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Posts posted by GlorifiedRice

  1.  Jazzy Vegetarian for several episodes ...argh she is WORSE than Christine Cooks who is just horrible, but has 1 or 2 good recipes..it isnt good or fun for teens at all...so far ..lbut i will keep looking



    Hummingbird? The Jazzy Vegetarian is on the CREATE lineup. OMG Im gonna "hate watch" ! I need to see when shes on...lol

  2. Has anyone noticed that TJ's dried tart cherries have changed? They used to be so great, and now they are not so good, it's very disappointing. For starters, they are much less tart. They are also somewhat slimy. (That's not really the right word. But they're no longer sticky.) I know sometimes dried fruit is sprayed with mineral oil. It seems like the tart cherries now have a massive dose of it. I've used them regularly for several baked items (biscotti, a particular pound cake) and the last time I made them the cherries just didn't add the flavor they used to. Eating them out of hand also, it's like a completely different item. I will stop buying them if this is their new incarnation. Anyone else notice a difference? 


    Maybe its climate change and they needed to import them from a new place?

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  3. Sorry, but mini hot dogs with bbq sauce and grape jelly sounds like something only a Klingon would love. On what planet is that a favorite app? I grew up in NYC, lived for several years in New Mexico and for many years now in CA and this is the first I ever heard of that. Is it a Philly specialty? I think by definition any one who eats sausages with bbq sauce and grape jelly would not be considered a picky eater. Unless, of course, that was all they ate. Forgive me, you who are not picky eaters (and my husband is included here), we picky ones definitely owe you a debt of gratitude for letting us get away with outrageous and tiresome behavior for years on end, to say nothing of snobbery and crankiness.


    https://www.pinterest.com/recipes/cocktail-smokie-weenies < a plethora of "Cocktail Sausages W/BBQ and Grape Jelly recipes

  4. By the way, I do not consider a distaste for ketchup on a hot dog to be picky. No reasonable person puts ketchup on a hot dog. My daughter did that when she was little, so my solution was to not give her hot dogs so I didn't have to watch her do it. Not only picky, but a bad mom!


    I dont get how ketchup is bad on hot dogs, yet a popular appetizer is mini hot dogs/sausages in a tiny crock pot with BBQ sauce with grape jelly...


    These are the only things I dislike and even after repeated tries i cannot get myself to like

    Arugula,, Huitlacoche, Real Truffles, Sea Urchin, & Grand Marnier....oh and Belacan...


    I wanted to love Natto so bad that I had to eat several times and I love it now, but ugh, Arugula can ruin a salad...

    • Like 2
  5. I still eat ketchup with hot dogs. I think it's true that mustard can be difficult for kids to appreciate, I never liked it as a child and always loved ketchup. I love different mustards now, but I still eat ketchup with my hot dogs. Most people think it's pretty gross. (But they're so picky. :rolleyes: )

    Its a different taste but its good!

    I love hot dogs with everything.

    • Like 1
  6. Research has shown that most people in the so called "Bible Belt" eat the same 20 entrees for dinner in rotation most of their lives.

    And not trying to further fan the flames from that statement, there was even more research that shows that there is a huge culinary divide between

    political parties, with those identifying as Liberal being the more cultured and adventurous eaters. (Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20111117104347/http://hunch.com/media/reports/food/)


    I was raised around a hugely successful (an Institution even) restaurant and everyone was into food in my family, I was given books about different cultures and religions and food as a child

    So I wasnt picky. Although I didnt like raw tomatoes as a kid, but love them now. I am NOT picky as an adult. BUT I am particular about food safety, and food sourcing and I dont eat at certain other peoples houses or from certain restaurants because I have had some horrid experiences.


    I think its a Supertaster thing I also think its a taste acuity thing, the proof of taste acuity is easily proven by the Barilla Pasta Sauce thing. Barilla tried to bring its popular Italian brand sauce to the USA, It had much less sugar (if any) but it was failing in the US mkt and they did research and found that US consumers were used to a sweeter sauce because their sweetness acuity was higher due to all our sauces having more sugar...

    So I think its both Nature Vs Nurture...

    • Like 1
  7. GlorifiedRice,

    What were the ingredients of TJ's maple water and how much did it cost; where did you find it in the store?

    It sounds pathetic and expensive if your aim is to make maple syrup, but for someone like me who has very fond memories of stealing ice-cold and very lightly sweet maple sap out of buckets under the taps, this might be a good product.

    The ingredients were JUST SAP.. I think it was 1 or 2 dollars for a quart

    Heres what it looks like


    Someone developed a new way of tapping Maple Trees that consists of young saplings and NOT well established trees and needs no hard freeze time, so I think thats where this

    Maple Water is coming from.

    Heres the info http://modernfarmer.com/2014/01/maple-syrup-revolution/

    Host's note: the Trader Joe's topic continues here

    • Like 2
  8. How are you defining "picky eaters"? For example, there are many people who like canned vegetables. (As well as fresh veggies, not instead of.) But canned just doesn't bother them, it might even be preferable because of ease of preparation, and because they simply like them better. A lot of people on this forum (myself included), for the most part, won't touch them. Does that make us picky eaters? It doesn't matter if we can "justify" not eating canned veggies. Most pick eaters (whoever they are) have some sort of "justification" for their decisions. (In quotes only because I'm not so sure they need any justification for deciding not to eat something.)


    See in the case of canned foods etc I think it is something you are raised with. My mom would have Del Monte Blue Lakes and Le Seur tiny peas in the can at our house growing up and I occasionally get them to this day just for that taste.

  9. Well, look, a few years ago I posted 2 posts about this subject. One was about Rachael Ray telling people to "fill your sink up with water and wash all your veggies when you get home from the store"

    and the other one was about my ex mother in law putting the head of cabbage directly into the sink to separate the leaves for cabbage rolls...

    I have a huge issue with both because all the gross stuff goes in the sink and could cross contaminate the food. For instance I made a huge fillet of salmon yesterday and I left the baking dish in the sink overnight to soak, and I just put the dish in the dishwasher this am but IF I filled my sink with water and washed veggies that salmon gunk would be on them, no matter how well you rinse a sink theres always those crevices around that drain...


    Likewise how many people have that gross kitchen washcloth hanging from the faucet or equally gross sponge and they wipe the cutting board off with it after cutting chicken and then put the cooked chicken back on that board to cut it further.


    That all being said, people still live and thrive near Chernobl and farm and eat...SO *shrug*

  10. Hi,

    I had a concept idea in my head for a few months. I know if you drop dry or fresh pasta in hot oil it puffs up and gets crispy

    so knowing Twizzlers/RedVines are basically sugared pasta, I thought lets try dropping them in hot oil and see them puff up!

    Here are the results (for your future reference)




    Top: Fried in Medium Oil...Initially it turned white but then just turned floppy and sticky and never puffed or got hard

    Left Top: Uncooked Control

    Bottom Left: Fried in hot oil turned black pretty fast and house filled with stinky oil smell

    Bottom Right: Dipped in flour water mixture then fried in hot oil, crispy outside soft gooey inside...


    This concludes the experiment



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