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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. YO HO HO and a butt full o' Rum might work... Pearl oysters...booty of some sort...chicken-walk- the-planks...Jolly Roger(Rancher) candies in vodka a la Herbicidal...
  2. Oh, man, that's too funny! Did your DH like them? You may be onto something here...edible potpourri!
  3. I wonder if there's some graveyard around for all those murdered fridges!!! I see a Steven King novel comin' up...
  4. eGulleteers are the only folks I know that flirt with being jailed for taking pictures of food!
  5. Myself. We are both ex-smokers, but even pre-quit, I could not stand cigarette butts. Yep. Gonna get me some portland cement, 3 3/8'' round rod legs cut, and make that ugly puppy into a sun spa retreat for the tweets!
  6. What always got me about those ashtrays was if someone used them, you had to pick them up, clean them, put them back, because they looked horrid once they were used!! If someone ever filled one up, it'd be a carton of butts!
  7. That is nearly a description of mine! I know there's enough room for birds to bathe in this thing!
  8. I've got a montrous orange UGLY 60's ashtray that I'm thinking needs to be doing some duty as a birdbath. At an estate sale last year, this lady had made these absolutely beautiful birdhouses with china pieces for mosaics on nice birdhouses. They were absolutely beautiful. They'd look really cute with Toasted's birdbath cups on stakes!!
  9. Oops, I too said he for she. So sorry. But that's a cool site...
  10. Oh my god!! I did that too. For ten minutes our little apartment looked like some rock concert with all the mist-stuff floating around. But I am proud to list an accomplishment from reading this post. I am making stocks today; do I need to go into detail or can I brag that I remembered my other pot under the strainer?!?! There's no stock in the pipes today!!
  11. Spectacular spectacle done up in eGullet style!!! Food looks greatly munchable, too!! Youall have made my day!
  12. I went to evilcartman's site he mentioned, and these folks are SERIOUS. There are directions to make a camping burner with two soda cans!! Looks cool, too.
  13. andiesenji, I too have problems with my hands. The medicines I take cause the nerves in my hands to make them so tender at times that it drives me nuts! I am adjusting to it, but it makes some formerly pleasant things distinctly un- now.
  14. Mango salsa is great when you use starfruit!
  15. Spagettio's, Hell, Chef BOYARANYTHING ! Gack, gack, and more gack! Ravioli in a can...dinosaur shaped stuff... ah egads, yuck. I could never detest youngins bad enough to feed them that gunk!
  16. Ah, the infamous canned tamale!! The dayglo orange grease, the papers hermetically bonded to the tamales, trying to get them out of can without wrecking one!!! I have no idea what you're talkin' about...
  17. I was a dorm supervisor as well as a fulltime student at an Indian Trade School/College. I also washed dishes twice a day. On weekends I took over cooking responsibilties; I was left with the food service menu and the ingredients. We never made one planned meal. Saturday afternoon we started figuring out what to do with our 'haul', and got cooking. Everyone was welcome in the kitchen. It worked so well that the caf. started ordering stuff we requested.It made a light thing out of a possibly depressing situation!! Man, those Indian Tacos!!!
  18. Hamburger and fries. So bad if done poorly. So good if done right!!
  19. Mabelline

    Superior Vinegars

    Vinegars...aah, I love 'em. I try every kind I come across. I am going to get some Steen's now, and see if it is like my sarap-asim cane sugar vinegar. Black fig vinegar is great. I think an apricot would make a goooood vinegar.
  20. Mabelline

    Cooking Tunes!

    Oh YEAH, Funky Meters!!!Now that's grillin' and chillin'. Just can't help it when I get my 'funk-shoes' on....
  21. Mabelline

    Cooking Tunes!

    I also go through my funk periods. Chambers Bros., Jimi, Sly, and PFunk. They make ribs go down soooo good. And I do like Outkast.
  22. In reviewing last night, I am still satiated that the intern got collectively butt-kicked. The glasses in ice was too hazardous for words. Captain Douchebag, indeed! He'd have gotten an old-fashioned ass whupping anywhere else.
  23. Rolled taquitos or flautas are good. Definitely 'finger food'.
  24. When I was a sprout, I have been reminded that I would eat egg yolks, no whites. Then, as a preteen, I ate whites, no yolks. Now it's bring 'em on!!
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