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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. I am not much help here as I have never had a blog ..but I have read a lot of them ..and I think you could find one you liked that was someone elses and use that site just open your own acct? then I do know in the setting up they offer premade options/formats of what you want the lay out to be .. good luck and hope this gives you some help
  2. YES!!!! that is exactly what I see and I see it all the time .. I never usually even notice other people when I go out to eat ..I notice my food ..but there is something so unattractive about someone bringing a cup of coffee into a place there is so much coffee in the world why???????
  3. Good morning Linda I am so jealous of your day! enjoy! ( I love Frida Kahlo but I have to admit the last time I saw an exibit I left exhausted and kind of depressed very heart wrenching stuff ) 1. I think if I made a list of all the foods my parrots ate it would never end! 2. as far as the sexism ..probably more a safety issue when farty oafs in styrofoam leprechaun ears are served with plastic! very funny I have to say I could see him..or maybe have seen him! 3. hmmm the cleaning of two kitchens had not thought about that ....we are both not quite Oscars but ...we are noooo Felix's either have a wonderful day sweet lady! hugs to you, Heidi
  4. I see it happen all the freaking time and I think it is incredibly rude..just like I think taking your own tea bag to a restaurant is rude next people will bring their own bread to a hamburger joint.. oh wait I did read that someone was doing that on another board! argh
  5. what a beautiful bird Ernie is! and your kitchen lovely and immaculate! I have two parrots Flower and Kiwi ..if I kept them in the kitchen they would boss me around so much I would not be able to cook ..they are big time food critics!!! (and thieves) we are in process of putting a second kitchen in and I love the idea of sweet and savory kitchens ..what a brilliant idea!
  6. I have no shame I will proudly display my ketchup on top of the hot dog where it belongs! honestly I never knew this was a "gustatory crime" ..because I like it! I thought everyone loved ketchup on hotdogs ..but what do I know about "everybody" anyway as far as dipping rock candy in honey ...I could probably do that as well..I have never found an end to my love of sweets either mustard on the other hand can go on the bottom of the bun ..because while I do enjoy it ..to me it is the secondary condiment ....but ketchup will remain proudly on top! ..oh yes and sweet pickle relish on the sides
  7. Hey! I like ketchup on a hotdog! never knew people looked at me with disgust until I read this!
  8. I have been in the garden the past week ..enjoying the breaks in the deluges...planting all kinds of thigns...and still need to get back into the kitchen and make order of my herbs and spices... it is pretty bad I have some nice containers and I like the test tubes a lot ....the stuff use by the scoop are all in big jars by the stove...but I have to figure something out for the smaller less used stuff (that is where I love those test tubes!) after I plant a few more things I am going to come back inside for a while and make order .. if I were taller all this would be easier ..I have a cabinet for savory herbs and spices for cooking and a cabinet for sweet herbs and spices for baking. but they are both way over my head....and a curry drawer for all my Indian/Caribbean/Fijian curry spices ..Asian curry ingredients are in the fridg the curry drawer is all in order tand rotates through fast so there is little wasted...he rest is a nightmare..I need a system of some kind so I dont keep buying stuff I can not see because I am too short! (step stool is out I almost broke my ass falling over the last one I had in here there is no floor space)
  9. moved a cubic yard of dirt today then made perfect mounds and grids on my boxes...Mel Bartholomew would be proud of my technique ..then after screwing around with a few neatly placed seeds I just chucked seeds everywhere and have no idea where anything is ..but I have neat grids and planted onions, purple carrots, regular carrots, bush peas, Italian parsley..some kind of Italian green I can not remember the name of.. and two kinds of escarole in those new boxes ...when the plants sprout I will sort it out then ..I did leave room for radishes .....just need a truck load of bark around those boxes where the shade cloth is ..and this part of the garden is pretty much done ...yay anyone else digging around in the dirt this weekend? (I am freaking sore and smell like cow poop now ..ahhh the springtime is here .. beer me )
  10. ok if you have any doubts about the cookies I posted the recipe for above ..just look at these babies...I made four large ones because I knew I would eat two and I like big cookies! they come to about 300 calories and maybe max of 6 carbs wth at least 4 grams of fiber so that is really good ..I used two packets of sweetener you may want more and I also added a few pine nuts I like them ..not as much as cookies made with sugar ..I can not even compare them really ..these are a good for you and good tasting snack is all
  11. it came out phew ..but I am afraid to put it in there anymore so I can not post pics until I restore my confidence in my ability not to do that again! ..oh well back to gardening! I am going to get a truck load of garden mix to put into my four new raise beds today... I can not believe how happy I am to say I am going to go get dirt! but I am!!! the bad part ..it is pouring rain bright side? good work out?
