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Posts posted by GlorifiedRice

  1. My Uncles restaurant put blanched carrots in his house salad...I thought it was a great idea cause you could pick it up with a fork but it still had crunch.


    Judie Byrd (http://judiebyrd.com/) makes an Asparagus salad where she pours boiling water over the Asparagus to take away some of the rawness..Its great.


    ETA: http://www.judiebyrd.com/plugins/recipeDetails.php?id=52 <<the recipe

  2. So I did a search on eG for this Indonesian fried rice dish and came up empty! If I Google the dish I come up with hundreds of variations. I totally expected this as no fried rice dish in any culture has a definitive recipe. The only constant I ran across that suggested this was Indonesian versus any other kind of fried rice was the ingredient Kecap manis (spelled many different ways).

    Tell me how you make your Nasi Goreng and if I am missing some other crucial ingredient.



    Ive been slowly making Malaysian dishes...

    And I could be off base but I think there are 2 separate sauces Kecap Masin/Asin and Kecap Manis

    One is sweeter and the other is saltier...


    Kecap Manis  



    Kecap Masin/Asin



    Grace from Nyonya cooking has this dish


    • Like 1
  3. I think "creaming" means the act of mixing the butter and sugar into a creamy smooth mixture.

    I dont think it has anything to do with the softness of the butter.


    Yes Im correct


    Creaming, in baking, is the technique of blending ingredients — usually granulated sugar — together with a solid fat like shortening or butter. The technique is most often used in making buttercream, cake batter or cookie dough.


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  4. I bought 3 pounds cocoa butter from a highly rated source from Amazon.

    I melted a little last night in the microwave and then stirred in NIDO whole milk powder and Splenda and then put it in the fridge to set.


    I broke the equivalent of 2 squares off and ate it. There was a weird chemical taste. I then got nauseated and felt bad all night.

    Im sure it was some weird Splenda chemical change.


    Has Splenda ever done this in anyone elses recipes?

  5. Hi,

    I subscribe to 30 YouTube Chefs... I faithfully check each day for new content, as I enjoy the majority of them.I have watched some from the beginning of their careers and I have watched all their videos... BUT, recently there are at least 3 of them that I am seriously thinking of unsubscribing from.

    I am not going to name them, because that would be rude, but I will describe the reasons I want to stop watching.

    Maybe this post will help future YouTube Chefs critique themselves...

    1) Look, I agree, you are a really good cook. I love your recipes. However, its obvious that your husband is pushing you to do this and making you force a smile after each thing you do on camera. and hold un-natural eye contact with the camera... Please stop, its annoying and a turn off Just be natural!...and when you take a bite of the food you just made, just take a tiny bite and chew with your mouth closed, the huge bites you take and struggle to chew and swallow on cam really is unappetizing...

    2) You make some of the most gorgeous videos and food Ive seen on YouTube It is what drew me to you to subscribe from the beginning. You have a lot of skills. BUT I want to see some original and new recipes, not the same stuff already out there. I mean your one Jello recipe was word for word and play by play from a recipe by  someone you subscribe to fer gods sakes! You make some food that isnt named correctly and your narrative about the whole recipe is sometimes wholly incorrect. Your audience and subscribers are mostly Americans please stop featuring American food, we all have cookbooks here that we can look those recipes up in or ask our Grandma for...This is the reason I never recommend your channel to anyone, you are inauthentic.

    3) I liked your channel at first, you were perky and your videos were slick and very put together but OMG when you told us you dont have a nutritionist or dietician license, nor any college degree in Physical fitness, it took me aback! It is off putting to see your lack of answers to people who come to you for your diet and fitness advice but whats also off putting is that all your "diet" recipes are exact clones of each other.Same ingredients in every one. Lets have some VARIETY!  Look my sister was in college to become a dietician, and so thru her I do have some solid diet info and I posted on your comments section a few times and you deleted both my posts. You dont have any expertise or education so you should accept peoples help when you cannot answer questions correctly. Your body is bangin' but please do something with your hair it is distracting.


    Okay those are my beefs....However I will call one YouTube Chef out....Im calling you out by name Joy Buasi of Joy's Thai Food!

    Joy your food and YOU are fabulous. Ive made a lot of your recipes and you are a natural and your baby is adorable. However your fans and your hubby want you to make more recipes for youtube and Im tired of waiting! Its been 1 year since we got a new food video! You have the whole package, you need to go for it!


    I have other pointers:


    1) Please stop doing Kracie Popin Cookin/Happy Kitchen kit videos... The only one people go to for these Japanese DIY snack kits is RRCherryPie Group. The only reason you make your own videos is you want hits and ad revenue, but no one does those kits better than RRCherryPie Group...The worst are the Americans who make rude bigoted comments about Japanese culture during the making of the kits...STOP.


    2) Mute the sound when you are using noisy kitchen equipment and/or edit it all out. Do not upload a video showing the blender running for the entire 10 minutes, aint nobody got time for that (Sweet Brown said so)


    3) I get that your cousin just got out of computer graphics school and your mom told you to ask him to make you your intro lead in for your videos but OMG speak up! Keep it short and simple! Ive seen a lead in video that was 2 MINUTES LONG! TL;DW (Too Long;Didnt Watch!)


    4) Have all the ingredients chopped, premeasured and set on a tray before you start the recipe, unless you are Maangchi and half the fun of watching Maangchi is her fast, gorgeously effortless chopping technique...Or Chef from Cooking With Dog's unique way of shredding Burdock ...Essentially unless you can entertain or instruct us on knife skills we already know how to slice and dice, we wanna learn to cook your food.


    5) Turn the TV off in the background, If I can hear that Luke Spencer is still locked in that damn basement on General Hospital and I cant hear you, you need to turn it off.


    6) DO list the ingredients and measurements in the description box (or on a website somewhere) and make sure they match the actual video. Dont tell people "Text Recipe coming soon" and its 3 years and we are still waiting.


    7) Pay attention to and remove any embarrassing items from the "Video Set" no one wants to see a red stained towel hanging on the faucet or zooming in on the steak and inadvertently spotting your Prescription Bottle for incontinence nearby on the counter...


    8) Make sure your kids actually LIKE the recipe you are asking them to "taste test" on video before you film them putting it in their mouths and grimacing. Who wants to eat that after seeing the kids hating it but still giving it a forced thumbs up?


    9) Write out a script before the filming so you will be more relaxed. Even talk show hosts need things written on Blue Cards...Dome be ashamed. And have some planned banter or a story or history of the recipe built in. Dead Air sucks.


    10) Please STOP with the over acting and dumb facial expressions and annoying voices (Think how annoying "the Voice" was on that Seinfeld episode!


    Well, Im stepping off my soap box and Im hoping this post is okay and I dont sound like a over complainer or a bitch, but I felt it needed saying and so I put it all out there.



    What makes YOU stop watching a YouTube Chef? What do they do that drives you nuts and turns YOU off?

    • Like 6
  6. You can get the real thing at liquor stores in Manhattan's Chinatown. The kind I buy has 17% alcohol and no added sugar, salts or preservatives - just wine, unlike the kind you find at supermarkets and groceries. I can't remember the brand name (it only has characters on the label), but it costs about $6.

    So, whats it taste like?

  7. Do you use sugar syrup egg whites and gelatin? Some recipes dont use all three


    Im asking because I made both Marshmallows and Marshmallow frosting and the Marshmallows were from the TL Good Cook series and they had all three ant they lasted a long time whereas the frosting just had sugar and eggwhites and dripped off the cake within 2 days...

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