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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. I was so disapointed!!! ..where did all the Persian markets go??? I have not been to North Vancouver in a couple of years but there used to be several there and now they are not? I ended up just having lunch at Yas ..sadly could not make time for a dinner at KashCool but we are going again in July
  2. I had a sticky rice wrap on Wed, then went back and had another one on Thursday ..those are really good!!!
  3. my Granville Island special is ... prawns scallops and any other seafood that looks good ..cooked with double smoked bacon as the only fat ... finished with fresh figs. sliced ripe pears and heavy cream ...lots of cracked pepper all bought there and brought back to cook in the room (I have to have a kitchen when I visit ..there are just too many foods to try!) ...it is the most romantic wonderful dinner I can think of I have a pic someplace of this dish will post if I can find it ..
  4. You guys I just don't get it with these things!?! I put it on my list for this trip up there this week..because ..I adore cream puffs..(well who doesn't?) Two thumbs down for me and Beard Papa's ..these were major league disapointing!!! I know folks love them ..but like the whole big noise about Krispy Kreme donuts here ..I just do not get it at all!!! They have no taste!!! I was so excited after reading this thread to make the trek to Aberdeen mall while in Richmond ... My husband and I tried one each of the regular, chocolate filled and the eclair and I took two bites out of each one ..just to make sure my first impression was not tainted ..and honestly all three were a major disapointment ... while these looked perfect ...the love affair pretty much ended at looks The puff itself tasted like a saltine cracker with out the salt..water flour and no flavor ..no eggy goodness in them at all ... they were crispy and tasteless the filling was not creamy.. it was watery tasting with a bit of graininess..it was alike a watery cornstarch pudding ..made with nonfat milk......the regular filling barely had a hint of vanilla to it ..no custardy texture or taste ..just nothing.....the chocolate tasted a watered down cocoa flavor added to nonfat instant pudding..... the eclair ..well the dark chocolate was dark and intense it was not a good match for the tasteless puff! and when I bit into it the chocolate fell off the top ..it was too hard for the puff ...while I love dark chocolate if you wanted to taste anything else in this puff the chocolate they used completely overwhelmed the tastelessness of the rest of the thing! for all the good advice I have gotten on this board..I dont get the love of these tasteless puffs! they need EGGS!!!! What is a cream puff with out the egginess???? I dont get it I am sorry ..for those of you who do enjoy these ..please my servings are now yours! hey live and learn! The rest of the food in Richmond as usual was fantastic ..so I quickly forgot my disapointment in Beard Papa's!!!
  5. thanks so much for the birthday wishes! now I am officially in my 50's so the shock is some what over! "I need help figuring out what to do with: - 1 # of lamb ribs - 2 # of ham slices, frozen as a giant block - I'm thinking of making a week's worth of lunches using frozen croissants, but that won't use 2#! - a package labeled 1# leg of lamb ends (from a local farm) Any suggestions?" here you go Dividend my idea's for the use ups lamb ribs ...do a soy, honey and sesame glaze and bake them ham slices ..ham salad maybe? lamb ends ..I would do a low slow curry them or make a vindaloo stew or you could grind it up and make lamb meatballs? let us know! Iperry hope your guy is feeling better ..I would love to see a pic of the barley risotto I am going to try that for sure ..barley is such a bargain and goes so good with lamb beautifully I would love to try this ..(I tossed my pressure cooker it exploded on me and scared me to death! now I miss it) Rachel what are "Texas 1015's"? our birds are happy here too they loved my cleaning frenzy ..so did the squrrels! Doddie good for you too can you tell me more about "Sinaing na Tulingan"? I see skipjack here at the markets....but have never cooked it.. and honestly have never made a pork stock..I can not believe it but I haven't!! ..every other kind of stock ..and I have used ham bones to make soup but never just the pork trimmings and bones that have not been smoked..not sure why ...now I will that is for sure!
