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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. YES YES YES so easy ..go buy lemon grass put trim the bottom of anything dead then stick it in a glass of water they get roots and then you stick them in a nice pot of dirt that is it ..it just grows and grows ginger take a knuckle with what might look like a bud and just stick it in dirt and let it grow when it fills the pot you can push the soil back and use the roots ..I put it in the garden when it is mature 50/50 here it it returns the next year .. lemon grass does well in a pot outside during the summer but I have ot bring it in the spring I have a great pic of how it looks rooted I will find it
  2. Just beautiful! I keep looking at it and am just amazed! welcome and thank you for sharing that wonderful piece!
  3. I want so badly to try some potatoes this year how are you growing them? there are so many ways ..even in tires! oh and I am sooo not organized!!!! trust me this is all scattered all over the place ..very impulsive and I never plan anything out ..when I get the seeds/starts or plants... I just make a place any place ...and there really is no rhyme or reason ..I know my neighbors think I am a crazy manicy woman...not far off probably.....I just keep planting things and then they grow! all over the place..outside and inside ..I have plants growing every place...My soil superb for growning but kind of toxic due to some fallout from the Asarco plant that used to be in Tacoma ...so I have had to really ammend some already rich soil to pull the pH up and make it safe for gardening ..that also makes it wonderful for growing ..toss a seed and literally jump back... as I have mentioned before soil testing is so important you never know if you are safe until you do it ..and if it isnt there are ways to repair it ...and I did bring in for my food crops good clean organic soil that is why I have the raised beds I have had all my food crops tested and they are perfectly ok now ..thank goodness eveyone should grow something even if it is in a pot on a window sill ..it feels so good
  4. I think the muffin top pans would work perfectly then they would be uniform I showed you the best one of the batch! they are good for what they are ..and I love bread but these are NOT bread ..just an alternative like carob to chocolate maybe? who knows .. did you make the orignal recipe? or a variation of it? I was astounded to see the amount of attention they have on the internet there must be a lot of folks eating /or trying to eat low carb out there
  5. I know huh? those carrots are so beautiful ...I can not wait to see how they turn out! also my peanuts look so cute in the pots I found this online and am trying to keep my mind busy with new projects when not working so I dont over eat so here are my peanut plants and a link for peanuts in a pot that tells how to grown them in a pot ..I hope this works I think I should start a few more the one little one looks kind of pathetic! has anyone ever grown peanuts in pots before? did you get some? I dont care how small a persons living space is you can grown something the lemon grass especially is an awesome house plant in a sunny spot or even under a grow light then outside in the summer if you have a sunny spot..same with ginger
  6. I also wanted to share this ..a dear sweet man I know sent me some seeds to grow these carrots I had posted this picture in the NW garden thread but I think they are so cool I am waiting to get my new beds full of dirt this weekend so I can plant these ...are they not beautiful? I am so excited
  7. ok I am showing you mine does anyone else have pictures of how the gardens look now ...lets bring on the spring ...PULLLLEEEASE!!!!! from top to bottom the top beds are about five years old ..the very back is all strawberries ..I am not sure what type but they were given to me by a very dear friend who passed away this summer the two in the front are both garlic and sugar snap pease planted together the garlic is up but no peas yet second pic is my rhubarb hill ..the white is all the lime I apparently did not turn into the soil well enough ..there is a ton of rhubarb growing here and it is really good ..you can see it just poking through ..spring is here! the third is my wintered over collards they need to be picked ..I leave them reseed every year these came from the same friend who had them passed down from his father ...very good collards
