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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. I love that my wacking dough like this is called a "French fold" I am going to really do some serious French folding today the weather is having flower envy and acting out by snowing here!!! I need to bake something like this again! I want to put some raisins in this dough and make bath buns dipped in a sugar glaze ..that should be healthy
  2. I was feeling like I was getting a cold yesterday and wanted soup ..so we we went to one of our many wonderful Korean restaurants in town and I choose a soup that promised it would be "good for your swellness" this morning I my swellness feels good! ETA I do not think this was actually an atrocity of any kind ..it was more like a metaphor!
  3. thanks so much for that I think I should not have cut these up ...they are all shriveled up on the table looking sad ..should have left them whole I think I Have another potato question then I am going to try to plant this week rain or not ... I have a frame my husband put together and am going to put some dirt on the bottom then use straw to mound them...the frame is 4ft by 4ft...can I plant four kinds of potatoes in there one in each corner? or should I just put one type in there and call it good? thanks for the help on this ...I understand we can pretty much plant potatoes all year here?
  4. thanks so much for that I think I should not have cut these up ...they are all shriveled up on the table looking sad ..should have left them whole I think I Have another potato question then I am going to try to plant this week rain or not ... I have a frame my husband put together and am going to put some dirt on the bottom then use straw to mound them...the frame is 4ft by 4ft...can I plant four kinds of potatoes in there one in each corner? or should I just put one type in there and call it good? thanks for the help on this ...I understand we can pretty much plant potatoes all year here?
  5. thanks so much for that I think I should not have cut these up ...they are all shriveled up on the table looking sad ..should have left them whole I think I Have another potato question then I am going to try to plant this week rain or not ... I have a frame my husband put together and am going to put some dirt on the bottom then use straw to mound them...the frame is 4ft by 4ft...can I plant four kinds of potatoes in there one in each corner? or should I just put one type in there and call it good? thanks for the help on this ...I understand we can pretty much plant potatoes all year here?
  6. a heavy pinch of good New Mexican red chile and tiny pinch of salt on vanilla or chocolate ice cream is to die for in my opinion..and a standard dessert for me when I eat ice cream I go get the chile and salt! ...I tried and did not care for the olive oil ..as mentioned above it left an oily feel in my mouth and the flavor work for me .I used very good olive oil ..even tried the Meyer lemon olive oil ..and the ice cream was amazing but the olive oil I will leave that combo to others! ..so it is just me reporting..I did not care for it..but the salt and chile ..for years has pleased my mouth!
  7. last night I opened a box of really dark, fresh, sticky dates from Iran ...I found them in Canada a few weeks ago and have been hoarding for the right moment...the moment was right I guess because I sat down and dug in...each one I put into my mouth was topped with a generous spoon of cream cheese ..popped into my mouth..moaned at how wonderful it was ..suddenly I looked down and realized I had eaten half the box along with half the cream cheese! first thing this morning I wanted to continue this behavior but will save them for tonight (my Friday) when I can fully enjoy the moment again! I am trying really hard not to succomb to an eating frenzy... but it seems futile especially with these dates in the house ..they are fantastic..sweet ...sticky this is going to be a long day!
  8. I really do not eat communal food at work because of the nature of my work and I am neurotic .. people come in and out of the break room from all over the clinic touching door handles. moving sick patients from lab to Xray ect ..or just caring for a patient then grabbing a bit while charting....I would love to think everyone washes their hands but there is no sink in the break room so who knows! ..the donut thing is funny ..I will see in the morning a box of donuts..cookies...pastries..what ever is there....then someone rips one in half ..someone else will rip another one in half even if it is the same type just to avoid the already torn one ..by noonish there is a box of torn in half or pieces pulled off all the items.....all dried out and crusty...by 5 pm the plate or box is empty ...it is like this strange predicted tradition of while it is plentiful it is mutilated...then as the day goes on and the stress increases ...no one cares and just eats! I dont know if it is a "neurosis that drives me nuts" but it is a very strange breakroom food dance that is for sure
  9. hummingbirdkiss

