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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. if you are asking me ..it was word of mouth here ..but in other States I have lived in I attended the local fairs ..or just called the 4 H directly they have a web page I am sure of it ... the fairs are a fun start because that is the time the kids are strutting their stuff! and you can see what kind of animals are popular in your area I just ask .."can you tell me how I can purchase goat meat?" or whatever you want .. hope this helps ..
  2. sugar snap peas garlic strawberries parsley chives
  3. Not nearly as funny as DG's Dick Sticks! but this was at the Ukrainian market yesterday Alex's Meat my husband just kept saying "poor Alex" I don't feel bad for him ...knockwurst aside ..Alex does have a more than adequate mortadella! (maybe I need to go back to bed and sleep more)
  4. I do that..am I wrong? I thought that was what posting a menu was all about .. judging cuisine before you order!! besides it is much better dis it before you go to your self (ok and the whole Egullet board) than at the table pointing and laughing ..or even trashing it to the servers as I have seen people do!
  5. maybe poke a tiny pinholes eggs first? you can take a sharp needle and drill tiny holes that are big enough for flavor to get iinto it but not big enough for the eggo to spill out ? I love bacon and eggs so this is a fun idea I think
  6. I dont think I would rush to a place that "hinted" at cream
  7. thanks Tea Garden it is ..good thing I did not tell them to go to Kowloon that would have been embarassing!
  8. hummingbirdkiss

    BYO tea

    NO it is not the same BYOB places can not serve so they offer to do the corkage thing ..that is entirely different than taking tea into an Asian restaurant!!! They have tea and serve it watery or not it is what they have ..part of the deal when you put yourself in someone elses hands for dinner!
  9. hummingbirdkiss

    Thai Basil

    mash an entire bunch up with some smashed garlic add olive oil (about a cup) or a any kind of oil you would like ...salt ..some minced Thai bird chiles up ...squirt of lemon toss into cooked hot spaghetti
  10. hummingbirdkiss

