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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. the inulin in the Dreamfields pasta really upset my stomach
  2. cyclamates are not avialable in the US... I buy it in Canada we used to have it here but there was a fake cancer scare from what I understand and they were banned ...bummer because it works so well with Splenda when you want to make anything chocolate... Stevia is really hard for me to take by itself and if you even go a crumb over a pinch the taste turns my mouth inside out ..but just a pinch mixed with Splenda and cyclamate and you have what I think is a great mix ..everything offsets each others flaws nicely sweet synergy! I am not a fan of using culinary chemicals ...but this mix has saved my ass when I really knew if I did not have desert I would plummet
  3. this is good it is not exact but I thought out the recipe I usually toss together and this is what I came up with it is kind of a German Meat salad keeps well for about three days and good in a sandwich or crackers or just on top of lettuce 1 lb (may be doubled) of minced ham 1 minced sweet onion 3 sour pickles minced a small handful of dried currents or raisins if they ar big chop them up 1/3 cup mayo mixed with 1/3 cup of sour cream and a big tbls of good German mustard dash or two of vinegar salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste mix it up well
  4. I could never really or completely replace anything I have that I have either inherited seasoned or seasoned myself be it a cutting board, skillet...pan or knife ..whatever ...if I have had it ...loved it and seasoned it ..it then becomes a living ..story filled and one of a kind item ..I think anyway ...these are the things I love to see when I visit someones kitchen..the seasoned stuff! ...even folks that are not big into cooking will usually have one piece of something well seasoned ..maybe a waffle iron ... they may not be a one of a kind item but they become one of a kind ...hope this counts in this thread?
  5. RE sweet I am not using sweeteners right now but when I do I mix equal parts Splenda with Cyclamates and a very tiny bit of Stevia I learned about synergy from Scot123 ages ago ...it is amazing what the right combo can do ...I tried them but never did like the feel in my month of the SA's and was terrified of self induced GI distress!... this mix works very well. ..even with chocolate
  6. I am completely sugar free and on day 4 no headache that was horrible!
  7. there was this tiny clam we used to pick up on the beach on the west coast of Florida they were called "Cocina's" pronounced coke keen as anyway they were itty bitty the size of lentils when cooked .the shells were all differient colors and as the waves went out you could just pick them up...I think they sound like what you ate ..or similar ..I did a search and could not find anything but regular clams ..maybe someone knows another name for these? anyway we would boil them and the tiny things would float free from shells with very little stirring ...they were very nice tasting ..so was the broth ...I think to mass produce them you just need to boil them hard to separate them from the shell and strain them off ..but that is just my uneducated guess... I wish I knew what the real name for them was
  8. Well after almost 8 weeks of eating nothing but sugar and caffeine ..no cooked food unless someone brought it to me .(I have cooked maybe 3 meals in all this time and they were not even close to healthy) ...even drinking regular Coke and eating donuts for breakfast something I would never ever do "normally" ....I am done and need to clean up my act...(recent horrific event put us into a deep hole we are gradually coming out of) both my husband (who is naturally fit) and I have gained a lot of weight in this short time ...blood pressure has risen and eating a diet based on sugar as the main food group... does not help a person get a better state of mind that is for sure... we are three days into a sugar detox and let me tell you ...my head is just pounding and I feel so cranky that even my husband's hair growing is getting on my nerves... I lost a lot of weight (almost 75lbs) several years ago and managed to keep it off easily by keeping my diet low carb (with the occasional day of eating sugary things once I hit my goal weight) I found that this was so easy to maintain! Loving to cook is the best thing for keeping yourself slim! honestly ...shopping, preparing and eating fresh unprocessed foods is actually good for you... .go figure on that one huh? ... I bought Good Calories Bad Calories a while ago and have flipped through it but not been able to read much of anything lately let alone something that heavy ..but I will since I have it ...maybe it will re inspire me to get healthy again ... I am not an extremist ...but I know that this works so I am happy as heck to see this thread here...I had not noticed it before ...Scott123 was the one who told me about Egullet a long time ago ...and now I found this thread and miss both him and Nullo ..wonder if you guys are still around? I am easing back in to cooking again starting tonight I want to make a pot of Korean style short rib soup with daikon and kim chee the house is purged of sugar/junkfood and Cokes (mainly because I ate and drank it all and have not shopped) so wish me luck with this detox ...it is kind of painful physcally with this headache and bitchiness ...and emotionally with all the options around at work right now ...patients think (and they are right) that nurses need chocolate..so we have TONS of it sitting everywhere! please if you are eating low carb or even just giving up the white stuff ...let's share recipes, shopping and cooking ideas ...
