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Posts posted by BeeZee

  1. No photo, but I made some Bob's Red Mill multigrain hot cereal and added chopped up canned apricots (cleaning out the pantry), nutmeg, and cinnamon. Sprinkle of toasted almonds when done, it was really good with the apricots heated up, like eating a cobbler/crumble. If I had any milk it would have been nice to add a drizzle.

  2. Picked up my first mystery bag from a local bagel place. Not my usual shop, but figured they’d be going in the freezer and worth a try. Got 15 bagels for $6. They were from earlier today, in plastic bags, and a random mix of flavors. Thankfully they didn’t put the onion bagels in the same bag as the sweet varieties😊. Too many bagels for us, I am giving a bunch to my hairdresser for her to stock for her always-hungry boys. Considering bagels are running around $1 each, it was a good value.

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  3. Fridge leftovers…I was working from home and DH had eaten earlier and left some things for me in the fridge, which was perfect since I emerged from my office like a hungry bear!



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  4. On 9/10/2024 at 8:26 AM, DavidNich said:

    How long have you been doing 18-hour fasts?

    Probably for around 5 years if I had to guess. I tend to eat a larger lunch (main meal) during the week, later in the day, and found that I wasn't hungry later in the day, so it wasn't a stretch. Aside from bone broth (something warm feels nice on an empty stomach, herbal tea is also good), coconut water (nice when chilled) has electrolytes.

  5. I agree with Alex, bone broth is very nice when you are in "fasting" mode if it is allowed. It provides a small amount of protein and salt, which is important if you otherwise are just drinking water. I occasionally fast for 18 hours from 2pm to 8am and find that to be easier since half of the time is spent asleep! Are you fasting for an entire day, or for certain periods of time? Generally the more often you fast, the easier it will become as your body stops thinking that it has to go in to "low power mode".

  6. Obviously I see a lot of "enabler" posts where someone decides to purchase some piece of equipment, but has eGullet changed how you approach eating also?

    Cooking-wise, I think it has broadened my thought process about flavor profiles (what flavors go together well).

    I started eating more savory foods for breakfast (ex: grain salads that I would normally have for lunch) after seeing people eating what many would consider "non-traditional" breakfasts in North America.

    In the U.S., it still leans to eggs/cereal/pastries as opposed to countries in Asia, which may have savory congee, dals, or fish.

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  7. I enjoy muesli but the grains themselves can be bland, you're right that much of the flavor comes from the dried fruits/nuts. I prefer to let it soak in unsweetened vanilla almond milk (optimally for an hour) so that the oats soften a bit, plus the slight vanilla flavor is nice.

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  8. Hubs is watching (simple) carbs, so chicken enchiladas made with strips of zucchini instead of tortillas. Very enjoyable, the zucchini worked well.



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  9. There is an app "Too Good to Go" which is designed to help reduce food waste while helping restaurants reduce losses. The concept is that a vendor who signs up for the program (and pays a fee back to TGTG) has "flash sales" on the app where users can buy a mystery bag for a fixed price and a designated pick up window. Typically you are getting the leftover stuff near closing time - for example near my office Krispy Kreme will give you a dozen donuts for $5.73 if you pick them up 9:30-10 p.m. There is a Caribbean restaurant that will give you a meal that includes 1 meat with 2 sides (dealer's choice) for $5.99 to pick up between 7:30-8 p.m. Lots of pizza places sell off random slices later in the day. I'm going to jump on a Whole Foods bag (they have prepared food or bakery) when the opportunity presents, they are very limited in quantity and sell out fast. I've seen some of the hauls that people have gotten and they can be crazy (one person wound up with several containers of coleslaw in their bag) but I've seen people get 2 whole loaves of bread, dozens of muffins, etc. I'm willing to take a chance with certain categories!

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  10. Another side trip today after a meeting, Trenton Farmers Market. It is in an enclosed building, there are a couple of farms selling produce, baked goods (breads/pies), misc vendors (watch/clock repair guy), couple of people doing prepared foods (of note, Hambone Opera, which is BBQ and smelled amazing...even though I don't eat brisket or ribs). I bought a pound of fresh fava beans for $4. The Yukon Gold potatoes were tempting, at $1.99/lb, they were beautiful.


    Trenton Farmers market.jpg

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  11. I finally hit the right timing heading back from a meeting with a customer and was able to stop at a cute ice cream place I've passed many times (http://www.tksicecream.com/). It being 90 degrees and the first full day of summer, the only responsible option was ice cream for lunch. The "small" size was quite generous, I was able to get 2 scoops to try different flavors, had strawberry cheesecake and black raspberry w/choc flakes. I only wish it were a little closer to home. Or maybe it's better that it isn't!😄

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  12. Had som tum at a Thai restaurant last night, how do you know when a green papaya is “ripe” for use?

  13. Just now, rotuts said:



    the TJ's smoked trout is quite nice .


    hopefully , you have tried the canned lightly smoked salmon


    nicely complementary to the trout.

    yes, I've had the salmon before. I think I prefer the trout, although it was pretty salty. Thankfully, I hadn't added any salt to my salad so it balanced out well.

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  14. Had brought a salad from home for work lunch-seedless cuke, avocado, tomato, roasted yellow pepper, just a little lemon juice-intending to add some kind of protein. Went to TJ's and picked up the canned smoked trout fillet, quick lunch!



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  15. Lunch kind of looked like a hot mess, but turned out tasty (office lunch necessitates creativity). Had a small amount of leftover fettucine Alfredo-ish with broccoli (pretty bland). Purchased a small piece of grilled salmon at the local supermarket, flaked and warmed it in the microwave just a bit, tossed it into the hot pasta, and sprinkled some furikake and fresh black pepper on top to add more flavor. Having a little jar of furikake in the office has been a smart move!

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