    soup rescue

    I agree with Sony add more peas cook them first but then add them ..I have tried the potato method and it did nothing to soak up the salt sadly
  10. when I worked at Harborview (and I think you are not far from there but I am geographically impaired to be honest) the answer to what you are asking was always a bowl of Pho (there are a bunch in the area) or I would hit a Vietnamese deli and buy something there hot and cold dishes ..always open early and a real bowl of Pho (not the chain places) great breakfast for about $6
  11. if I am very famliar and visit often..yes touch me, hold my hand, hug me make me feel at home if I just met you ...don't please..it creeps me out too and let's not pretend on this one it is not going to improve anything I am likely to leave if you do...
  12. I used to not allow my husband to taste wine in public because even the best of bottles ...make him make a face that was mortifying ..he said he could not help it ..I accused him of being a "drama King" and we finally came to terms with him not being a wine drinker ...sigh then after almost a year of being sick with sinus issues.. he met a surgeon who offered to do some corrections of his apparently malfunctioning sinus's (no details needed here) anyway long story short..very shortly after the surgery he started to exclaim his love for foods he had never found too exciting before...as soon as he was off pain meds I could not wait ...we tried wine and guess what? ....well into his 40's he was able to say that he loves wine!!! he can taste subtle flavors now..is better at tasting than I am that is for sure .. he said it was like "seeing" after all those years of not even knowing what he was missing ...to suddenly be able to taste food and wine to the fullest was amazing to him...he kept sipping and saying "I know what this is about now" cheese as well ... I think it is much different and harder.. to have the sense of smell/taste then loose it than to actually not know what you are missing...my husband never knew life was any other way ...he liked to eat and could taste... but no depth to his enjoyment ..just the ability to say he liked it or not...and wine was just awful to him ... the doctor cracked up when he went for his follow up and brought him a bottle of wine and with excitement was able to tell him what to look for in it ..he was/still is like a kid about tasting things just to see what they taste like with his new "vision"
  13. try2cook what did you end up buying I wonder? I use a big heavy pot and a thermometer so I know nothing about electric DFers but would love to know how this ended up did you spend the big bucks? is it worth it?
  14. Tssquare (anyone?) can you tell me do I have wait until they sprout to put them in the ground or can I just chuck them in now with the little eye sprouts facing up?
  15. ok I pledge if the weather is lousy for sure this week I am going to attack my herbs and spices..enough is enough if your sun dried tomatoes are dry dry then put them in the food processor and make a powder out of them ..you can sprinkle them anywhere ..soups stews ...on roasts to thicken sauces ..if they are too sticky dont try this it will gum up the blades...I know this from my own test!
  16. I agree use Calrose and make it according to the package directions ..exactly.... then you will have sticky but not mushy rice each grain should remain intact and distinct but they should stick together as well
  17. Thank you so much for sharing your life in this warm and wonderful blog (fresh ginger is finely grated and added during the process or making the black cake ) take care and give Ernie a kiss on the head from me thank you again Heidi
  18. Thank goodness for GIANT artichokes and home made very garlicy mayo potato salad rare sirloin burgers I am trying to pace myself ..but ....the moon is pulling me..so is this holiday! pancakes from Lindacakes blog are calling me so hard that at this time of morning I am thinking of running to the store for some grade b maple syrup to have them swimming the back stroke in
  19. Ok I know Ed Hume says only buy certified seed potatoes because of all the bad shit that can come along from just planting regular potatoes from the grocer well I am willing to risk it due to the cost!!! I wanted to plant some blue potatoes and they are upwards of $10 fone tiny bag!!!! barely weighed a few oz so I went and bought some organic blue potatoes that have sprouts around the eyes for $1.49/lb!!! I am growing them in a bed made for them in straw so if there is disease it will remain in a contained area ...but these are perfect potatoes so I am thinking things will be fine hope it works out fine these are fantastic little potatoes!!! if not I will let you know ..but the cost of the seed potatoes just because I wanted blue ones was more than over inflated there was a single potato in the package cut into quarters and sprouted...I am doing that now on the dining room table myself
  20. "You must be in the sticks - lots of CSA's in the area that deliver. Oh, I guess most you have to go pick up at a common drop off site. Are you out of Pioneer Organics delivery range? They are merging with SPUD. There is New Roots too." Happy Easter! or as my husband says "Happy Pagan Egg and Bunny day!" Nope not at LOL but I dont live in Seattle either!... I am right between Tacoma and Olympia ...maybe I just missed this somehow! I have honestly never heard of it ... I dont need it myself but I can think of a few folks who would love this kind of thing Linda Ernie is beyond adorable ... and the really white plastic anglo's in Indian Clothing ...completely hysterical thanks for sharing! I have everything and could actually make those pancakes this morning ..except the grade B ..how did that happen
  21. Lamb takes a spot in every meat case in all the major markets around my area ..not a huge spot but it is well represented ..and can be quite reasonable (Especially after Easter) here the big tick about lamb variety and prices are to visit a Halal butcher and ask for what you want ..or a local 4-H group ..you can usually get what you want ..just not always the day you want it .. sometimes the 4-H kids can hook you up with someone else that does not want an entire lamb and you can share Eastern Washington grows some wonderful lamb to go with the very tasty merlots, Cabs, pinots, they also produce locally raised cut and wrapped half a lamb or sheep meat ... including the neck and organs costs about $3/lb I never see it here in the Mercados only goat ..I do see it in Indian, Middle Eastern, Asian Markets and of course Halal Markets.. lamb and goat have a nice spot in the meat cases
  22. hummingbirdkiss

