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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. hot sour soup...it cures what ails you that is for sure hope you feel better soon
  2. bumping this topic after hours and hours of rediscovering all my garden treasures this weekend..everything is starting to bud or bloom ...it just looks so lovely already... I put four new raised beds in and am very excited about the prospect of filling them ... my body is sore and my mind rested ...time to go back to work so I can make more money ... so I can take more time off to play in the garden! pictures to follow
  3. oh I have question ..I was sent some onion seeds from a friend ..I have always planted starts ...should I put the seeds in now? how long does it take to grow onions from seeds? thanks
  4. I spent a lot of time in the garden this weekend and just put four more 4X4 raised beds on one of the sunny tiers...now I just need to find a cost effective way to fill them with good soil Cedar Grove charges $300 for delivery!!! it is just $21 per square yard for the veg mix ..I need a truck! (our soil is in the fall out zone of the Asarco plant so we have to amend soil and use raised beds for anything edible) ..I have had all my fruits and vegetables tested and they are fine thank goodness ...it is just a matter of keeping the pH correct is all ..sad but true ..I have tons of beautiful soil ...flowers grow like crazy but I have to really be careful where and how I plant food ...Cedar Grove has good soil but it is crazy to pay that for delivery ...cheaper for me to just rent a truck for the day! anyone else know of a place that sells good clean soil and does not charge that much to deliver ..in the South Sound maybe... one year we purchased from a local supplier ... what was supposed to be good soil ..a friend of ours who owns an analytical lab tested it and called me in the middle of the day to tell me how contaminated it was ...the company would not take it back... GET YOUR SOIL TESTED IF YOU LIVE IN THE PUGET SOUND AREA! I was stunned and sadened at the results (have I talked about this in this thread before if so I am sorry to repeat myself but this is so important especially if you have kids are pregnant or breastfeeding ) my garlic is growing ..rosemary is blooming .. ...strawberries are forming new leaves...I have seeds started in the house ..all the fruit trees have buds and the Asian pear, plum, persimon and cherry are ready to burst into flowers... .I have an Anna's hummingbird who keeps dive bombing my head everytime I walk out the door ..he winters in my bamboo grove ..takes baths in the fountain ..burrrrrr....and then moves on with his chickie in the spring when the rufus move in ... my cardoon is coming up all over the place!!!! who knew that first plant I nurtured so carefully would turn into such a monster ..good thing I like the whole sci fi look of it! bulbs are popping up and color is showing .. I am so glad spring seems to be here
  5. I'd like to know that too. Also, when I clicked on the link from the video to get the printed recipe, I noticed that it's more or less a brioche dough. All I really want to know is why doing it by hand like that would be any different than developing the dough on a mixer? I make brioche every week by the way, so I'm just curious. ← see above for issues ..but I think that if you make this every week you know far more than I do about this dough ..and probably this would not be woth it to you ..although it took no time at all and was much more fun to me that a mixer ....I was just never happy with how mine turned out ..now I am this was perfect and worth every slap..to get the texture it had
  6. I always use too much flour in sweet dough and never get the texture just right .. this completely resolved this for me the dough was perfect I slapped it around exactly the way he showed .. for a little more 8 min or so and I had a perfect elastic dough that did not stick to the surface ..shaped perfectly and not one sprinkle of flour was used or needed also I was in a crappy mood and after making that dough I felt better ..so another issue resolved
  7. I like cucumber drinks they are really refreshing ..sliced cucumbers are common on the plates at Persian meals as well ... and yes use your fountain and have fun with it! have some dried fruits like apricots and dates for sure your dinner will be fantastic ..
  8. that is just a brilliant idea! thanks for sharing I can see how this would work!!! and looks very cool thank you! makes no sense to spend a lot of money if you dont have to that is for sure!
