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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. O'Asian has free and easy parking in the garage underneath. My friends and I have enjoyed our dim sum visits here, though not quite to the Yank Sing level! ← where is O'Asian please?
  2. "This is against all rules of human conduct. Someone's mom needs to make them for you." Linda is speaking the truth here never doubt it!
  3. PS side note I for sure blame drug companies for hyping a lot of crap to push product ..just like any industry.....folks (even healthcare providers) hear hype ithen they relate it to themselves or their patients and want that product..but I would never ever not take someone telling me they had an allergy in less than a serious way ...unless proven otherwise that is for sure ...I am way to obsessed with my job to do that ... sometimes however I do roll my eyes when folks blame an eggplant for autism ok??? (sarcastic no one has ever done that but you get my point!)
  4. I am a credentialed allergy nurse ...I want to say people who get hives from foods can also end up with hives in their throat it can swell up and they can die from them ..hives are considered an allergic reaction .. and can life threatening one.... people who get hives from foods should avoid those foods period. our clinic recently has defined two catagories for asking about allergies ..we actually ask "what happens when you take or eat blah blah blah" then we catagorize it accordingly as either an intolorance or an allergy ..both are significant and both are important to the patient as well as us when we are considering therapy... people do get nuts (pun intended) over food period and love to blame it for everything ..I blame sugar for making me gain weight! I also get headaches when I stop it ..I think I have a low capacity for tolorating sugar but am not by any means allergic to it ..more addicted!!! sorry if this a bit discombobulate but I am at work and taking care of an "allergic" patient as we speak ...ironic?
  5. thank you for sharing that Lucylou I am looking forward to hearing more I had never purchased an actual "low carb" cookbook until a few months ago when I bought Karen Barnaby's book click here it is a very nice book with a lovely variety of low card dishes you can make for a mixed group of eaters ....she herself has lost a lot of weight with low carb eating .....my only disapointment with it is ..I already make most of the recipes in there .....but lots of good ideas.....I would for sure and will buy this as a gift for a new low carb eater who loves good food ...and even for a non low carber who loves to cook and wants to do more with out sugar and starchy stuff ... the hormonal moon passed and I feel much calmer about food ...but now my detox headache has started again ...if sugar is ok then and not like crack why on earth do I get such a viscious headache every time I give it up??? it is worse I have to say than the one time I tried to give up caffeine!!! oh well lots of water today ....scrambled eggs and Tillamook cheese with a tomato for breakfast and salad for lunch with all the trimmings... dinner ..more leftover curry ....curry is my low carb salvation!!!!
  6. pound cake baked in mini bread pans?
  7. I am absolutely sure folks have nut allergies...especially kids!!!...I have cared for folks with full blown anaphylaxis from eating nuts or being in accidental contact with nuts who were afraid to use their epi pens it is not psychosomatic! it is real ....I have considered dairy an "overhyped" allergy and many foods are blamed for causing many that may be crap ... but a defined food allergy especially a nut allergy ..well you should at least be glad I believe it is not psychosomatic when I am keeping an airway open during one of these most life threatening reactions... life or death it is not overhyped to keep nuts away from a nut allergic kid!!! trust me I have been there and know ...very very scary! I worked with an allergy doctor who insisted on doing "food challanges" on little kids ..I would star the IV stand by with epi and benadryl and he would give them the offending food .. in that case my endorphins were pumping and none of the kids reacted thank goodness ..it was a very nerve wracking moment ... many people say when they can not tolorate food they are allergic to it ..that is entirely different ...
  8. I love Sazon the little packets of flavor ..they do wonders for many dishes and they are mostly msg with a tiny bit of spice added .... I also use regular msg to me the best use of this is to add it at the end of seasoning and just to pull the flavors together and enhance goodness I love it..use it ...and find it a nice finish to curries, Asian food, Hispanic food ..and even regular pot roast soups whatever ... small doses go a long way however so I am careful about adding it! side note ....I had kept a container of MSG on the counter for years same container style I kept sugar in ... and one time in a thoughtless moment used a cup of it to sweeten a batch of lemonade ...that is NOT an appropriate use of this substance trust me on this
  9. use cream cheese and butter then flavor it after (as mentioned above) it is all fluffed up for sweetener you have to mix at least three sweeteners I think I am not sure where you live but if by chance you live in Canada mix in cyclamates ...if not you could try sweet n low I guess I have not ..but while they are ll not great on their own the mixture of them seems to counteract the bitter chemical flavor... second use far less sweetener than you think you will need ...then taste you will know the moment it is right ..you can correct too little but it is a pain in the ass to try to correct too much my mixture for nice sugar free chemically concocted sweetness is 1 part Splenda 1 part cyclamates and a tiny bit of stevia (like no more than 1/2 tsp) this gives you a more rounded sweetness I think ...you can also use sugar alcohols but serving a crowd I would not take that chance unless there were plenty of bathrooms that is for sure I am sorry I know you asked about isomalt ..I have no clue about that
  10. I have made small thin 3 inch circle waffles like for breakfast regular waffle recipe..cooked them in the waffle iron ..let them cool ...and dipped them in dark chocolate I am not a pro at all just did it for fun with my kids I did not use any upscale chocolate I am afraid ..just the over the counter stuff they were guite good
  11. I love to eat and just want to do it like a "NORMAL" person!!!! I now really just need to knock off this bit before it becomes more and more and more debilitating !!!.. we have been in a state of grief since November 11 and while I will probably grieve for the rest of my life over my horrific loss....I have to not let this affect my health so much ...seriously I have deteriorated more than I could have imagined in these short months... and it does not make sense...it can not change things... so on the wagon again and really there are so many wonderful things I can eat ..why on earth do I think they must be 183% sugar? yes it is a drug for me and in small amts when my life is stable I did fine but if anything is out of kilter and I try it just snowballs no more excuses ..bring on the low carb recipes please!!!!
