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Posts posted by BeeZee

  1. Salad for dinner after an indulgent breakfast out with friends (full all day from those pancakes!)...endive, radish, english cuke, grape tomatoes, scallion, cooked shrimp. Simple lemon juice dressing with some fresh dill.



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  2. working at home...had leftover grilled salmon portion over lettuce from co-worker's garden and some sliced white grapes in the salad. They were pretty sour, so I thought they would be better in the salad, which they were. TJ's champagne vinaigrette dressing. No photo as I had to guard it from a highly interested cat.

    • Haha 6
  3. 1 hour ago, Katie Meadow said:

    I've never added mustard seeds to cole slaw but it sounds brilliant. 


    Okay, a question, peripheral to cole slaw. My mother's favorite sandwich was this: rye bread, very thin sliced ham and turkey and a generous layer of cole slaw with Russian dressing. What is the origin of that sandwich?


    If it helps, she grew up in Cincinnati in a household that, if not strictly kosher, didn't eat pork or shellfish. Then she moved to New York and became a devotee of that sandwich. (Not to mention Italian sausages and raw clams.)

    Well, if that sandwich were made with Corned Beef (common deli sandwich in this area), they would call it a Corned Beef Special (Turkey Special exists also, one of my fav's). So it was likely your family adapting the NY area deli concept to their preferred/available deli meat.

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  4. Toastie...gigantic slice of rye bread (freezer to micro, then toaster oven) with Jarlsberg cheese on top. Couple of grape tomatoes on the side. Black coffee. Working from home with a dastardly summer cold and my sense of taste is dulled, but I appreciated the texture of the crispy bread crust.

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  5. Pan seared dry sea scallops, salad of yellow tomato and cuke, packaged green curry rice. Boy, there is nothing tastier than the fond from scallops seared in butter. Shellfish caramel.

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  6. 1 hour ago, lindag said:

    And that's a bad thing?

    NJ example...I put a package of raw chicken into a single use plastic bag because I didn't trust it not to leak. When I got to checkout, the cashier was frustrated with getting the bar code to scan so she just tore a hole in the outer plastic bag.

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  7. My husband is the Griller in Chief, but he's not patient or particularly skilled. So I put the seasoned salmon on a piece of foil (skin down) just as a barrier between fish and grate. Makes it easy to remove the skin, since it will want to stick to the foil after cooking.

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  8. @Kim Shook, I am inspired by your 'tater and have resolved to make extra baked potatoes and yams next time I am cooking them. I think some topped potatoes will be in future lunch plans.

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  9. I loved vegetables as a kid and still do. My sister wasn't so much of a fan as a kid then was a vegetarian for a while as an adult. No predicting. Finding some kind of sauce or topping that they like for the veggies will persuade most kids to eat some of them more willingly.

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  10. Lit the grill for the first time this year. Grilled boneless chicken breasts, yams (par cooked halfway in micro), zucchini. Also did a batch of extra firm tofu that I coated with a dijon based marinade, put the slices on oiled foil so the bottom would brown...future lunches.

    • Like 5
  11. If it is the firm block type mozz (ie, not the ball in brine) you can cut cubes and make mozz stuffed meatballs, or arancini. Neither uses a tremendous amount of cheese, but mozz (if in a sealed pack, I'm thinking of the stuff like Polly-O in the US) will keep for a while in the fridge if unopened.

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  12. Made banana muffins (with carob chips) today, the recipe calls for 1 1/4 cups flour, I used 1/4c almond flour and the remainder whole wheat. Not sure that it made a huge difference, but they are pretty moist. I will have to try it with the vegan recipe I have also made, it would likely be more noticeable. May bump it up to 3/8 cup almond flour.



  13. Thank you, I definitely thought it seemed very "fluffy" for flour, I think when I make the muffins in the next day or so, I will sub out 25% of the whole wheat flour. I don't mind the denser muffins (I use a healthy recipe with a lot of mashed banana in the mix, so they are pretty moist) but I think this will only improve them.

  14. For Mother's Day, I made a fruit crisp which turned in to a not crisp (more of a cobbler) because I was stupid and mixed the melted butter into the flour/sugar mixture instead of drizzling on top. No matter, it was tasty. The recipe called for one cup of flour, I subbed 1/4c of almond flour for the AP. I plan to do more experimenting with almond flour (for the nutritional profile) in muffins, does it absorb significantly less liquid than wheat flour? I'm using a lot of whole wheat flour rather than white flour, so "lightening" the mix is not a bad thing.

  15. We are doing lunch, my sister is hosting, she is making shrimp cakes and puff pastry baked with tomato and zucchini (I believe). I am tasked with making some kind of sauce for the shrimp cakes, I will be making a mango based one (found recipe online) and classic cocktail sauce. Also making a strawberry crisp for dessert.

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  16. Oven roasted shrimp, salad made from cubed avocado, scallion, cilantro, small dice english cuke, sliced grape tomatoes, squeeze of lemon. Mexi-inspired quinoa (leftovers, reheated) which included some corn.

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