  6. I know this is not exactly what you asked ..but oh well since i turned 50 this morning I think I can say anything I want to!!! I always burn a candle to bless the kitchen after I clean itand before I cook in it I am agnostic but it seems so right to me to to do this good luck ... Chufi and enjoy your new home! eta I think it is like a baby you wait to name until you meet him/her...look at your kitchen after you clean it and then it will tell you what to make in it!!!
  7. Thanks Rachel ..I am now this morning 50 and yes I feel old!!! 50 is NOT the new 40 or 30 ..(you have no idea how many people have said that pile of crap to me!) but I am at 50 years old today and leaving town for 3 day in my dear fathers home land of Canada to celebrate!!! with the cleanest kitchen on the planet!!! ( I am sure the young man house sitting is only concerned with what is IN my kitchen not how clean it is however!!! and I had ot buy a fresh supply of food for him!!) Iperry thank you...barley risotto? I have never had that ..is is prepared the same way? I will have to try it for sure! ..it is really nice to have set a goal and reach it since this began I have only had one bowl of Pho out (when I could not stand to be in my kitchen one more second) ...got rid of all the must gos...fed my friends...and last nights dinner was set to be the final meal out of the larder and it was.... I did not loose any of this pudge I put on this winter ...but that is ok I am 50 and can be a little chubby I guess ..argh...I am 50 ..the big 5 0 how the hell did that happen
  8. I worked in coffee shops starting at 14years old . I lied about my age when I was 16 and landed a position in one of the finest restaurants in town ..one of my proudest accomplishments was getting away with being hired! I actually threw up after the interview I was so stressed out trying to put on a good appearance for these people... I worked a lot of great places upscale regular scale! ..from driving a step van selling Rosa's Itlalian ice, country clubs, banquet halls, truck stops, a place called Rockys Feed Lot outside Ft Huachuca AZ...from the time I was 14 until I was 28 when I finally finished school and became a nurse ...I worked mainly as a server but also could be pulled in a kitchen as needed... the transition from food service to becoming the type of nurse I am was quite easy ...I joke all the time that I went from a waitress to a waitress with syringes! you be the judge now I triage sick people and place them in order of priorty juggle them and keep things moving out front and in the back then Took my tables in order of priorty and making sure everything was moving steadily out front and in the back now I keep patients happy by making sure they are as comfortable as possible waiting for the doctors to come in and see them then taking orders, bringing drinks and keeping them filled making sure my customers were happy while they waited for the food to come now giving, fluids, medications, doing procedures, drawing blood, IV's, giving injecitons... then giving fluids, paying attention to needs, giving food now people leave feeling good (or at least better than they came in!) then people leave feeling good (or at least better than they came in!) now work my ass off, love my job and make a decent living oh and for sure thrive on the gratitude of my patients then worked my ass off ..made a decent living and thrived on the gratitude and gretituities of others! oh and in the restaurant industry ..I was fed well nurses? ..we are actually fed qute well too!
  9. I am at work so I can not take time to find the exact recipe but I think it is in this thread ..the picture here anyway rainbow jello this is groovy!!! perhaps even psychodelically groovy!
  10. where is that groovy rainbow jello was it Rachel Perlow's? that is about as groovy as a dessert can get!!!
  11. Thank you so much I almost missed this and was wondering if anyone ate Persian food anymore KashCool it is!!! off I go tomorrow!
  12. I have been fending off the eating like a maniac for two freaking weeks!!!! my hormones have been through the roof ..tears, fears, misery and to what end??? I had a 2 1/2 week pms'y frenzy as a result!!! I cleaned out my larder prepared cooked up a storm ..fed my family and friends.....emaculatized my house and then on the way home from work yesterday ...my husband yelled at me "eat damn it !!! Heidi you are making me as crazy as you are!!!" so I did ..I ate and ate and ate ..and yes I feel better...swollen and salty but better.....however now my favorite Taco truck guy is afraid of me
  13. Lamb and goat are my family's favorite choices of red meats ..I find that purchasing both from local folks like the 4H'rs and FFA kids to be the best option and am so thrilled to see threads like Rob's appearing here ...local folks need support that is for sure!....hopefully the word will spread and people will branch out of the plastic tray meat! and try new things as a result... If that is not a good option for folks to buy larger quantities of meat you should try a Halal markets (if they do not have a butcher they can direct you to one) they have not only young lamb/goats but older versions as well ..for some dishes like curries I love an older goat or lamb the flavor stands up better ..just ask for "sheep meat" instead of lamb it has much more fat and the meat is to die for ..not quite mutton but a full grown sheep ..for mutton I ask for "old sheep" I love dealing with Halal butchers, I have learned a ton about preparing and dealing with these prescious animals. there is absolutely nothing like feeling good about where your meat is coming from that is for sure.