  8. I was reading the Atkins book again last night trying to remotivate myself ...I had never made the "Revolution Rolls" recipe in there ...but thought what the heck they are basically just kind of a souffle piled on a cookie sheet so what is the big deal? anyway they are fluffy and taste good but not "bready" at all but sturdy!..my plans for this "roll" is to put some curried chicken salad on it and see what it tastes like as an actual low carb sandwich ..I am not being inovative trust me!!! this is just a rip off recipe I wanted to share with you ... did not like the idea of the cottage cheese and wanted to add some fiber to the recipe ...I am sure someone someplace has done this variation ..because versions of these are every freaking where being touted as the cure all for the low carb diet blues (have you guys made them ever?) ....I googled them to see if there was a better recipe than in the book ..and about 49485737 sites came up so this is what I ended up doing 6 extra large eggs separated whites beaten until stiff blend into the yolks 6 tbls of mayo and 2 tble ground fine chia (or flax) seeds for body fold the yolks carefully into the eggs then pile onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment and sprinkle with seeds of choice (sesame here) ...back at 325 (mine is convection so watch them) for 30 min ..this recipe makes six large ones or 12 tiny ones .. I am yearning to fill them with whipping cream and put some cocoa on top ..but that is not what this is all about now is it??? or is it...hmmmm this is actually golden brown on top the camera is really hard to use it leaves everything bright white
  9. wow could I dive into that chicken dish right now I printed the recipe and will be making it .. the bread is beautiful as well sigh I want to leave work now and go home and cook ...badly .. too many sick people today
  10. at least two but maybe three dungeness crabs ... with plenty of any good fresh lager, Tim's alder smoked chips and a huge piece..never mind the entire chocolate cake with chocolate frosting on a blanket nested in the driftwood of Kalaloch beach
  11. thanks Eden I will plant them this weekend and maybe by October I will have some? it is worth a shot anyway I wanted to share the same sweet friend who sent me the onion seeds also sent me purple carrot seeds here is a pic he sent to show me what they looked like..I am extremely excited about these they are just beautiful aren't they? ..sounds crazy but I have never grown carrots so I hope my beds are deep enough these look long!
  12. Yes the fried crisps also make great nachos but I will over eat them for sure and always wondered if the carbs went up as you fry the fat out of them? ..I put a pinch of red chile and some sesame seeds with cheddar cheese crisps and it works perfectly ..I love chile and sesame together ...I am hungry today! ..still no headache from sugar detox ..maybe I got lucky this time? I even cut back to coffee just at breakfast and lunch ...we will see .. do you guys ever use fitday.com? It is free...and I find it to be very helpful for nutritional counts and for accountablity when I am feeling myself slipping ...it used to be a pain in the butt but seems much more user friendly now..it remembers your favorites so it is easy to keep track ..not only that but it had chia seeds in there! go figure! PS yes I would love the recipe Doc feel free to pm me thanks!
  13. I know what you mean about crunch and I love cheese even alone but sometimes you just need a crunchy cracker to carry it to your mouth! thanks for the tip.. I will go and look at her site and see... Linda put a lot of effort into that site and I forgot about it until the cookie was mentioned ..anyway as much as I will eat anything flax seeds really upsets my tummy ...I did find (as mentioned before I think)..both chia and basil seeds contain the same omegas..lots of fiber to nullify the carbs .. and pretty much no flavor to speak of ..just texture .. when they are ground up work just like the flax (no tummy upset) so I will try the crackers with those.....after I loose this poundage again ...argh argh argh!
  14. I am sorry but fine dining or not if you can not have grilled food on a beach then what is the point? ..not all grilled food is "BBQ" some dishes that come from the grill are very luxurious ..petit skewers of all kinds of tasty things plated nicely.....perfect premade cold sauces on grilled fish or other ...I can not imagine you would rule out a grill just because it is "fine dining" sorry I should shut up ...maybe I can not help here because I don't get how grilling can not be "fine"
  15. that cookie is really good I have to say and you can mix and match nuts and extracts..I have used all almond amaretto extract and pine nuts and that was really good....I dont like boxed Splenda..the packets are much better and if anyone you know is going to Canada or is in Canada and can send you some cyclamates then get some because they match perfectly with the Splenda taste wise ...(a little smidge of stevia is also for the third piece of the synergy here but I can never find my bottle for some reason) .. I also understand every single thing you are saying and wonder the same thing myself ..however my problem is I do cave and eat all the wonderful things I am missing after a few months of eating well and enjoying it ...argh it is just silly but it keeps happening so rather than make myself feel so guilty for it ..I am trying hard to keep it just in check..I mean at my age...blech...
