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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. I love this place! Native Americans used the woodash to eat corn, primarily, but there were some advanced researchers at Arizona State who determined that the woodash supplied many nutrients in the diet. As far as the bagels, I've always heard that the best were done in the 'lyewater'.
  2. I'd bet either they do, or some schmucks do so for them. Youall know he's a busy personality! I've wondered about eG for people like Rachel, because she's definitely toned her act down, but if that gal would quit handling immense loads of ingredients, I'd be happy.
  3. Thanks, didn't know that. My sister introduced me to it at her favorite in Oakland, and I think it is excellent with Sizzling Rice Sopa, oops soup. Love it.
  4. We've two places along with OG, Outback, Applebee's. To me the Southwest Southen Emporium, and CrackerBarrel are entirely good and acceptable. We've also got Country Buffet, which is bizarre. It may be Scand., Russian, Chinese, American pioneer,whatever, when you go in!
  5. This is so fun! Run down, down some talented cook who by his own admission throws out that he's turned down modelling gigs and motion pics. You need to take them, DUDE, and quit attempting to be the Renaissance Man of food. You have been measured and you ain't coming close to good!! Has his mother ever took in his slack reins?? Because he's using her like a Kleenex!!!
  6. This is a weird way of fitting this topic, but check it out. Remember that rotgut Whiskey called Yellowstone? It's made in Missouri. Here in Billings we've a micro called Yellowstone Valley Brewing (Hey, it's natural). Now, Yellowstone Bourbon is in court saying Yellowstone Beer's infringingon their trademark! And an interesting aside, the fashion guy, Claude Montana, sued our ZOO because they called themselves ZOOMONTANA!!!! Ack and gack---this is just stupid!! Nobody would buy YVB thinking they wanted whiskey. And as for Claude Montana, what TF has he got to do with our ZOO!!!
  7. I personally think the Vespa incident was staged by Vespa, because they were not exposed like the American Express and Coors and Water were. I can see executives sittin' around sayin' "Well Hell, we gotta get some Bang for OUR Buck." Can't you???
  8. Mabelline


    Gypsy food! My dad had a couple of Spanioles working for him a long while ago, and their food was always fabulous!!! Eat, eat, eat...They and the Boscos (Basque) had food to cry for, I tell ya!!
  9. Perhaps the business cards are delivered with an entree?
  10. Lye is used in the processing of hominy, posole, etc. Whereas the natives used a woodash lye. So I have no idea about the use in catsup,perhaps it facilitates the process.
  11. Have a good time, and post regularly. If I could, I'd go to that Restaurant with the offal. There's nbot another taste in the world!! Most excellent!!
  12. Chattering monkey mind---I love that!! I am in that state quite a lot lately.
  13. My, my, is that not interesting. I don't think Roc is likeable, but then I require my friends to be spontaneous in their feelings, and cut the crap. I'm still steamed about Mama. She has no clue about what Roc's up to. Just one question regarding the frozen pasta...didn't Roc's uncles make the pasta??
  14. Tsing Tao with hot foods.I think my spelling is off, but if I request jing dow they bring it. Good beer.
  15. Yep, if everyone in the area wants to go there and eat Mama's Meatballs, what's with the 600k loss? I should think that's a perfect stage for rakin' it in...and a way to make profit, profit, profit!
  16. I usually ask for charred rare but I can eat any steak they bring out providing they have juices seeping. I always let mine sit for a little bit before eating, and I must say, nearly everything I've gotten was cooked right.
  17. She may have a load of bucks, but she came across as tacky. Mama looked shell-shocked throughout. That poor little lady.
  18. How about the tacky blond cornering mama?
  19. I'm speaking for the north and cetnral and south american continent, if I may. I only say I am sorry for his death.
  20. You are a trooper, Rebeeca, and muy welcome!! You have poise I lack.
  21. The wisest of my culture have re-iterated for a couple thousand years that death is simply the opening of one door...after the closing of another. I hope it holds true-but I do believe that we have some finer place. The Egyptian culture had a religion promoting future existence, and the first proponent of monotheism was an Egyptian...go figure.
  22. AH...bone marrow..Injun Butter. One of the 5 basic food groups!!! Edit to add sis and sideidiot need to be slapped. White veggies are excellent-especially roasted turnips. Some folks just don't have no raisin'. I was raised to try a bite of everything on my plate. What happened to that? My kids were brought up the same...they'll eat anything but a Volkswagon. And they are excellent cooks.
  23. Death is the start of the journey...not the end. This gentleman's family has my sympathies. But as the butt of a joke...I gotta say...That's past humor.
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