    BYO tea

    yup rude ..sorry I know folks on diets who bring thier own half of a meal to a restaurant in a purse or briefcase ..I know you are just talking tea here but still ..I say (and do if they are with me) ..STOP THAT!!!! POOR MANNERS!!! stay home..order what you want to eat/drink and just eat/drink it and enjoy what you do like about the meal ..... or go some place else!!! It is embarassing to me when companions do that ...and I would be just so insulted as a restaurant owner over stuff like this but that is just me and my humble opinion
  11. I found this recipe hot tofu stew look beef and cannded clams ...tofu...it is all good!!!..we just need a lime in there and we have an iron bomb in a bowl!!! I think I am going to try this recipe next week ...today I am going to make this I was thinking it through and trying to combine two soups I like ...so this is how it will go! 1/2 oz dried seaweed 1 quart beef stock simmer them together until the seaweed is cooked while that is going on I will preheat my crock style soup bowls to sizzling and untouchable state pull them out of the oven with mits put them on the heat resistant plates (all obvious to some but kitchen safety is not my best skill )I have then put a hand full of clams in each bowl ..pour the broth over and serve with a garnish soft tofu cut up toasted sesame oil sizzled with some green onions, garlic and toasted sesame seeds! I will let you know
  12. That sounds like a fantastic idea, but I just don't have time to dedicate to it right now. I want to eat wonderful things, but sourcing them takes time... hopefully someday I will actually finish my degree and can actually have weekends off! ← fair enough Fed Ex it is for sure!!! and I would do the same thing because I love to eat great food!!!... it is a lot of work doing this stuff to begin with but once you get sources it is easy! so shelve it but when you are ready I highly encourage this ...it is very rewarding!!!
  13. How about 4H? my boss's daughters raise the best high end beef you can imagine!!! ...there is not more "local" meat that is for sure ..they raise it with love and care ..feed them ...brush them ...talk to them...cuddle them...walk them ...show them and sell them for food...the money goes to college ..they are learning and growing up to be healthy adults with a deep understanding of how food gets to the table...and I get the best beef you can imagine for a very low price per pound! ...win win win win win as I see it! name an animal and some 4H'er is out there raising it ..chickens, rabbits, turkeys, geese, ostrich, pigs, goats, sheep, cows ..depending on your area and the size of a kids yard when they are raised they sell them ..usually whole ..but what I do is get some friends to share with me since there are only two of us I don't need a COW! If you dont have someone to share with you can ask if they know anyone who only wants part of it ..they usually do . the animal goes right from walking around loved and fed well ...to a local butcher who for a reasonable fee cuts and wraps it up to your exact specifications! Nose to Tail! one more thing that makes these guys great is you can get pretentious breeds for low prices it is hit and miss each area has its own popular thing to raise and like anything else it goes in waves ...sometimes I find all the rabbit I want ..sometimes none! but Fed Ex does sound easier now that I think about how much work this can be!
  14. I really think the bacon grease/bits will clog the pores of the eggshell and seal the shell so not much flavor would get it ..but that is just me thinking again ..I would try it if I had enough grease ..maybe really scrub the shells first to open the pores up more?
  15. ditto on this exactly I feel the same way about the cheese section I find most of it lousy and never buy it unless I need the big thing of chevre for a recipe I love their cream yogurt and butter.. .. the selection of dried fruits and nuts ...fantastic that is about it from there I love the store but I only buy a few things consistantly ..nothing premade that is for sure as above as I have had way too many disapointments ...
  16. This sounds good! Can anyone direct me to a recipe? Hummingbirdkiss, I didn't realize you had the iron deficiency right now--I thought you meant in the past. Well at least we have each other for company! I knew I was anemic for a long time before the test and had been eating a lot of spinach, clams, oysters, etc. I don't normally eat beef but I was also eating a lot of pho. My doctor said I should continue to take iron supplements until I hit menopause (i.e., stop menstruating), so I guess I will also be trying to eat a high-iron diet for the next 10-15 years. ←
  17. That looks so nice and I totally would be tempted ..but honestly I almost choked at the prices...you are not able to find Nose-tail at a butcher near you? I have never had a problem but I live in an area with a huge supply of all kinds of things..butchers will usually give me the "lesser" cuts for free with my orders..other options are I order directly from a grower ..I just bought a half a happily raised lamb ..butchered and wrapped to my exact specifications ...with all the parts.. for less than $100 (including a tip ..not sure if you should tip a butcher but you should see how full my freezer is!) from a local grower ..I just call around ask around ... I am so sorry you have to pay such high prices to get these type of meats ...bummer! but again that place looks fantastic in its quality ...
  18. YES YES YES!!! I love this dish and if you combine it with kim chee (loaded with Vit C) or a side dish of seaweed ...you have sweet synergy going on ...you can ask here at the Korean restaurants for them to use extra clams I have done that I love this thread I was just told about my blood count last week and still I am in shock ....am trying hard to do a mix of foods with the supplements ...and diet off the recent fat gain at the same time so thank you for starting this!
  19. if the turnips are not strong I dont mind them mashed with cauliflower and carrots all over cooked to oblivion and then lots of salt, pepper and chives ..butter for sure!!
  20. ok I wil try that clam fritters and chowder or as we called them in RI clamcakes and chowdah you can make both and have all the clams you want in them! but no creamy chowder because as mentioned above dairy products inhibit absorbtion...make a tomato based chowder
  21. Do you know why your counts are so low? I hope your doctor is taking a look. ← thanks for your concern ...it is Motrin abuse Thank you Roxie I am going to get some and try it (agave nectar) I feel like I am working with a chemistry set when I bake low carb ..but sometimes I just have to have chocolate ...or I will toss myself on a sword!
  22. hey you have to understand that people do do things like eat lbs of one food thinking it will cure them ..so I am sorry I jumped to that conclusion ..I was ready to flip out about heavy metals in the over consumption of bivalves but I will shut up now! eat an orange with your pill!
  23. Thanks I love Jade Garden but it is hard to park there that is for sure and these folks need "easy" I will check out Tea Garden I have not been there it has been a while for me as well ..
  24. I wonder if I asked the Florida thread if they would know what those little things are called besides "cochina" they are just little tiny dots of clams that are no bigger than a lentil and very tasty
  25. Oh honey I feel your pain I was told the same thing my doctor told me I was "grossly anemic" and to start taking iron eat food rich in iron or he was transfusing me ( he was teasing but very concerned my blood count was pathetic!) seaweed and seaweed soup are just loaded with iron! even more so than clams I think and it is so good for you ..you can buy all types of seaweed and make your own or the Asian markets carry instant seaweed soup ..you can sip it all day if you like... just make sure you combine your iron with foods high vit C to promote absorbtion ... as far as getting your best iron packed meal make soups (at least I tell my patiients that and now I have to follow my own advice ) and combine veggies high in Vit C with your iron rich foods ...synergy is where it is at when trying to restore and buld your blood back up....and as far as I am concerned load the chowder with clams!!! make a red chowder or even turn it into a stew...so you get the Vit C from the veggies and then the iron from the clams ... remember it takes three months to build your blood back up so you need to have a variety of things in your diet not just clams...
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