  12. I have to sadly admit I was in hormonal Hell last week and caved ...so much sugar I am disapointed in myself that is for sure .... absolutely the worst thing to do ..talk about begetting!!!! anyway Monday is the classic day to say "begin again" so I am no sugar or white food this weight has to come off I feel like crap! there is lots of curried lamb in the fridg and will take that and a salad for lunch today ...dinner I dont know perhaps eggs ..... I need to force myself to sit and make a grocery shopping plan I am in such a state of disorder in life I feel like I just can not get a grip!
  13. our heirloom foods marinara sauce (Providence RI style) curry anything ...I was taught how to do Caribbean curry at about 5years old and have been making it as "comfort food" since then ... clam cakes and chowder (clam fritters dipped in home made chowder) apple pie Fall River Chow Mein oatmeal nobake cookies I will stop because my list is much longer .. my entire life had been centered around food!
  14. the recipe above is perfect the only thing I would do that is differant would be to add 1/2 can tomato paste 1 chipotle pepper I would also use small white beans
  15. for breakfast 2 dungeness crabs a glass of orange juice and a piece of chocolate cake tortillas toasted with Tillamook sharp cheddar ...and no more I have to go to bed knowing tomorrow will be better and I can leave this confessional for another 3 weeks!
  16. funny this thread pops up when I am in full fury here ... yesterday I made lamb curry curry ate lamb curry and then plowed my way through a home made pineapple upside down cake my friend brought over for dinner I am fat and grumpy and was invited out to breakfast this morning ...at least it is with folks I am comfortable with and they let me eat off their plates! I feel like I am being pulled through a knot hole the wrong way this cycle
  17. mine is anything new we have not tried before a vegetable, cheese, cracker I dont care I find one thing on trips to the store have have not ever tried and then go home and try it ..
  18. hummingbirdkiss

    Vile Recipes

    this was the exact recipe I was given one day as a "YOU MUST TRY THIS IT IS SO GOOD!!!!" My nomination for the most unpleasant sounding recipe I have ever been given ... was asked repeatedly if I had tried and how I liked it ..no I can not say I did try it ...so it could be good I guess if you like any of these components? personally the sound of it makes me want to kack! Tator Tot Casserole!!!
  19. the only time I really use gloves in the kitchen is when I am hand tossing something in marinade or cleaning up with a strong bleach water more because I prefer my hands not smell all day than any other reason I dont cut things with gloves on because I have cut part of the glove off and not realized it ..not what I wanted to find on my plate later
  20. I put apple smoked bacon on a maple bar ..ok I did it three times for three meals yesterday and totally blew my otherwise stellar diet this week .. I am having folks over for an early dinner today....and it will be a nice curried lamb with vegetables ..there will be cake involved however .... I know..if I did not have to face people today ...I would not get dressed ..wrap myself up in my blanket in front of the fire ..read and for sure it would be another round of maple bars....along with Coke's one right after another ..argh... I am in bad shape this moon
  21. I can not get beyond the "head" in the freezer either..it would scare the Hell out of me to see people taking plates of me away and eating them!!! YIKES ..too many 60's horror flicks growing up for me to find any beauty in that!
  22. a HUGE bowl of perfectly cooked (sauce thick and brown..almost caramel color...and the beans still intact) this years crop (insert current year) pinto beans ...with nothing in them but salt or toast
  23. ok I feel like a dork but is Kowloon the place in the Pacific Rim plaza? ..that place is closed????
  24. cave man this is probably WAY too casual but they have good food......and if you have not tried it and go past it grab some to take home!!
  25. I agree that is about it in Kent as far as I can think in the way of "casual business"
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