    BBQ Goat

    here is how I do leg of goat ..spike it with garlic . ..then mash together olive oil and fresh garlic with some thyme ..rub the goat down with it well then crack lots of black pepper ...coriander, and some cumin make a rub with kosher salt as well...and coat the entire thing with it more is better you want a crust grill it low (mesquite is my preferred wood for this) and slow like beef I guess more than pork because it does not have that much fat until it is tender and falls of the bone (I am assuming it is a fairly mature goat?) wrap it in foil at the end and let sit for about 20 min befor serving warm fresh tortillas ..fresh salsa this is my favorite red meat
  23. hummingbirdkiss

    Potato Salad

    Today is potato planting day (if I can find the potatoes I want to plant!! ) it is also first potato salad of the season day and will mark the solstice in my house ..Spring has sprung! This is my old man's favorite dish and since I like to see him smile I try to make it a real treat for him! I think the thing I like most about potato salad is that it does evolve over the seasons...the first one I make is the end of winter and official start of spring using the older potatoes, strong winter onions and the fresh parsley/chives out of my garden..combines the old (out) and new (in) ... as the spring and summer come the potato salad follows....each potato should have its own salad... new to the old! There are absolutely no hard and fast rules with this dish and I defy anyone who says there are! Come and have a bowl of mine this is a process that I think are important with good potato salad because of the potatoes and how they absorb or don't absorb ..how much flavor they already do have or dont have .....but not a recipe ..a little bit of this a lotta bit of that and it all comes together... Bye Bye Winter Welcome to Spring! boil some older hopefully waxy, dense potatoes in their skins until just barely done ..drain the water completely cover the pot I even put a towel over the pot to keep the heat in.. prepare your sauce whisk the following in order into each other in a big bowl bigger than you think you will need cider vinegar ..(I use Braggs for the winter salad because it is strong! later I would use a much milder one) winter onion diced small diced celery big bunch off fresh parsley minced up yellow mustard of your choice mayo (home made or your favorite brand) whisk above well, taste and add a little sugar to even out the acid in your vinegar as you peel and dice the potatoes..taste one piece and check the texture and flavor then just toss them as fast as you can peel into the sauce ..hopefully your potatoes are still pretty hot so don't burn yourself toss it all together (I use my hands and go easy so I dont smash too many of the potatoes up..but some require smashing to blend it all together) taste again.. satisfied? then the add ins green olives boiled eggs coarse salt fresh ground pepper sweet peas (if you have them or even a good brand of frozen sweet peas) green olives cooked beets today everything but the beets are going in ... toss together gently I have to make a hard boiled egg daisy with an olive in the middle and sprinkle the top with a good sweet paprika for traditions sake! Better if made in advance and chilled I think but warm off my fingers is good as well! ETA to add Ta da with the tasting bowl of the freshly made almost warm salad for my old man ..he says it is perfect! tasting notes from me on this batch needs a bit more salt ..no biggie better at the table anyway the Braggs kicks the strong onions ass so soaking it before hand made the onions pop like they had been pickled ..awesome flavor .. this is a freaking awesome batch of potato salad! ...everything seems to have met at the right moment... lots of sweet tart and creamy going on in there potatoes, and all the add ins combine and yet taste distinct ..nothing was lost ...and it will be better after the rough edges ..and there are just a few.. sit and meld in the fridge for a bit next the new potatoes and really fresh peas...more herbs...lighter vinegar I can hardly wait!
  24. I am completely astounded you can have vegetables delivered to your door I have honestly never heard of that ..I know grocers that still deliver but that is not exactly the same from what I am hearing you say? ..when I was a kid in Providence RI we used to have Tommy the vegetable guy come through the neighborhood in a step van ... we all ran out while whomever was caring for us tasted, then bought whatever was fresh off his truck (I am assuming he bought from farmers and brought it into the city to sell in the neighborhoods) it is like that I think but you get it all picked out nicely for you! (and they will leave it with out you there huh? I can imagine someone would walk buy and pick it up ....) could you have a container for them to put in in kind of like a milk box in the olden days? wow!!! Vegetable boxes delivered ..never heard of such a thing
  25. I have to say with all your vegetables my favorite ..great down to earth vegetable cook book (if you do not already have it) is The Victory Garden Cookbook by Marian Morash she loves vegetables and knows how to treat them
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