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Posts posted by BeeZee

  1. I am finding I am getting more skeeved out by textures. I may come to a point that I go 100% vegetarian because if I have a bite of a protein that is the wrong texture to me, I start to feel a gag reflex and it puts me off the rest of it. At this point I don't eat beef, pork, or lamb. I eat poultry, fish, and shellfish (average 2x a week). Crispy bug, like chapulines, I would try, since I already eat soft shelled crab. If I had to survive in the wilderness I would guess instinct would over-ride aversion. I hope not to test that.

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  2. Breakfast courtesy of Whole Foods on the way to the office. Half pint of raspberries (not pictured) and seeded wheat bagel with goat cheese spread and heirloom tomato.



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  3. Their website does not indicate that they are stocked at Shoprite (NJ) but I feel like I have seen this. It must have been a different brand with similar packaging. I agree that the micro rice usually has a weird flavor, so if this becomes available, I will give it a shot. DH is lacking in kitchen skills and this would be useful.

  4. I pulled a crown off couple of months ago eating red Swedish fish. It was loose, apparently. I have prominent tori (those bony parts which stick into the recessed area under the tongue) and although my dentist is a woman with fairly small hands, I often wind up swollen and bruised (visible on the outside) after having any crown repairs. I'm also resistant to Novicaine (as is my Dad) so I get a LOT of shots, which doesn't help the bruising issue. The only thing I eat after is yogurt, anything too liquid tends to dribble out of my mouth.

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  5. Hmmm, out of curiousity, I wonder if you specified Kosher diet if the food would be any better, because it would likely come from an offsite facility. Of course, it would probably still lack salt, and you’d be denied a cheese snack!

  6. 5 minutes ago, lemniscate said:

    Giant zucchini exist for one purpose now, to play with the KA vegetable sheeter .  

    This thing looks fun.   It's on my "please Santa/Father Christmas/Hogfather" list.  

    Bet someone handy - I'm looking at you, @dcarch - could rig something up with a hand planer - then you'd avoid the dreaded "unitasker" tool!

  7. Picked up a melon at Wegmans tday, it was called Lemon Drop Melon. Size and skin similar to canteloupe, flesh and seeds like honeydew. It tastes like honeydew with a lemon spritz, pretty tasty, although I probably prefer regular honeydew.

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  8. 5 large tomatoes, $5 from the farm who sets up a table at my YMCA on Saturday mornings. They had giant scallions, eggplants, yellow squash, cherry tomatoes (red and yellow), beets, potatoes, basil, ground cherries, and some other things I am forgetting.



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  9. toasted wheat bagel, open face. One half hummous with ET bagel seasoning sprinkled on top, the other with cream cheese. Need to replenish my tomato supply, hoping the co-workers start bringing their overage in to the office soon...

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  10. Have a bunch of veg in the fridge so I will be making a thai-inspired slaw, maybe some fridge pickle english cuke slices. Prepping other veg for the grill later...sweet potato, corn, summer squash. Marinating chicken breasts.

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  11. today's breakfast was sustenance...Bob's Red Mill multigrain hot cereal with some protein powder mixed in. Rather concrete-like. A small mango (Altufo?) that was pretty good. Thankfully there is some of that mozz leftover in my office fridge so I can look forward to Friday's breakfast.

  12. I have no desire to eat a "faux meat" vegetarian burger. I enjoy vegetable patties, and in fact as @paulraphael notes, mushroom is excellent for the umami flavor. I buy a frozen mushroom and cheese patty/"burger" from Shop Rite (house brand), it is really tasty and has a pretty firm texture from the minced mushrooms. I can microwave one on a plate for a quick snack, some ketchup on the side doesn't hurt. It would probably do fine on a small bun if you wanted to go that route.

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  13. A local farm is setting up a table in our YMCA on Saturday morning and I believe also 1-2 nights during the week. Various items, some are 2/$5...I picked up a bulb of fennel and 5-6 beets (some red, some golden) for $5 - going to make a raw salad with them. They had full pints of blackberries for $5, but I have so much fruit in the fridge right now I had to pass.

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