  12. Do you have an Indian market at all there or look online for Indian food products it would be less expensive they sell rose essence, and rose petals for cooking
  13. well tomorrow is dirt day ...going to go and rent a truck and get it ourselves .. $300 for delivery ..the hell with that it is only $30 for the truck we rented and whatever for the gas (it is high but not that high) I am excited about dirt go figure!!! I plant the purple beans too they do look pretty in the garden .and they are good beans but it is kind of a bummer to loose the color in the cooking process...the first time it happened caught me totally off guard.. .so do scarlet runners I plant those all over the place and just use the beans for seeds the following year I am mostly excited about these carrots and am glad you folks have had sucess here in the Norwest with them!
  14. I am half Jewish and the nostalgia that sandwich and that chow mein brings back is funny ...there were Jewish enclaves where I lived in Providence but some fo the best Chinese was directly near Italian bakeries! ....really funny having grown up in a Southern Italian neighborhood raised by women from the Caribbean (the stories I could tell about what I ate growing up!!! very lucky!!) imagine patties with duck sauce instead of chutney! ... anyway the garlic bread worked perfectly and we would dump any of our Chinese food left overs on it ..not just the bbq pork ...but always the hot mustard on the bread chinese food in the middle and duck sauce on top ..I loved to mix it up too so my sandwich was always way too big for my mouth ..we also topped ours with garlic bread .then drank cream soda from the Jewish deli with them!
  15. I just did it with the larder purge ...I take everything I can take down and run it through the dishwasher ..then with a good degreasing dish soap and hot water..I just turn up the music and scrub with a scrubby spongue then rinse then dry ... sorry no easy tricks but great exercise!
  16. No they dont stay purple as soon as they are cooked anyway they turn green I tried..you can roast them and they good that way but then they are roasted so there is no purple then either I heard purslane was really invasive so I have not tried it..it grows wild here in my town ..or maybe someones yard crop went wild ..very possible that has for sure happeened with seed fennel ..it is ocming up through the sidwalk cracks I have bulb fennel and cut it before it seeds so I dont think I caused this mishap
  17. ohhhh sh!t can you pick it up and shake it? ← I love brussels sprouts and they grow beautifully here I should try them for sure ..the look so funny with the little things all up and down the stalk! They look like dinosaur food! I tried to shake it ..how hard can I shake with out fking up the rest of this laptop? I am so pissed at myself it was the right spot but I had a feeling something was wrong when the chip slid in so quickly ..I have to use my worst camera now
  18. I make a shorbread type cookie that I take coarse sugar I have rubbed with food grade rose petals that are very fragrant then sprinkle the sugar with the smashed up petals in there still on top before baking a tiny bit of rose extract in the cookie themselves would be fine
  19. ok low carb eaters this was a very good breakfast! I split one of those "rolls" and nuked some jicama with lime juice let it cool to room temp...then added one packet of Splenda to it (that is a great way to use jicama if you have not tried it do!)..layered 2 tbls of heavy cream whipped and a sprinkle of coarse ground cinnamon ..only one packet of sweetener in the entire thing...so it did not taste too sweet but was nice with the lime juice..jicama is sweet anyway try this! very good and I htink about 3 maybe 4 carbs in the whole thing? plus the fiber from the chia seed .. I am so crappy at plating ...enjoy the view instead!
  20. I could offer some empathy and big hugs at least OOOXXX (my washer is ready to go and never does one thing go at a time ..holding my breath here because this is not in my budget at all right now )
  21. I think dungeness is a far superior crab to any other including the king crab so you made the best choice in my opinion!!! It is hands down my favorite meal to have one or two ...sometimes I can eat three! Next time I come to BC we should have crab on the beach! for sure!!!
  22. thanks I have to use the beds anyway so I will load the carrot bed deeply with dirt and see what happens for sure...I was bummed as well when I cooked purple beans ..what is the point if they loose the cool color? I am glad to hear the carrots stay purple! I imagine they would roast nicely
  23. tell me do you guys think my 12 inch beds will be deep enough for the purple carrots? I have as I mentioned not grown them before so I am not sure how deep I need the dirt to be
  24. well I was going to show you a new pic of some recently rooted lemon grass but I think I put my camera chip in the wrong hole because it is gone inside of this computer ..way in I dont think it will ever come out
  25. Jim you have to keep us posted about the peanuts ..I am so afraid it is too wet here I am going to keep it in the house or under the eve when it warms up so the rain does not drown them it is so fun planting things ..very therapeutic I think! Heidi you are right that would be beautiful picture I can not wait until these carrots grow!
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