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Posts posted by BeeZee

  1. There is a new series on Netflix all about street food and the vendors who bring it to the masses. I saw one episode so far on a Thai woman who earned a Michelin star for her food, it is humble beginnings and pure necessity that drive a lot of these people to this vocation. What was striking when you look at this woman of advanced age (I don't recall if they said her age or I just missed it) you can see the strength in her arms from tossing a steel wok all day, every day, and the burn marks that are no doubt the occupational hazard. She wore some crazy goggles while she cooked (looked like motorcycle goggles) to protect her eyes. A real badass, she cooked what she wanted to eat and knew people would want to buy it.

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  2. Just finished the last of a bag of blood oranges. They held up well, probably had them for a month in the fridge. It was a good value and I will look for them again next year, the oranges were Sunkist brand and I think there were 10 in the bag, only had one that had a bad spot.

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  3. I know I won’t be able to post photos later, as I will have 12 for Passover dinner (down from possible 14). Mom is making/bringing brisket, sis is making/bringing roasted potatoes. I made citrus/honey baked boneless chicken breasts yesterday, tasted one chilled and decided they will be served coldish. Saffron quinoa pilaf with dried cherries. Thai carrot salad. Lemon roasted green beans. Chicken soup with matzoh balls (added some fresh dill to the mix). Mom is also bringing homemade chocolate dipped macaroons and some fruit salad for dessert. Uncle and his daughter bringing some other dessert.

    I am currently sitting with a cold adult beverage enjoying the fact that everything is done, so glad I did advance prep.


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  4. Eh, not confined to the big city. I'm in typical suburban NJ and most places are hard surfaces. Easy to clean seems to be the mantra when I speak with restaurant owners, whether it is "sanitary clean" is not the concern, they want it to "look clean" for the customers. I've been BOH enough to be totally skeeved out, the Casinos in A.C. are a real treat.

  5. Part of my job involves the management of sound. All sound can be controlled and engineered to optimize whatever "effect" you choose the patrons to experience. The high end restaurants who hire Architects who include acoustic studies do a good job of this. Very few spend the money. They are more interested in durable, easy to clean surfaces...which are hard. Which reflect sound in an unpleasant way.

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  6. Very enjoyable journey. One thing I really love is the how the names of certain items like that vegetable translates to "empty heart" - an apt description. I mean if you have various similar leafy stemmed green vegetables, why not simplify things? 

  7. Since I'm working at home today, I am currently simmering chicken stock to get a step ahead on Passover dinner (potentially 12-14 people, I can't do it all the day before). Have TWO stockpots going simultaneously since I don't have one massive one. Bought large freezer containers to put it away tonight (warned DH not to even think of putting anything in the bottom freezer drawer which I cleared out). House certainly smells good.

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  8. I have a corner cabinet with lazy susan top and bottom shelf, they are like a pie with a wedge cut out (not a full circle) so they sit in line with where the shelves would be (I have no upper shelf, just the lazy susan). I use it for small saucepans on the top shelf, larger pans on the bottom. My door is a single hinge bi-fold and it opens more than 90 degrees so I get full access to the opening.

    I really don't love the corner, but having the door that opens fully makes a difference. The lazy susan shelves are self-leveling in that if you turn them they return to "center".

  9. Cottage cheese (unsalted) with a little honey goat cheese mixed in, chopped apple. The goat cheese was sweeter than I had anticipated and fairly crumbly, so I was trying to think of alternate ways to use it. It worked well in the mix.

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  10. Oooh, the debate is not confined to the Mason-Dixon line. I know a lot of people in NJ/PA who say "Reecies" instead of "Reesus".

    I agree also that the proportions of the fun size cups seem better. My main complaint is they seem to taste overly sweet. I'd like a little more salty peanut butter flavor.

    I wonder if the double peanut butter version gives that flavor.

    Dove peanut butter filled bites are even better than Reese's, in my personal opinion.

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