  9. I love Persian food because of the way it is served with small plates of all kinds of things (just like you had in mind) all spread around the table ...Lavash ..sliced sweet onions, sliced limes, butter, feta, olives, fresh herbs like mint and cilantro, a roasted tomato all eaten together as bite of this and that with platters used for the heavy dish like roasted lamb shanks and Persian rice ......lovely meal if you ask me .. forks and big spoons to people eat with ...the main dishes in the center the garnishes around the table so everything can be reached easily there are lots of drinks you can make ...one refreshing one is a cucumber cooler sliced cucumbers in spritzer
  10. I want to see your test tube spice rack please??? how cool must that be!
  11. PS I was just in the T & T market on Thursday ..you are right those are some really nice looking crabs I would be right there with you if I could have figured out how to bring one home!!! enjoy your score the price was not bad at all for such monsters!
  12. Keep them on ice for sure bring a cooler and have them give you some crushed ice in a bag ...I dont what is inside that body I have only shared crabs like this and we just ended up with the legs... but ask them to clean it and give you all the parts you can eat.. dont forget you can make stock with the shells and all the other things in there ..I am not very technical about this...you can just prepare them by dropping the legs in salted water or you can put butter fresh garlic smashed and cracked pepper in a pan ..wack the legs into smaller pieces and just cook them in the butter with the lid on the pan ...that is where I would be going with those!!! cook them as soon as possible after they are killed for you that is so important to get the best taste!
  13. Ok I take crappy pictures but this dough is perfect it is light buttery and very easy to work with ...this is pretty much the best cinnamon roll I have ever eaten (and I need to leave the house now so I dont eat this entire pan!) ...this guy has it going on .. I will look not further very easy ..and worth every min ..absolutely perfect!
  14. he is right however it is stoner food ..not that I would have any idea about things like that
  15. that is so funny...ok so my musubi was not cut or plated as nicely as his! and the pumpkin plate ..well ok it was there ..and really I am not into or able to really plate food nicely I am afraid I just love to eat
  16. yummmm digging around in the larder and magically I am in Hawaii now
  17. I am going to make some now and see for myself ..it totally looks worth the effort ..it looks like it feels good!!! ..thanks! ETA I just made this dough it was easy ...came out exactly as he showed and in the process of rising now ..thanks so much for posting the link... I honestly think it resolved a lot of issues for me
  18. I wonder if I used ham to make ham loaf if you could make spam musubi? I imagine you could and it might just even be better? No matter how bad I feel about anything or how crappy the weather is ...when I take a HUGE bite of a really shoyu soaked Spam Musubi I feel the sun on my face and sand between my toes .. I have everything but the Spam..including the crappy weather and the bummed out mood! ....but I do have some frozen ham ...soooo how do I do this?
  19. the only thing I really ever have made in a crock pot are beans ..and I love them in there! all types of beans ...ham hocks and beans ..beans and greens ...greens and ham hocks (no beans are wonderful too) then add cornmeal dumplings at the end of the cooking...and just plain old pinto beans with very little seasoning ..come out so good in a crock pot ...low and slow ... roasting raw nuts in the crock pot is not a "while you are at work thing" because you do have to stir them ...but talk about tasty! you can add seasonings and make the best spiced nuts ever ..and your house will smell wonderful!
  20. in answer to your question ..yes they will kill them and break them down for you ..just ask ..dont be shy ..the folks who run the seafood sections of these markets love to talk about their fish ..even if there is a language barrier they will with sign language and a few words get the point across ...you dont have to carry that big live king crab home in a bag I promise..just say please kill and clean it for me ..and if they have a steamer there they will steam it (usually at no additional charge) as well ... good luck!
  21. hummingbirdkiss


    Rancho Gordo has a really high price for Jamaica flowers ..if you have a Mexican market you can get them for $3/lb
  22. I googled whole canned chicken recipes and came up with this ..perhaps I need to google bunker recipes for the end times? wow
  23. I am sorry someone has to open and cook one ..there has to be a reason for this!!! some one some place perpetuated this chicken in a can thing..there must be some family recipe that is only good if you use this can o chicken! I know exactly where I can buy one it was 4.95 and I stood in wonderment ..wondering wtf???
  24. here you go ..not perfectly plated ..not completely in the pan ..but it is a to die for dish and totally worth driving all the way to Vancouver to prepare!
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