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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. My advice is to get your kids and yourself involved in the local 4H ..that is a great start ...and then just start ...here are a couple of links that have a ton of info but the best thing is to talk to people at farmers markets, fairs ect...see what folks in your area are doing and just go for it! Sounds like you already have a great start! ..I would before I grew anything take some soil samples in for testing ..call the health dept and just ask where and how to do it good luck! click here WA COOP EXT
  2. Grace you can buy the juice in a bottle in any Hispanic market and in most grocers have it in the Hispanic section here where I live it is very good stuff to have on hand..of course if you can get the fresh sour oranges then even better! but I cant here so I use the bottled juice
  3. Make Mojo chicken wings make a toss together marinade of the following easy and nice and sticky with out the sugar olive oil sour orange juice (or half lemon half lime juice) fresh squeezed garlic to taste (I like a LOT) oregano salt and fresh cracked pepper bag them overnight then bake longer than you think that you should at 450 turning them in the marinade until they absorb the liquid and are all sticky and wonderful enjoy! these are great on a low long grill as well
  4. If this weather does not get better soon I am going to need medication I mean how much snuggling in with enhanced coffee can a person do???? I wonder if the bees will be able to do their work in all of this mess?
  5. Silly Chef lucky you are out of my reach! ...no muffin tops for me!!! but the butter is the reason I eat popcorn at all it is just a vehicle to get it to my mouth!
  6. congratulations!!!! can you put a tomato cage around them to protect them?
  7. it is a tradition here to deep fry asparagus in the spring time and I never blanch it (no one I know does either) before deep frying it it is already so tender there is no point? it would be mushy inside the coating if you blanched it ... dry well coat with flour and then batter then in the hot hot oil until crispy that is it
  8. my trilliums are the single best score ever they are my favorite flower I am going to try to catch the seeds and grow more ...it will reside under the hazelnut seems perfect for it
  9. they are on the military bases in WA and usually even if you dont have an ID card you can shop at them you just need to get a day pass at the gate it is hit and miss but this time of year all the things people want to devide are in there and they are so cheap it is crazy! I have found tons of plants at yard sales as well ..and really nice pots!
  10. fresh bamboo shoots are a very strong vegetable!
  11. that is magnificant!!!! thank you so much for sharing those pictures!!! I totally applaud you!!!! we are installing rain barrels all over the place soon ..for a place that rains like here it is stupid not to and we just scored a few free ones! I am thrilled I probably will have questions but I want to look at your pictures again hope everything is ok? and the "out of comission" does not equal something serious take care anyway and thank you so much!!! it outstanding! all my vegetables are up and did well in this weekends weather from crazyland!! hail, snow, sun rain, fog, thundersnow...more rain more of everything and nothing lasted more than 5 min!!!
  12. Thanks for that link Randi! here are the best peanut butter cookies I think ..they are perfectly traditional... very basic... that makes for the best cookie I think! criss cross pb cookies click here
  13. I like Adam's chunky the best to bake with ..eat ..it is just the best peanut butter I think (eta they are sell outs but the peanut butter is really still consistantly good in my opinion ...you used to be able to buy it still warm here in Tacoma)
  14. I ended up with a spiked coffee as well and flopped all day it was kind of nice I visit a couple of local thrift stores that carry plants and look at my score!!! ..all this for under $25!!! Just look at the trillium!!!! also sedums, lilly of the valley, peonies, hosta and a current ...I will look for those tomatoes ..you are right if you find a good producer stick with it!!! I bet in May they show up .... what other tomatoes have you had success with? I am kind of tired of Early girl it is the only one I have done well with here that and various cherry tomatoes ..but I have a nice bed ready to go in the sunniest area of the yard... ...with a few blue potatoes in it ..the tomatoes can share with potatoes cant they? same family I think?
  15. Just a spritz??? what fun is that??? load me up with butter to my elbows!!!!
  16. My husband can eat oysters, mussels, shrimp and crabs but can not even kiss me after I eat clams any clams he reacts badly to farm raised and fresh water fish but not ocean caught ...tilapia is the absolute worse!!!! I dont look for reasons because for me it is life or death I just cringe every time he takes a bite of any fish ..but we carry liquid benadryl and an epi pen and one cough or flush he gets both and I yell at him!!! one time in Palm Springs he had a reaction to something he ate ..I was like "where is your epi pen?" he said in the hotel ..I ran into a grocery store grabbed an epi inhaler (Primatine) and a bottle of liquid benadryl off the shelf ...screamed "I swear I will be back to pay for this!!" and hit him hard with both in the parking lot ...thank goodness it was not a full blown reaction ..I gave him a good wack and a "what the hell is the matter with you not carrying that pen!!!" and he has carried that pen since
  17. Ruston Way on the Tacoma water front..two of us all alone with 4 fresh dungeness crabs ...lots of newspaper... crab crackers ..paper towels and wet wash clothes......Dos Eques, and Tims Alder Smoke chips chocolate fudge cake with chcolate fudge frosting and a thermos of coffee with lots of cream for dessert did I mention it was 9am on a weekday?
  18. you are welcome ..wow Rob...for someone who is not a big meat eater ..you are going to be busy with lots of of really red meat.. for a long time looks like! you will crave a huge purifying hunk of fresh tofu with some fresh clean greens sooon very sooon I would be and I am a meat eater!!! my advice ..pace yourself here
  19. whatever you choose I would not worry about the amount of sweetness ..anyone who loves tres leches really has no threshold! I know that for a personal fact!
  20. exactly his throat could close and he could die
  21. kimchee right out of the jar all kinds
  22. this person should always carry an epi pen ..I am a nurse work ER and urgent care and I am also allergy credentialed ...and my husband can and can not eat some and some not shellfish and fish sometimes you just never know! epi pen and liquid benadryl ..and a huge sense of risk taking behavior! good luck
  23. tres leches is one of my favorite cakes to make ... and I am not able to think pistachio with it ...could you make the cake part with pistachio and then do the rest a traditional tres leche? then just sprinkle more pistachios on top? good luck to you I would love to see how this one turns out
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