  14. well you do not need an International grocery for the best of New Mexico goat leg ..and if you dont mind I would love to share this recipe with you ...we eat it every time we go to Santa Fe and it is just the most perfect way to serve goat...(well to me an mine it is) nothing extravagant just good soul food you take a fresh hind leg make a pepper packing of sorts of olive oil, kosher salt , garlic, sage, red chile, cracked pepper pepper and more pepper..just pack it on ..more is more with this because you want the crust to really seal in the meat let it sit over night in the fridg..then bring it to room temp the slow grill it over mesquite smoke until the meat is tender wrap it tightly in foil and let stand while you get your tortillas and garnishes ready fresh pico de gallo of course is the main thing ..guac is nice ..whatever you like ...limes ...fresh cilantro pull the meat off the bone (that bone will make great stock later) getting that pepper crust mixed in with the meat pile on a platter and serve with warm tortillas, garnishes and beer this to me exemplifies the taste of the high desert of NM enjoy your goats!
  15. everything is spotless in my kitchen ..time to go on a few days of vacation if you ask me ..and since I am turning 50 this Wednesday I think it is as good a time as any! going to buy a new camera with the money I saved this past week and then let folks cook for me up in Vancouver... (I am however taking a cooler you never know what I wll find for all this newly found space!) you guys are doing such a fantastic job here! I am stunned out of all the "must-go's" I had that I did not make a single pot of soup! that is pretty much unheard of this time of year!!! could have ..just didnt for some reason..
  16. I will not tell you about how I found the sheeps head in my garlic bed .... partially buried and face up one time when JuJube was done with it ... she thought if she planted it she could grow more sheep!
  17. it is JUST A HEAD!!! ..you eat the the butt the arm the shoulder too and that is no big deal!!! sorry but I think this is overthought!!!! like anything else it is food eat it ..or share it with your dogs .there is no shame in that! they give you tremendous delight in life ..that would be a blast for them to dive into whatever you choose ..and for what ever my opinion is worth to anyone ..I strongly believe in my heart of hearts ..you and other people like you ..make the right choice when you face your food head on (pun intended ) I grew up in a city...but the people who raised me felt stongly about food and where it came from ..
  18. I have lived in places where I could on my porch balcony with no sun ..and could grow a garden with the aid of a cheap grow light that was ok in damp conditions (I asked at a hardware store and was directed) ..I sat out there with my plants and pretended there was real sun many times!!! ...I have been astounded over the years how much you can grow in such odd spots ..I applaud you for trying!!! my advice is to remember to use a good potting soil that is specifically for growing food not flowers...have lots of drainage in your pots (gravel or broken pots work fine) and feed on a schedule ...you will have lots of beautiful tomotoes!
