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Posts posted by GlorifiedRice

  1. 17 hours ago, asthasr said:

    When I watched the Food Network (years ago), I found that Guy Fieri's personality was off-putting, but he (or the show runners) could at least find interesting places to eat. I'd frequently think: "Huh! That would be nice to try." The ones that drove me away were actually the ones like Sandra Lee and Rachel Ray, selling factory food as some sort of culinary revolution. "You can cook Cream of Mushroom™ Soup® in only five minutes! Just open a can of Campbell's© Cream of Mushroom™ Soup® and you're done!"


    Sandra Lee and her Kwanzaa Cake!

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, haresfur said:


    I thought I read somewhere that brown rice tend to go rancid whereas white rice keeps longer so perhaps eating white rice is a hold-over from an age with poorer options for storage and distribution. (Edit to add: Probably way up thread :P)


    Personally, I don't care what anyone else eats. I like white rice but usually prefer brown.



    Remember the rule with grains, If it smells like CRAYONS, its rancid and its time to toss it!

  3. 8 hours ago, liuzhou said:

    Isn't it interesting that the major rice eating cultures of the world seldom, if ever, eat brown rice? Perhaps, they know something!


    Nearly all my neighbours eat rice at least twice a day, sometimes more. Always white. I wouldn't know where to buy brown rice. White, red, black. No problem. Brown. Never seen.



    I use brown rice to make my dogs food

    • Like 1
  4. 58 minutes ago, gfweb said:

    It is real.


    Phila's Mayor Kenny said he needed money for preschool and forced through a sugared bev tax to benefit the wee ones.


    Most of the proceeds it is now known will go to solving the city's pension "crisis".


    Talk radio has been going nuts for some time.


    Actually universal Pre-K is in place and going forward in Philly.

    Yay less diabetes in Philly!

  5. On 1/6/2017 at 5:30 PM, kayb said:

    I, on the other hand, love it. Will happily use brown rice any time I can get away with it when white is called for.


    And as one who grew up eating rice with brown sugar and butter as a hot breakfast cereal, can I just say that brown rice is MUCH better in that application than white. In my book.




    The Indian food store has Brown Poha, that'd be great as cereal.


    Amazon has some too: Conscious Food Organic Poha - Organic Brown Riceir?t=egulletcom-20&l=am2&o=1&a=B00M54HVN

    • Like 1
  6. On 9/16/2008 at 10:20 PM, maggiethecat said:

    I hang my head with shame and admit that I hate brown rice. Seems most of the world does too, including my new extended Asian family -- you can bet that their rice cookers are churning out the white stuff, not the long-cooking crunchy gluey healthy stuff, with its whiffs of Birkenstocks. I may be way off here, which is why I'm starting this topic: is there a place in the world where brown rice is the rule, not the exception?

    I'd love some geographical guidance.


    Try the quick cook brown rice from Aldi.


    I love all rice. I could eat a whole pot of plain rice, white, brown, red, green or purple. Its all good.

  7. 7 hours ago, dcarch said:


    Not what I said. 

    I said every other outlet (110V). The oven should be hardwired not a plug-in outlet.

    The oven may be 220V, but the ground may be common to 110V. If the ground was wired incorrectly, then it may be wise to check all the other 110V  outlets.


    BTW, 110V can be using the same wiring as 220V. 220V is made from 110v + 110V from the same panel.


    Just MHO.




    It wasnt just the oven, it was the whole house.

    The flickering and dimming occurred when the oven wasnt in use, so it was unrelated to the oven itself.


    As a side note, While they were digging up my sidewalk and my power was off 5 hours all I could think of was the $45 fillet of Hamachi in my freezer.

  8. The issue has been fixed, the dimming lights and flickering is gone and my oven is working at full power finally, as is indicated in the differing roastednesses[sic] of the nuts before the issue was fixed and after. And the cakes today took 35 mins on the dot, whereas in the past theyd be still jiggly.


    I posted this for future reference so you can consider other things if your oven is running too cool, it might be the wiring on the curb or pole.

  9. IKLQL2T.jpg


    A month ago I roasted Almonds for butter. I then Vitamixed them and put em in a jar.

    I roast them for 30 mins on 350 F, stirring once. Always preheating the oven before timer is set.

    I had flickering lights in my house 2 weeks ago and the electric company came out and told

    me my main wire was hot and had no ground, dug up the front yard and fixed it.

    I then roasted new nuts WITH NO CHANGES and poured the butter on top of the other butter.

    See the demarcation? It looks like the oven finally got to proper "power levels".

    Ill bet that is why my eggs in the am were some days done fast and other days

    were still raw in center?

  10. On 12/24/2016 at 5:18 PM, andiesenji said:

    It's a small William Bounds grinder adjustable fine to coarse.  I set it on fine.  They are not cheap. The adjustable ones cost about $25.00 now but they last a very long time.  I've had this one for at least 15 years it's in a photo I took in 2001.

    Not had a problem with the size of the allspice. 






    Darn it!

    Now Ill have to find matching green spice grinders. lol

    • Like 1
  11. 9 hours ago, liuzhou said:

    I'm left wondering what there is in the Japanese sandwich which you think is not widely available or consumed in Japan. Whether they were in 1909, I don't know. I'm not quite that old.


    Did they consume sandwiches in Japan in 1909?


    BTW there are 2 Oriental sandwiches.


    OT(to the quoted)

    The hell is a dyspeptic sandwich?

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