  9. I had it too just took a cotton swab and wicked it off and cleaned the top of the bottle a bit ...it is just the seeds and oil residue...no biggie! I filtered bottled and gave it away ..before I put one aside for myself ..bummer
  10. I give cash to the food bank ..they get more bang for the buck than I can anywhere....
  11. I unlike Keller have never found a frozen fry that equaled the ones I make ...the time and effort saved for me a home cook is not worth the trade off in flavor.. but then I am known for my crispy on the outside..sotf on the inside fries! it does not take that much time to cut up potatoes and if you are going to deep fry the potatoes anyway I dont see the advantage to opening a package vs cutting up your own ... this is a "home" kitchen however where when I make fries it is for my family and friends who look foward to and appreciate the end result ... if we ate them every day or if I was mass producing them for a restaurant ..I might be tempted to try frozen ones... but for my home ..nothing will do but the whole potato there is something about the texture and flavor of prefrozen even the "all natural" potatoes ....it is just not the same to me and mine I guess
  12. hummingbirdkiss


    years ago when I worked in a (very busy) Hilltop clinic in Tacoma (WA state) ...My boss (who is Japanese) .. saw me eating persimmon with the skin on...she frowned and said " Oh Heidi you should never eat persimmon skin!!! Once upon a time..in Japan there was an old woman who ate persimmons every day and not much else ..she never peeled them and when she died they found her stomach full of a huge ball of persimmon skins" she showed me with her hands the (supposed) ball was the size of a soccer ball!!! "you better start peeling them" she said "or this will happen to you as well!" please do not tell this sweet woman I am still not peeling persimmons ...I love living on the edge I guess my son bought me what he said was "Korean Persimmon" tree for my birthday last spring .. ..there was no tag so I am not sure of the exact species ..I am so hoping to see fruits on it in my lifetime it looked pretty sad when I planted it poor thing was "rescue" from a going out of business nursery... he says he felt bad for it sitting there all alone... so I have fed it nurtured it and will love it forever so hopefully it will thrive and do well for us the color of this fruit is so amazing I think ..the texture and the flavor ...I still say the best way of enjoying in my opinion freshly washed! the season has been good this year it seems ...Korean markets have been full of nice looking ones ..my husband (who is also lover of this fruit) purchased us a box from Costco for $6!!! and they were all lovely.. the two of us at the whole box in a few days! I did not peel any of them ..wonderful if the skins are building up in my tummy! I have also once in a while found a nice seed inside ..dried it stuck it in a pot of dirt (I have this compulsive need to plant all fruit seeds I find just to see if they will grow) and it did so I have as well a nice house plant out of the deal! (OT date pits grow a lovely plant as well ) if you have not tried a dried persimmon and would like to with out actually doing the work ... the Korean stores around here are full of them for the holidays now ..they are packaged in a beautiful box really tasty
  13. Oh. My. God. I tried it tonight. This *REALLY* works ! Tonight I made a garlic/lemon/shrimp stir fry that was, erm, aromatic. To say the least. Not in a bad way, but I knew by about 3 a.m., it was going to be really stale, and really gross. And since we've hit our "pseudo-winter" here in SoCal, the windows were closed and the heat running. I took the trash to the curb, and came back in and was hit with a WALL of high-heat cooked garlic & shrimp smells. I grabbed the water spritzer and went to town in the kitchen and adjacent rooms. Literally instantly, no cooking smells. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Bupkis. I LOVE YOU HUMMINGBIRD KISS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my now fresh-smelling heart ! ← you are very welcome! it is amazing something so simple can work better than something a room full of scientists can not manage to do huh? if it can rid the air of well fed puppy poop smell ... it can rid the air of most anything I think eta I keep a small spritzer of water in each of my bathrooms as well ..in seconds it cleans the air after usage ..much faster and less annoying than the supposidly silent vent fan in there
  14. as long as the meat is nice and tender... cubes would be better I think..and no carrot! but yes seal down the top... not on the side for I agree on that! it looks so nice when it is presented if you have a nicely pinched down the middle crust
  15. hummingbirdkiss


    I eat them like an apple ..never peel them just wash and eat them out of hand ..the skin is not digested I imagine but it is edible..I am assuming since I have consumed more than my share of persimmons in my life ..I adore them! I also love to eat them sliced up and sprinkled with a tiny squeeze of lime pinch of red chile and a little vanilla sugar on top really ripe ones dice them up and top vanilla ice cream in the past when I have been lucky enough to have a load of them ..I dried them ..they dehydrate very well into very sweet long lasting almost candy like pieces
  16. I do not see anyone mentioned Angels on Horseback if I missed it I appologize ...they are garlic and parsley seasoned oysters wrapped in good smokey bacon and broiled
  17. the one stand out thing I remember as being over cooked mushy traditiona ..comforting ..suck you thumb twirl your hair good growing up in Providence RI ..was my neighbor's mom's warmed up in the sauce and served the next day spaghetti .. when I am feeling blue I make a simple marinara and then cook the spaghetti...then pour the hot sauce on the hot spaghetti put a cover on it and let it sit for a pretty long while (probably in the "danger zone" temp wise as my son calls it) ...it is overcooked in the sauce and tastes pretty darn close to what I used to enjoy at my neighbors ... I dont know if it is "good" food but it is traditional..overcooked as Hell and my family knows I am not feeling emotionally very good and need cheering up when I make it that is for sure ... perhaps I should make some today
  18. has anyone seen this link? I eat and enjoy locally grown humanely butchered meat ..I was a veg for 19 years but really do believe we are meant to eat wide variety of healthy foods ... everything in moderation if possible (however cookies are the exception to that rule) ...it is easy to find and really more reasonable than the grocery store that is for sure ... anyway one of my patients gave me this site and it was kind of ironic as I think it fits this topic well Meatrix see what you think?
