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Posts posted by BeeZee

  1. Reheated leftover pumpkin soup as mentioned in the "clean out your freezer" thread. I had thrown some leftover cooked/seasoned quinoa in before I froze it, added a bit of nice texture.

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  2. Breakfast at home today. Trader Joe's hot multigrain cereal made with half milk/half water, spoonful of peanut powder, dash of cinnamon and nutmeg, sliced banana.



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  3. Container of leftover pumpkin soup defrosting for lunch. Still have another serving of pumpkin soup, two servings+ of tomato soup, and a pyrex with unknown contents (from before I started using freezer tape to label things). The unknown one probably should get defrosted next just so I can get it out of there. I had actually done a decent job of depleting the frozen leftovers over the past couple of weeks, I believe the primary leftovers at this point are cooked chicken breasts and a bag of stuffing (from Thanksgiving).

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  4. The company I work for sells/installs folding partitions - like the type you would see in a large hotel conference room, which are used to separate larger rooms into smaller rooms for a similar reason. They may have 2 groups who only need a portion of that larger space, so dividing it (with sound control) gives them double the revenue opportunity. I have installed them in restaurants who want to be able to separate a smaller area as a "private dining" area. I guess they fear liability issues from having a group in the restaurant essentially "unsupervised". Since I usually do my meetings with the owners at "off" times (mid morning or mid afternoon) so as to not bother them when they are ramping up for service...I guess it's also so the general public doesn't see the cleaning and such that happens during "non-service" times.

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  5. More healthy muffins, these are made with whole wheat flour, mashed bananas, and pumpkin puree (since I had a cup leftover in the freezer), and are sweetened with a little maple syrup. Had a bit too much batter so I put the excess into a non-stick foil lined loaf pan and basically made a big muffin top. Cut piece from that on top of the pile. They are moist, but pretty flat in flavor, next time I would up the amount of spices or maybe add some minced crystallized ginger.



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  6. @lindag, who knows, perhaps the "aged" soup was the secret to the recipe! Yesterday I threw out a large can of diced tomatoes that had a "best by" date in 2016 (which means likely it was purchased in 2014-2015). It had gotten pushed to the back of the pantry and forgotten. The can looked fine, but I have "newer vintages" and frankly for the $1. it probably cost me at the time, had only a momentary moment of guilt. If I had to cook something and that was my only can...I'm sure I would have used it no problem. I'm trying to do better at not over purchasing canned goods since I don't use them much.

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  7. eating Christmas cookies from co-worker. His wife makes them every year, her shortbread made with ground nuts is really tasty. She tweaks the recipes to find ways to reduce the butter and sugar and I really like her cookies because they aren't sugar bombs.

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  8. One of my employees is a cookie monster and almost every day brings back some kind of (commercially baked) cookie at lunch time. Friday it was pannatone cookies, which were plain cookies (too sweet) with raisins and dried orange peel and some other stuff. I did like the orange peel flavor, might be nice to add freshly grated to an oatmeal cookie recipe.

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  9. My sister made pumpkin soup for our "Chrismakkuh" get together last weekend, it was savory, not sweet. A bit of cumin and paprika, shallots. Pureed with coconut milk (it was originally a vegan recipe). I am going to make it and serve with plain greek yogurt swirled in.

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  10. Distraction marks a very good idea (we have a lot of glass in our office and until the film was applied, I almost walked into it several times) not just for humans, but for birds! Nothing more distressing than hearing the noise of a bird smacking into the glass. Or having them see their reflection and trying to attack it.

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  11. You know what...when I was in college one of the best meals was hot ham and cheese on a toasted kaiser roll. It was (I'm sure) processed cheese, it got all kind of gooey. I can see ham working with fondue!

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  12. I work with a couple of hunters. One of them bow hunts pretty much exclusively and doesn’t need to buy meat most of the year since he has enough venison in the freezer. One of the other guys is Native American and always uses the word “harvest” for his hunting results. I can only bring myself to fish, but have no issue with people hunting warm blooded animals for food when you respect the process.

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  13. I've decided I'm going to make some Gravlax and share with 2 people at work that I know will enjoy it. One of them is a woman whose husband has a major aversion to fish so she never gets to eat it at home. The other is the guy who has a big garden and gifts me veggies in the summer. I've also got a small jar of cajeta that I know I won't want to continue eating off a spoon, so I'm thinking a thumbprint kind of cookie.

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