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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. Perhaps there should be a forwarning like the forensics shows have: WARNING--What you are about to see has no footing in reality. It's as real as your voice after a helium balloon!!
  2. My large size mesh teaball on a chain. I use it to hold spices for a stock that doesn't require them. Easy to fish out, easy to clean. My wooden flat spatula everyone else has gone on about. My 1950 Mirro Fry-Slicer. It takes an entire potato, zucchini, chunks of squash, whatever, and makes them a perfect 'little regiment' with a sort of sideways-guillotine lever action.Has the most lethal looking blades.
  3. I'd like to hear about the salt=dead yeast thing, too, please.
  4. I was just thinking about your last comment as I read your link, Jason. I would like to hear what youall put in a felafel? Do you use any of the different Israeli addons? I have loved everything I have tried---but since that Passover thread, I'm staying away from the candies....
  5. Katie, you said a mouthful, girl, when you underlined the state of preparedness 90% of folks put into opening a business. When I started a building business, it took two HARDASS years for competence, ability, and word of mouth to start really giving me a profit; rule #1:pay the help before you pay yourself-nearly broke me...but then it started to gain momentum, and I had it 22 years.
  6. Yum on the elk rack. It is an almost liver-y flavor, but still distinct. Next to antelope, my favorite.
  7. Mabelline

    Crab questions

    Thank the Big Guy no Ozzie Cops have emigrated to Louisiana!!!
  8. Reading back over this I think we'll try Ludja's Rahmkren mit Eiern this weekend. It sounds like a nice change. I'll let you know how many smiles it scores.
  9. I knew after I put that up someone would say that, as I thought it myownself.Touche!
  10. I thought that was special just for relatives!!!! We might include the next door neighbors, but Katie, we were talkin' company! That's one of our dirty little secrets...and a good one when you toss in the mallows at the right time. Edit to add: pecans. Nice toasted pecan halves, and now I'm gonna make some tomorrow, along with coleslaw from the other thread, catfish, and hushpuppies. And a peach cobbler for dessert!
  11. Okay, I heard Mario on Molto Mario one time say that in Italy, the pasta water is supposed to be as saltly as the sea--which is going some, but since then I've been salting cold water and bringing it to the boil and there seems to be a difference in the sauce sticking to it.For the better.
  12. Marmish, I'm in total agreement about The Complete Meat Cookbook! It is absolutely beautiful, the stories are great, funny, entertaining and I've never gone wrong with any meat recipe in them. The meat charts are simple to comprehend....that's my go to book when I don't want to wade through gunk to get a great recipe...it is fabulous for any carnivore!
  13. There ya go...that ain't exactly what I was thinking-mine was more along the line of how a guy who owned Braniff Airlines and lost all that could walk away from nearly a M loss, and act like it's an annoyance.
  14. It does not add up--whatsoever, which leads me to think that it's going to be a big thing in J.Chod's lawsuits, or at least, his accounting.
  15. Now we're hitting the speed limit...I've been to a bayouque joint outside Crystal City, Texas--bout 1978---where we had Armadillo races, then they were smoked....good too...this was of course before the leptospirosis hit those critters. NOPE...TASTES LIKE HAM.
  16. We always have cold cream on hot stuff like that--not even whipped.
  17. I wish you were coming to Billings as well. We have quite a few top quality places despite being one of Queen fifi's flyovers!!!
  18. Also, when in Helena in particular, look for the politicos walking around and ask them for the best. They will know-especially if they're a lobbyist.
  19. Nope, dear child, watching them be. You have only got to see a line of 5 marines doing the duck-waddle song, and another being Mae West(rather well, gotta say) to consider it an entertaining evening.
  20. OOOH, I have to totally agree about the Oregon canned fruits. They are delicious and consistent. Very true, kiliki!
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