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Posts posted by GlorifiedRice

  1. 49 minutes ago, DiggingDogFarm said:


    There are several ways to view this:

    Should we (him) 'unlearn' what we've 'learned' because lots of money and such is involved? Aren't these shows SUPPOSED to be about learning, anyway?

    Much of what was 'revealed' on ATK wasn't all that unique.

    Etc., etc. etc.




    It was unique to me...at least the geeky chemistry things.


    I had a 180 opinion when I thought Kimball started Cooks Kitchen/ATK. but now that I know he didnt I feel hes a theif.

    Hes akin to Yoyomax on Youtube who has monetized her youtube and never cooks a single ORIGINAL recipe, its all from books and magazines! It seemed that Kimball watched everyone else cook and then bitched about spicy food.

    • Like 2
  2. So for some reason my neighborhood has a lot of Feral and Stray and Dumped cats.

    So I bought a trap. I trapped the first one, a calico female who had just weaned her 2 kittens born under my neighbors deck.

    Took her to the Vets to TNR her.

    The vets asked for a name...The first thing that came to mind was that David Letterman episode with Tina Turner on it in which she used an appliance called "The TUNA Turner"...

    So Calico became TUNA TURNER.

    Trapped Tunas BabyDaddy, Named him PIKE Turner.

    Trapped their son, hhhhhhmmmm....

    Tina and Ike only had 1 child together, Ronald "Ronny" Turner.

    He became "pRawny Turner....

    Cats and fish names, lol

    • Like 3
  3. Just now, Alex said:


    I think you forgot -- it should have been "Ramen."


    (Both our posts probably are going to get hidden.)


    Ohhhh thats PERFECTION. Ill use that the next time one of them come in.... That leads to another story....

  4. I know this is religion and politics but its still food and funny


    Im involved in politics chat and there is a no preaching religion rule.


    A lady came in and got on mic and immediately started preaching, she was immediately muted off mic.

    Me being the wiseguy got on mic and said, 'let us pray...In the name of Ravioli, in the name of pappardele, linguini, angelhair, tortellini, etc let us all wear our Colanders proudly, AMEN"


    Others then got on mic and named their favorite pastas.


    Preachy lady left.

    • Like 3
  5. 20 minutes ago, rotuts said:



    what do you do with whole wheels of brie ?


    TJ's have several sliced Brie    maybe I used to be a Brie / Camembert Head   ( or any FR  trample creamy cheese )


    Im happy know with the TJ's trance's that are on the oozy side which I ' self-age ' at home


    Rotuts Aldi sells small rounds of Brie

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