I would have quit my job and moved on ..there are a lot of positions for people out there....I do not feel our system is currupt (well any system is to some extent but) and have to say ..when you come here and boycott it because you misunderstand and do not like it ..well you are hurting and individuals daily wage...not changing what you percieve to be a "currupt" system... I appreciate your opinion Jackel but we do have this as part of our culture in the US and it is like anything else when you travel you should respect that..I would respect your culture and not tip if you like.(although I do tip when I travel and it has never been handed back to me as an insult) ..we have the right to work and earn money ...if someone can hustle and make more money by working harder and being better at their jobs I think it is a good thing! we tip in the US and I am glad we do! and yes I tip the cleaning staff of hotels ...delivery folks...anyone who earns it ..gets one from me...
  16. I understand for sure MizDucky! I am fine with a bunch of folks in the same momentum I am in the kitchen ...I have some dear friends..my mother and my youngest son ..who are all completely in the same rhythm with each other and no matter how crushed we are in each others kitchens we do not feel in each other's way ..we "dance" well together... then there are the folks that wander aimlessly asking to help but not really knowing what to do ..or like you said stainding right behind you (THAT DRIVES ME NUTS!!!!) ..sometimes I will turn in a moment with a heavy pot and I am afraid I will knock them over! My resolve is to just hand them a knife and something to cut up and show them to a table or a corner of the counter where they are far from me as I am moving ...so I dont hurt them with my clumbsiness or HURT them with a tantrum! I am building a new kitchen downstairs ...when I pay off a million bills and can settle on how to do it ....we dont hire contractors and do all our own work so there is a lot to think about in the planning...(off topic but obviously on my mind! ) the kitchen I use now is very small but functional ..and is behind a big wall ...people do wander in to see me and taste things ...and get under my bare feet!!! I am so lucky to have 1000 square feet of potential space... I just want to build a great big open kitchen..with some kind of barrier were people can be close to me ..help if they want to ..but not in the line of fire ...literally now I just need money, energy and a plan
  17. Rob that looks beyond fun!!! You are so amazing! I make a wonderful avocado cheesecake ..just the standard I guess you could call it NY cheesecake with the addition of a bit of lime and lime rind then at least two nice perfectly ripe not over ripe Hass avocados...I got the idea from an avocado bubble tea I had one time..I kept thinking .."this would be a great cheesecake" when I sipped it and sure enough it is ....the crust is made from sweetened crispy corn tortillas ground up and done like you do with graham crackers... this always catches folks off guard..I took it for a pot luck at work and everyone was suspicious... but nurses eat EVERYTHING!!! It was gone in moment and now is requested over and over... ..it is a brilliant green (perfect for St Patty's day) the flavor is smooth, sweet, creamy and avocado with a hint of lime to pull it all together...
  18. I have never even considered rare turkey or chicken ? I do not care for turkey because it is frankly strange tasting to me but I wonder if like duck I would like it better rare? (when I discovered rare duck my eyes rolled back in my head it was so good!) dont mean to be off topic but I never considered the possiblity.. rare poultry? can someone lead me to this topic if there is one? ..this place amazes me with all the things I learn
  19. I agree tuna ceviche is wonderful the firm flavorful tuna holds up very well to the citrus flavor there are many recipes Asian inspired and not so Asian inspired for Hawaiin Poke as well you might want to do a search for that and see if you like any of those .. I love the Korean style Kimchee Poke that is really just kimchee juice and tuna with some sesame oil there is a black bean poke you can even make a home made Italian style salad dressing and marinate the tuna in that if you like or orange juice and coconut milk with some salt pepper and garlic hope this helps
  20. I am not angry that would be a waste ..but my feelings where hurt when I read that... after all the years even ...I worked so hard to think there are people who feel this way about tipping is kind of sad...it is such a part of our culture ...I really believe my skills as an RN now are directly related to the fast multi tasking and customer appreciation I learned as a food server ..I joke with my patients now when they say I am good at my job and tell them I went from being a waitress to being a waitress with syringes..I take great pride in what made me the person I am today....in healthcare especially...because being a server taught me to bust my hump and make people happy ... tipping is part of our culture and if you dont like it then by no means should you eat in a restaurant where it is expected that is for sure ..or you do hurt peoples feelings ..not everyone basis self esteem on job proformance but I did and still do ...especially however when I was younger ...if that is not an issue with you then so be it...but for me it is that is for sure...
  21. I would have trouble getting through a book that did not talk about food or sex in some form or another ..along with whatever the adventure or story was told...(not in that order but is was alphabetical so that is how it sounded best) great topic for a thread... I am most happy that authors love to eat ..and romance (again alphabetical not my order of preference) or I would pretty much be illiterate
  22. inside squid? then you have a whole food! I save my ink from freshly cleaned squid and just freeze it ...pretty much FREE
  23. WOW. ← I know huh? that actually hurt my feelings and I have not been a server in many many many years!!! I just remember how hard I worked at my job and how much pride I took in it and this makes it sound like drudge work that he could care less about ...bring me my food shut up, go away and do not expect any recognition for a job well done ..ok then I will!
  24. the one thing I buy at these places are great big pasta bowls and soup bowls..with plates to go under them....standard white and thick nothing fancy and I dont even care about the brand I just grab what feels right and looks simple .....it is the only place I can find them to suit me and they do not chip or break like stuff I buy elsewhere oh yes and soup spoons! nice deep feel good in your hand fit into my big mouth soup spoons ...
  25. "Apparently, guacamole would get us into trouble, since as far as I am concerned, a mashed-up avocado with a little lime is not guacamole: it's just an avocado. Tasty to be sure, but if I ordered guac and got that, I would be... perturbed. " "Just an avocado" ..sigh that is such a sad phrase ......ok I give up on this ....but in my heart of hearts you are making dip when you add all that stuff
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