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Posts posted by GlorifiedRice

  1. Hi,


    I was messing around in the kitchen this am.


    I warmed up a bowl of 2 cups heavy cream to 90 degrees F and added 2 heaping tablespoons yogurt and the liquid from the top.

    Wrapped it with plastic wrap and left it in the warm (warm from the light underneath) microwave for 6 hours. It actually got thick

    like Crema, then I put it in the fridge and now its very thick like non Greek yogurt.

    Its luxurious looking but the 6 hours scare me.


    Should it be okay to taste?

  2. OMG we routinely eat DEAD animals and we eat CINNAMON which IS in fact TREE BARK, and MAPLE SYRUP which oozes out of trees.

    Why are people squeamish about cellulose?


    Years ago there was a bread made of wood pulp, it was delicious and low carb, ppl were outraged and got it tossed off the market




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  3. Cant recall where I bought this Mosey's Irish Pork, but I made it and it was pretty tasteless. I was supposed to taste like corned beef but had no flavor, and not much is available online about it.

    Just letting you all know.





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  4. Okay I feel like updating this post...


    Not much has changed since I originally posted this.


    I still am subscribed to #1 and #2 but I am completely still annoyed with #3 and have unsubscribed. I just looked in on her yesterday and even though her videos are still sleek and gorgeously produced, and she ditched the glasses and tamed her hair, her content and advice still sucks (subbing cream cheese for heavy cream doesnt save any calories or fat). So I will remain unsubbed.


    I have about 8 new critiques though.


    1) If you dont have 100% FRESH vegetables or fruit on the day you film your recipe, do not use it. When your fruits and veggies are brown and bruised and obviously ROTTEN, wait until the day you have a fresh gorgeous piece. Nothing makes you and your recipe look unappetizing than to actually go through with an entire recipe on cam using visibly rotten food! The whole time your viewers watch it they will be thinking of the fact that it is completely inedible and will taste "off".


    2) If your entire channel is made from recipes out of books and magazines and your channel is MONETIZED, shame on you! You are a plagiarist and are making money off of other peoples work and you should be shut down. If you cant put out original content then why have a channel at all, find something else to do.


    3) You are on the internet! The internet has TROLLS and people who will hate you and harrass you. Grow a thick skin and/or dont allow comments on your channel at all. RRCherryPie? Your channel used to be fantastic, but now all you do is put up videos responding to haters.Stop feeding the haters.


    4) Locking yourself into posting 2 videos a week or on specific days pressures you into putting out cut rate videos. Do we really need anymore Zebra Cakes or Crayon Cakes? NO! Quality over Quantity any day is better.


    5) Can someone please help Cosas De Loli get English Subtitles on her fabulous channel? Show her some love.Shes got the IT factor. https://www.youtube.com/user/Cosasdeloli


    6) I am getting increasingly frustrated with YouTube Cooks who misname things, talk about ingredients and the history of foods in a manner that shows that they clearly have no clue what they are talking about. Like these people who are calling those things Hoverboards, when clearly they have wheels that are making contact with the ground and do not hover. Oh and dont get me started on YouTubers who use the wrong utensils (you cannot flip pancakes with a whisk!)


    7) Please stop with the Food Challenges!  I dont wanna see you hold something super sour in your mouth or see how much hot sauce you can take. Its childish


    8) Oreo anything has been done to death...move on...

  5. Well I got the Paderno cause the Benriner was too expensive. LOL Little did I know that I have had a Benriner in my garage all these years I didnt remember purchasing.

    I put it in the dishwasher, good as new!

    I hated the Veggetti, too much turning and it shreds the seeds with it.

    The Paderno does more than spirals, it does ribbons and other cuts. But its annoying to clean, and I feel like its made with that kinda plastic that will eventually turn YELLOW

    I havent used the Benriner in 15-16-17 yrs  So I cannot speak about it yet LOL


    ETA I just looked up the Benriner on Amazon, $21 !!! They used to be $79.00, I guess they wanna get in on the Spiralizing craze


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  6. Sugar is sugar..



    It is okay for people with diabetes to use coconut palm sugar as a sweetener, but they should not treat it any differently than regular sugar. It provides just as many calories and carbohydrates as regular sugar: about 15 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrate per teaspoon. So, you still need to account for it when planning meals.


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