  19. my pit bully ate an entire frosted coconut layer cake..every crumb on the plate was licked off... I had left it on the table for my guests ..I kept waiting for her to get sick but she just flopped the rest of the day in a carbo coma ..
  20. I run them through the easy load dishwasher cycle one time and feel good about myself
  21. yes...lots of ginger in the recipe not that I would know this from any long ago personal experiance or anything like that
  22. Really it works I learned it from a woman who was house breaking her puppy of all things...that dog was quite mess in the beginning and when he went where he was not supposed to she just cleaned up then spritzed the air with fresh water and the smell was completely gone ..I have done it ever since! I am with you on the fragrances when they mix with the food it is kind of disgusting ... Really???? Plain water, huh? Who knew? I will give it a try.....makes sense, actually. Thanks all, I'll give all the "natural" remedies a try, like the water, bleach, the herbs simmering all sound like winners. As I said, I loathe the smell of fragranced sprays, and the unscented ones don't work too well, and still leave a lingering perfume-y scent that doesn't go well with the stale salmon aroma ! ←
  23. I love to watch someone who knows what they are doing mix a drink ..especially since it is not my best skill that is for sure..... I wouldn't get the same pleasure watching that machine ..wow talk about taking the fun out of a cocktail and hey at 99 bucks it is marked down 47% whoo hoo for that one ... even my sister who is not into any form of work when it comes to eating or drinking would scoff at this ..she loves to make a martini and calls it "dancing with good gin"
  24. along with all the childish things like "OMG that is so YUM!!!" grating on me (there you go that is probably annoying to some folks the word "grating" used as annoying instead of for cheese!!! ) I kind of cringe when food is referred to as "brilliant" ...how can a food be brilliant it does not think or create it self..call me brilliant if you want but not the food! ...or "sublime" I have seen that word used so many times but can not wrap my brain around how this can make me want to eat something ..if you look at what the word means it just does not inspire me to try something because my mind can not feel how the word sublime and food relate... I like people to tell me what they are tasting when they take a bite..not just add a childish or pretentious word to it and expect me to understand why what I am feeding them is any better than a bag of fries at a fast food joint .. I am guilty of saying words that even annoy me ..like "awesome" I don't even like the word but use it all the time ... I will type "veggies" with out even realizing I have done it ...but never say it out loud it sounds silly ...but sometimes typing in a hurry trying to get a thought down I catch myself now if you relate food to sex and mean it ..I do get it! for example.. ..I made a simple blackberry pie brought it to work ..when I went into the break room everyone's lips were purple and they were moaning with pleasure....one of the nurses I work with took a huge bite her eyes rolled back and like no one else was in the room she uttered "Oh my God Heidi this is fking orgasmic!!!" another said "wow I am almost embarrassed to have this much pleasure with my clothing on!" that I understood, appreciated and was flattered by it ...I knew at that instant my pie was a complete success .. .the feeling in the room was sexual, sensual, a tiny bit shameful and fun! ....what an amazing complement to me to hear/feel and enjoy the pleasure I was bringing to a room full of tired cranky people... my food held in the same high esteem as a sexual encounter.. so for me and my understanding of the pleasures of eating something wonderful ...Hell yes relate food to sex! my desired effect is achieved if someone tells me ..with meaning that my food is "orgasmic"..an orgasm is the ultimate whole body experience ...who would not want the food they prepare to be on that level of pleasure!!! I guess maybe if you have never had an orgasm ....
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