  19. Some chickens have many more wings than others and more legs too, thighs et cetera, you get the picture. The rest of the chicken? It's all divied up in the rest of the little white bottomed packages scattered around the meat area. signed, Polytray Dependant PS. But truly that yellow skinned chicken in the packages with bluish purple areas lurking just beneath the surface is creepy--it really gets to me. As for the alternative, I just don't want to be brave enough to butcher my own chickens. ← I am laughing so hard at this I almost fell off my chair!!! Now that I know that there are chickens with extra wings I am going to start looking for them ..because the wings are my favorite part!!! One of my dearest friends went to pick up a lamb with me one time and ..I am not sure what she was thinking but she almost fainted when they brought it out in a wagon..all she saw was the wagon and a huge plastic bag...she assumed the whole lamb was just sitting in that bag and going into my car like that ..it could happen with me but not this time it was all neatly wrapped and frozen already ..but she seriously almost hit the ground I saw her turn gray, wobble..covered her mouth and said "OH NO OH NO OH NO!!!! I CAN NOT RIDE IN THE CAR WITH THAT!!!" when I realized it was the lamb and that she thought it was just a lamb body in a bag ... I made her sit down and put her head between her legs while I rubbed her back and explained the meat was in meaty pieces not a whole being and that it was wrapped nicely with writing on the package...people were around us wondering what the Hell happened "should we call for help" ... it wasnt until I actually opened the bag and showed her the neatly wrapped packages that she would believe me ..got up and got into the car... drama queen!!! had no problem eating the lamb and green chile stew she is still like this and I love her beyond reason!!! Goat is the other red meat in my opinion ...the best red meat! I would have taken the head too...you have dogs Rob!!! if you dont eat it yourself they would love you to death for that treat!!!...my dog is a spoiled brat and eats a mostly raw diet so when I get a whole animal I do share with her as I trim... I toss and she gratefully recieves!!! nothing goes to waste the best meat in the country is raised by 4-H'rs and the FFA kids...I will say that every chance I get to keep them in people's minds ..those kids work hard..pay for college and love their animals ...they know, understand and take great pride in where the meat is going ..so Kudos to anyone who supports them .....and other local ..humane growers of meat and other food stuffs! ..I get a little cranky when "organic" producers charge a stupid amt and try to make you think the food is better than these kids/adults or other regular folks do..it is not true ..a higher price/advertising/mail order does not make for better meat/food ..just an emptier wallet is all
  20. ps I have goats quartered and wrapped when we do not do it ourselves then I break it down further myself to cook it .. but they are small so this is feasable the inards are as good as they can be so I woudl say just eat them!
  21. I am always thrilled to see someone doing this ...as I have always always purchased my meat this route..4H'rs rule!!!! and it is win win when you go this way...I feel so much better, safer,less wasteful and more appreciative of every bite I take just by being face to face with my dinner..never unnerved or queezy ..yes they are cute and lovable ..but I am not a vegatarian so I am not offended by eating them either ..they are food .. plastic wrapped food unnerves me ..like a package of chicken wings..where is the rest of the chicken???? My husband is a very proficient /humane butcher but we still take stuff in if it is reasonable and have it butchered cut and wrapped for us as well ..it saves a lot of time and mess to pay someone to do this and the cost is usually not bad at all good for you Rob! enjoy your bounty ...
  22. You guys are so awesome, validating and wonderful to share a thread/purge with..so thank you sooo much!!! ...I did not scrub yet ..tomorrow I am doing my weekly once over cleaning of the house and will do the shelves then ... I have three more days of only eating what is in the house (and today I rested and grazed my way through a lot of them already!!!) I am a damn fine cook if I do say so myself obviously we all are ..I keep going back to that ice cream and thinking maybe my pistachios would be better served in a scoop???? ..but I alas I am dieting ..sniff... still hanging in with you all until you are done and have achieved your goals....even if it takes months!!! I am here rooting you on so please keep posting ...
  23. hummingbirdkiss


    Oh, how could I neglect morels!!! I first had them a few months ago, simply sauteed in butter and a little thyme. Wow. I am jealous of your foraging skills! ← there are mushroom hunters in OK!!! and they have planted pine forrests that may indeed have morels in them ..worth a shot imho!
  24. Tropicalfox I never made a list except what I posted here ..it did not match what I ended up having to use up much at all .....I just took stuff out of where they were in kind of like with like and set them out to face them! I have never made a menu in my life to be honest ...and lists are only for the store and then I forget them anyway if I had to make a list and plan I would have never done this ... for some that works ..for me I have to just say outloud to all of you... I am going to do it ...and then dive in head first ...and do it until I drop .... hope this helps?
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