  16. this is a recipe I found and changed from Linda's Low carb recipe site... it has been changed so much over my testing period ...that even if I posted the link it does not look at all like the original recipe 1 cup of nut meal (I mix almond and coconut flours but I am thinking of trying peanut next time) 2 packets of Splenda 2 packets of cyclamates (or mix and match whatever sweeteners you like) 1/2 tsp of baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 stick unsalted butter 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla, or whatever extract you want stir everything together well and drop on parchment paper (or spray a baking sheet) bake at 350 for about 12 min (watch them) this recipe makes 8 cookies
  17. Blood orange olive oil?? I am so there! K8 I have a great sugarfree almond cookie recipe someplace and will post it ..no sandiness at all I bet if you ground peanuts you could make a wonderful peanut cookie ...I have tried to make sugar free peanutbutter cookies and they were always lousy so if you get it right please share the recipe... right now no cookies for Heidi! I have to be strong and just focus...focus ..focus ...no snacks at all! Thanks for the recipe ... am gonig to make that souffle on Thursday I think ...I was thinking cheddar with a bit of red chile in it ...see I am messing with the recipe already I am really hoping to avoid the sugar detox headache this time ...so far so good ...in a way I deserve it but I hate suffering
  18. Thank you so much for telling how to make this dish! and then maybe no on the canned tripe then ...fresh is so easy to find very inexpensive and while it takes a while to cook ...I have a "while"..so why not... I have had this dish and loved it ...my friend made it for us during flu season last hear when we all had to work a Saturday clinic ..it was the best breakfast ever!!! I am going to gather everything and make it this weekend for sure..guess I should get drunk on Friday to make a scientific test of its healing powers huh?
  19. That looks lovely. And unless you have very small plates, it looks like the perfect size, too. What kind of flour did you use? ← I used King Arthur all purpose and I would double the recipe as I think he did when making it on the video next time ...or not (because then I would eat more!) that was a dessert plate size ..the picture is awful actually but that bun was fantastic it was melt in your mouth buttery and the dough was perfectly developed...it had just the right amt of everything a brioche/sweet dough should have ... it would make a perfect donut I can tell you that!
  20. can you get bitter orange where you are? iif so that is what will make it better...if not add some regular fresh squeezed orange or even tangerine juice with both lemons and limes a mix of citrus instead of just lemons... and more is better!!! good luck I think that if you are not adding the orange flavor that is what you are missing
  21. NO WAY really???? well I am a tripe lover and can imagine it was ok because cooking the snot out of it is what it is all about.. I have never seen tripe in a can before ..but will look and give it a try based on your note so thank you! it would be nice to be able to just add it to some menudo or make a quick something something ... I am on the hunt for canned tripe now just to see!
  22. my friend sent me a bottle of Meyer Lemon olive oil to start my eating better this week on the right note..and let me tell you ..no carbs in olive oil and this is to die for ..so if you see it try it ..my lunch is tuna lox with beautiful feta cheese cucumbers and the olive oil on top .. fan flipping tastic!!! eta this is what she sent me ..worth every penny imho it is so wonderful I could just roll around in it like a puppy in stink! Meyer lemon olive oil I may break my own rules about how I shop to order this when I run out ..or just whine a lot and she will send me more maybe?
  23. well whatever cheese you used...it looks absolutely perfect I think! did it taste as wonderful as it looks? can you share the recipe?
  24. I never used to presalt ..then I did ..now I always do ..I use DC Kosher salt and just sear it on both sides...perfect flavor perfect sear ..I can not imagine not doing it anymore! also the steak must be at room temp and like above salt just before searing no science here I just really think it makes for a better steak!
  25. That looks really good! ....what type of cheese is in there? After purging my larder, turning 50, spending three days in Vancouver eating everything I could find, then coming back and making more food that contained mostly sugar starch and salt ... thank goodness you bumped this thread because I am detoxing today and forever I feel like a hypertensive cow right now! I have never tried Somersizing but if it is interesting doable and you want to I say try it ....I have to stick with what I know and keep it easy or I will not do it Atkins is so easy ..when I needed to loose a large amt of wt I went with it and have stuck with it to keep the wt off ..well for the most part..I have a 10lb rule ..and seem to constantly be pushing the limits of it ... when I hit the 10lb mark ....I have to diet so I do ...then I try to keep my carbs low (not induction low but pretty low) when the wt comes off again ...I try to live the rules of no flour or sugar....keep it off...until ..I can stand it no longer I cave in plow through all the food I can before I gain the 10lbs back .. ...and have to do it again ... sounds kind of like an addict huh? I just think I have control is all keep the low carb dishes coming
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