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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. I thought ours were from California? that is what the box the vendor was taking them out of said and they looked/tasted/were wonderful and cheap! ..I looked yesterday after reading this topic and they have no more where I purchased them last week .. ..maybe it is like our apples we always send the good ones out to other states and overseas ...it is sometimes quite hard to find good Washington apples in Washington ..except at the farmers markets
  2. kind of off topic but years ago I worked in a place that had a margarita machine (they were famous for their margaritas and the machine) ... it sounds kind of like you are talking about building actually one night the bartender had a tantrum and walked off the floor..so the boss asked me to just go try to make drinks... I did not know the machine had tequila in it ..so each margarita I took out of the machine I added a good healthy shot ...stirred it in and served it ... happy customers HUGE tips ..my boss was like "what did you do???" somehow during the conversation she figured it out and was rolling ...yes she lost a little money but .... so I say margaritas for sure! good luck to you and your adventure ...my husband invented something about 5 years ago ...people bought it up ..are still buying it ...he has never ever been in the red ..and is now making a hell of a living ..
  3. well I am a woman and do not have a lot of deep thoughts either! I think the reason wait staff all over the country ask the same words is because the words for "how is your food tasting? " is limited to "how is your food tasting?"! when someone brings you food and puts it down in front of you ...what else would they ask when they return? ok they could say "is everything ok here?" or "is there anything else I can get for you?" I say the same thing over and over all day at my work ...there are only a few words to say for some actions redundant as they are ...how do I ask a patient "how they are feeling today?" when that is what I really need to know? I do however make fun of myself saying the same things over and oveer ... sometimes try to mix things up to make my patients laugh ...but the bottom line ..some jobs are limiting and some things are just hard to express when you are doing the same thing over and over again .. she probably was bummed you did not like the meal ... I do agree quality of food has gone down in lot's of places ..even a few high end used to be fantastic places we have been going to for years..the service recently has sucked and the food has really gotten quite awful as well as over priced ...it is sad ..but I think with some places they start off ambitious and the reality of the bills vs the amount people are willing to spend in this economy ...and paying for a great wait staff .well it is more shelling out than return I imagine I hate paying money for a crappy meal when I know I can cook better food myself ....but I also believe in supporting my friends in the restaurant industry so I try ...my friend just opened a new place and she is having a horrible time just hiring someone good who wants to work for what she can afford to pay..not to mention drowning in bills trying to afford the best foods ...she is already cutting corners on the quality she promised she would provide ...because she needs to eat too! ok enough StanSherman I am sorry your meal was ruined but I understand that people say what they can say and should not be blamed for redundancy in a job that requires it! perhaps she just knew she did not have a chance with you and no skills or maturity to change the mood maybe?
  4. Just a warning: while I think O-Asian makes the best Turnip Cakes ever seen on this earth and thought the rest of the dishes were very good as well, the prices are truly astronomical for DimSum. I think we paid $40/person. Granted we ordered everything under the sun, but we always do that & I don't think I've ever paid more than $20/person in a regular DimSum joint (we paid $10/each at Jade garden today) ← OMG $40/person is totally out of line for dim sum! that is for sure!
  5. hummingbirdkiss

    Goose Eggs

    you know I think they taste like big eggs! Duck eggs are "stronger" in my opinion than a goose egg (but even those just taste more eggy not really stronger)..they are great big beautiful eggs ...I make them more for surprise and the pleasure of eating that big of an egg than for anything special taste wise..the geese that I get the eggs from eat the same things the chickens who lay the eggs do (the farmers market produce)..and they are themselves huge and eggy eggs.. so perhaps that is why all my eggs are similar in flavor? boil one and enjoy it ..I think if you just do it at a low boil for about 15 min that should be enough ...I also blow them out because they are sturdy eggs and hold up nicely for Easter
  6. I never thought of coconut and rhubarb! I am going to have to try this it looks very good thank you!
  7. I am seeing just the other way we are getting HUGE globe artichokes here for less than a buck each ..they are in perfect shape and one place even had them for 2 for a dollar
  8. hummingbirdkiss

