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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. That's very true. Fresh is delicious! I just went to the other exteme. Course now, berries in the mountains (especially huckleberries) now those'll make men fight over the leavings!
  2. I cannot help contrasting this to the end of last season's "Kumbayah" moment. To me that explains a lot.
  3. Especially if you are out 75 miles from the nearest store and make a "Trip" once or twice a month. Then this is especially precious commodities. But I think canned peaches and cherries are as good and cook up better than even fresh, sometimes.
  4. I certainly hope you have happy dreams of leaving him wearing Pampers on a barren patch of land with nothing but gatherer's food!!! I think I would.
  5. I was once doing some work for a little ole lady who'd had big time heart trouble. She was talking to me about how her diet was woefully changed by her doctor. I asked what she missed the most, and she says "Poundcake," which kinda mystified me. So she proceeded to tell me her recipe: 1# sugar, 1 doz. eggs, 1# flour, 1#butter, well-buttered skillet, bake 350* till done!!!!
  6. Plain ole cowboy peach cobbler. Canned peaches actually make a better, more easily dished-out food. And I have yet to see a man turn it down.
  7. I have a sneaking suspicion that all the lauded losses are ultimately to come up in one of the other lawsuits. People don't make that much money being oblivious. This man's wily enough to see where it was going, and use it for ---guess who---certainly not Roc and mama. Rocco has got in water that he had no premonition he was getting in; bad break. He'll probably end up a wantabee in Hollywood. I used to like him, a lot.When he lost the politeness and humility, he lost me.
  8. Worked as a travel agent for many years. Had one client that could not stand the color blue. Before reserving rooms at hotels, I had to telephone the concierge desk and ask them to go inspect the room very carefully and assure me that there was no blue in it -- at all, whatsoever. No blue flowers in the bedspread. No blue skies in the paintings on the walls. They then had to reserve just that one particular room for my particular client. I made it clear to the concierge that if the man saw any blue he would check out at once and demand a full refund. Do you have any idea just how popular blue is? Believe me, I do. Jaymes are you real certain his alias was not Mephistopheles??? Monkeymay, dear child, I sure hope your getting paid from the good end of the hog. If that client were on a desert isle, I bet the first thing he'd start daydreaming about would be BACON
  9. I totally agree. We eat out quite frequently, and I always stash money on me, while darling SO carries the big guns. I leave the tip, and I tip in what I feel is an honorable amount. When we return to places, we are given VERY nice service, so you are indeed the maker of your own future. A house staff might sometimes mentally misplace a fair tipper, But they never forget a lousy one.
  10. It was my understanding when I was young that my step-grampa would fatten up his geese with buttered homemade noodles. They were not forced to eat, but we only did 4 a year, I recall. Don't know what that means, but I do know we didn't force a damn thing down them meanass honkers necks, and their liver was eaten as a country pate.
  11. It's just a shame how that makes youall out there doing the job, and doing it right, look to a surprisingly large segment of our society. Personally, with Chodorow's Fed. case, I'm just glad I was never on board one of his planes that were the first one at the scene of the accident! Hayyah!
  12. Just when I thought I'd seen some extremes pretty much explored, I came across two OK Cherokee recipes for parched yellowjackets, and yellowjacket soup! O...K...I pass.
  13. That's enough to take a bath in (if you are real tiny). My local healthy food store has them. I might be going out on a limb here, but sometimes germinating seeds respond to dark, sometimes light. Freeze for a couple days, scarify, soak in warm water with a drop of bleach, try everything. They remind me of a scrubby bush we had in AZ called desert willow, and try as you might, seed dropped on the ground germinated, but not when you tried. Throw some outside! Abuse them...maybe that's what they want!!!
  14. Daddy-A, that's a keg of dynamite you opened up. There are many places in this country where servers get, like $2.01 to $2.13 an hour and then you have the min. wage workers declaring tips and being taxed for them. All I can add is a server with any good intentions at my table gets an honorable tip from me. I see them as fellow humans with a life. Maybe I'm helping their kid get music tutoring.
  15. I'll go with that. I will eat all this week with a downer fork, and probably have to report my cleaning bill.
  16. I am reading my whole set of "Tros of Samothrace" stories by Talbot Mundy. Written in the twenties. Gorgeous, sumptuous-sp- and no one but me and one librarian know of him, I guess. I am also making it through a fascinating history called "Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the Troubadours" by Fredric L. Cheyette. Fascinatinating woman. Edit to add that I had to collect the Mundy books over eight years.
  17. Just a line here to say: YOU TORTURERS!! It all looks delicious and I may use some pictures to put under my pillow. My one grampa used to refer to some things as 'lights' and some as offal. I reckon offal would be those things in the digestive tracts as opposed to the lights. Another thing I glommed on in the intestine category: on our farm, us kids used to be given wooden thread spools and blew into the intestines very hard, to see holes left from cleaning...
  18. That is kicking out the jams!! I bet a very good time was had by all! Chris, start using a higher spf sunscreen. Trust me. I know this stuff.
  19. Oh yah, that is beautiful, and looks delicious. Anything crispy or left over from the main meal was called 'prisoners' or 'China cats' by my gram, and were my favorite part of the meal. I love sizzling rice!!
  20. OKAY, now I'm really confused. Because if a person came from a culture with the left hand being the offhand, they would naturally use both tools in their right. John, thanks for that...I KNEW courtesans and king or church would come up in that!
  21. Well, that trumps my armadillo Q!!! I mean a smoker for that Lonestar can-shaped 'lounge'.
  22. Could it also be that your waiter had made them unhappy to the point they yipped about your work? There's an American mentality that blames the server for the food, also. So if they are already offtarget, nothing they do can remedy it?
  23. Cannot anyone end my quest of the true meaning of the upside-down fork? I mean to me it's as different as an upside-down spoon or knife. So why???????
  24. Oh, and an old-fashioned 'dogtrot' cabin in Florence, Texas, with a water trough(filled) and a hitching rail in front--which was used. I saw a hypnotist in Camp Pendleton once--that was strange to say the least.
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