    Goose Eggs

    I really like them just boiled barely hard and then sliced with a little salt ... I fried a whole one for my son one time ..he called it an Elk egg!
  9. that is funny we are not that far away and here it is runaway and in all the woods! I just go pick it if I need it ..have never planted it as it just comes up everywhere! that and comfry are all over the place!
  10. Hmm I wonder why is that. Maybe freezing helps break down cell walls? ← exactly! it is a pile of mush when it comes out ..I have just been tossing the frozen bag of vegetable trimmings into the bin and letting it thaw there
  11. I dont use any science ..but yes it is a scientific process...I just make a pile and layer it with what I just told you ...it is very easy to compost! that link was a suggestion and it has a good list of things you should and should not put in your pile ..use a bin if you are going to do food scraps ...to keep rodents out also JimH gave me the tip of putting your kitchen waste in a bag toss it in the freezer and then it helps break it down faster in the bin ...I can already see how this helps the composting happen faster
  12. heat a little of the water or milk first to mix the cocoa in to make a syrup of sorts ... ithen cool it with cold milk
  13. this is a comprehensive site for composting Takadi and if you just google "how to compost" all kinds of info ...how to compost I have a heap compost pile for weeds and garden waste like grass clippings..and a bin composter for food ..so vermin does not get in there the bottom line is you need three things ..green/kitchen waste (things like weeds ..egg ...vegetable trimmings ect) brown waste ...like dried leaves or straw ...dried wood chips ...and something kind of high nitrogen something ...like grass clippings or manure ..or you can buy a box of composting stuff at the garden store that helps break down the other stuff... keep it damp an turn it once in a while ...and voila the best soil you will ever have! I am excited you want to do this ...win win I tell you!
  14. I think composting has everything to do with food! if there isnt a thread there should be one ...I mean you use your left over food to make soil to grow food ...it is totally win win I can not find a thread myself except the gardening thread we should talk about it that is for sure and if we do I am happy to share what I have learned .. ..recently I have learned even more than I thought I knew from another gardener on this board! it is very easy and there are many tricks to it that keep it safe and clean PS on this I also buy more "local" than organic because most farmers dont use pesticides that I know of but can not afford or are missing one key factor to being certified as "organic" ...the prices are so high for "organic" food I just can not do it with any regularity
  15. Sparrowgrass I am so impressed by your efforts to grow plants to help animals!!! good for you what a wonderful thing to do it warms my heart ..to see this ..such a win win!!! If I lived near you I would buy those plants up! hugs to you I have a bed with some beets in it waiting for tomatoes I am going to try to time things so as the tomatoes are ready to go in ...the beets can be pulled ..wish me luck on this timing!
  16. I almost forgot seafoam that was my absolute favorite candy as a child
  17. They have a term for that: The Calorie Restriction Optimal Nutrition diet ← Oh no I would never say that! LOL..way to serious!... and it would not leave room for home made cookies if I believed that! ....just put less on your plate ...and as Dianabanana said waste less! composting to me is a huge solution for waste ...I am stunned at how much compostables take up in the trash! ..even if you live in an appartment in a city and only have house plants ..you can compost in a bucket and recycle into the houseplants...(I swear this is an option ..does not smell and works for the best free house plant soil you can imagine! I have done it!) as individuals people can and should consume and waste less food (as well as packaging, plastic wraps, foil, paper plates, bags ect ect ect) this will help the bigger picture... this I truly believe
  18. when my son went to culinary school they made suggestions and told them what they needed but left the actual purchase to the students (I think they sold knives at the school but also told them online and local resources and encouraged them to shop around) they could buy any brand they wanted and my son also bought a very nice moderatly priced set of Wusthof and is still using it ..
  19. My mother died when I was 3 and I was raised by many loving "mothers" ... bottom line in my learning I was taught that an emaculatized house gave the impression you had some control in life ...so I clean mine for therapy and then live with the false illusion that I have any control at all over anything... cooking was also all about control.. depending on how you felt you could make or break a meal ...you could reward, seduce, whatever and make everyone happy with a fantastic meal......or if you are pissed you off you can create a lousy meal and then dare them to say a word with a single look ..with four wonderful teanagers sitting at a table at the same time ..instead of yelling, or screaming or leaving the table myself...I used this skill (in both directions) ..many times...
  20. darn I should have risked it and gone ..sigh I am jealous of your scores! good for you guys.. ...I did find some sesame leaf plants at the Korean market for a buck each so that was cool ...I planted more seeds and thinned some things ....everything is growing like crazy..now I am holding out on tomatoes and looking for the Isis Candy for sure ..I will plant those around the 15th or later.. ..I have been pulling rhubarb all week still loaded with parsley and chives ..all the hardy herbs are either starting to bloom or sending new shoots lots of flowers now that part is wonderful I think careful with borage it can and will escape and run wild!!!
  21. can you tell me about this syrup .. eta (I just realized you said it was a vegan honey) .. how does it taste?
  22. I am torn here a shame you anticipated so much better and that did not happen That is always so disapointing...and for people who adore food it is hard to hide the disapointment that is for sure ... did they change hands maybe? I have to say I prickled with your anticipation of the server's concern that you have a good dinner.....she sounded like she was trying to do a good job ..have pride ..and may actually like the food ..there are lots of people who do like those kind of salads and lean meat ... I think you write quite well actually.....the one thing I don't get was how do you relate your server coming to ask "how is your salad" to the economy? that point I missed... .. I clearly saw your disapointment when you walked in and the view seats were empty ..you knew and predicted exactly what was to follow..the server did not have a chance ... I am sure she could feel your displeasure and may not have understood..
  23. bumping to see what you ended up doing? hope it was a success!
  24. about 70% of what we eat is locally grown in the Pacific Northwest we do the best we can .milk..eggs...cheese ..butter ..wine...meat ..fish....and almost all our fruits.....I grow a garden that is almost year around now and pick wild edibles one main thing we do is really try to minimize the overall quantity of what we eat. putting less on our plates makes a difference I think ... I do buy imports from all over the US for sure ..I could not live with out my New Mexican red chile! .Carolina rice .... if I did not buy world wide products well I could not drink coffee and that would be horrible to me! not to mention that I love tropical fruits and they obviously do not grow here ...sauces and spices....things I use to enhance my local ingredients and fuse my cooking ...do come from all over the world ... I dont feel guilty or badly about how I eat or what I buy when I do buy foods that come from elswhere it is exciting to me and I enjoy the fact I can do it at all ..I feel very lucky! ...I think it is good for all of us to look at the larger picture and make some changes based upon what we can do ...not only to make the world better but to make our lives and health better ....but not out of guilt just out of a need to be part of the bigger picture I think
  25. Back in the early 80's I took a wildcrafting class ..it was how to pick medicinal herbs in the wild not sure if it has anything to do with what you are talking about but I still call it "wildcrafting" when I go to medicinal herbs ... the word itself never struck me as odd until now
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