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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. Was Rufus Sewell in A Knight's Tale? I liked the guy who was Edward,the Black Prince...
  2. My mama was buried with hers, but I bet your gram's will have a happy life with you, Heather.It's very good when you think of all the love in it...
  3. When my uncle was in the navy during WW2, he made my mama a ring made from a silver quarter. Somehow, you pounded on the quarter and eventually had a plain silver band, but inside the ring was the date from the quarter. I wonder if your gram's ring was one sort of like that?
  4. Does anyone remember seeing those pins made from old silver forks? I always thought they were very nice. I love the spoon hooks.
  5. Also, female seismologist's name was Hill--Sam. Hill...egads I also thought it rather peculiar about a FEMA official knowing that procedure, when they usually can't figure out what is or isn't a natural disaster when it comes time to ante up FEMA claims. Rocco would've stood back and let someone else go in the hole with the bomb while he was picking up gals to party with in Barstow!!
  6. SKinLA--Welcome and you are raising a valid point about criticism...but he makes it so easy it's like being at a controlled hunt with an Uzi. I mean, come on, take a bathe, clean up your 'act' with female customers, use some integrity...oh well... In the meantime, I have to watch tonight to see if California's still there tomorrow
  7. Paint!!! You beat me to it!! Explaining paint colors: "Well, it was creampuff, and the trim was burnt caramel. But it worked together with the chard green drapes, I swear," and having someone look at you like you are a nutter, because they don't have any idea in Hell what colors I mean.
  8. Mabelline

    Cooking Tunes!

    If I'm just going with the flow, I like Irish music,zydeco,Celtic anything. But for Q, I'm partial to the Fabulous Thunderbirds, Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band, and AC/DC as well-Stiff Upper Lip is cool, too. SO likes Uncle Ted (Nugent),Sabbath.
  9. That plant also still bottles the small-sized glass bottles for people with vintage 'sody-pop' machines.
  10. I made a pretty cool wind chime with a Lancer's bottle that I cut the bottom out of, suspended a big macrame bead where it would clang, and hung some old brass decorative pieces for weight. It sounded very nice, and I've often thought of doing it again.
  11. fifi, I am quite sure that the shells peeled well this year because you caught them before they used the duct tape.....
  12. Peyote buttons outside El Paso.....(ok..joke...)
  13. WELCOME...Cool commentary...but do you feel really like a lowest common denominator...???
  14. Cleaning up after anything I ate with my aunts,gram, and mom...I would give everything to go back to those times...even if just a dream.
  15. Fresh fish and shellfish in Montana. Also my genuine 'leaf fat' lard, freerange chickens, eggs, and capons. Good tea. Good vinegars--I am now working on fig.
  16. Agreed...that's the way they insure you are happy with a highend cut of beef...
  17. Mabelline

    Onion Confit

    Have used up mine; tomorrow is market day, and there are some onions with my name on 'em. I am done with my 'health' resrictions and ready to rock. I am also intending to buy some first-class camembert and a Frenchloaf. YEEHAH! Gonna do Marlene's... Got to figure out my camera!
  18. Egads--no way would I let an overcooked steak go with no protest at a topend Steak or Chophouse. With a large group, I reckon I'd have to confer with a captain, then return to either await a replacement--or scotch that and pork out on a couple shrimp cocktails--but no way would I feel they had earned their premium price. And they usually all guarantee your satisfaction.
  19. Pomanders--lovely scented clove-spiced pomanders rolled in orris root powder before spiking with a pointy tool and inserting cloves in designs. I would like to make some of those dehydrated citrus slices that look so nice in a potpourri and are hellishly exorbitant at the Michael's Craft Place.
  20. Just Bless the South. Without them, the rest of the country could be deprived of a major pastime:i.e. Visa commercial about " four of them nekkid lady mudflaps!!!Hooey--Mamacita!!"
  21. Sorry...should have added what Suzanne said too. That's the way I do, and dip them out after 10 min. into the cold. Mea culpa.
  22. I wonder if the canned tropical fruit mixes in heavy syrup would work also. Good experiment.
  23. I never have the green/grey. Hot eggs get a cold bathing until the shell is cool. Then you can peel or hold for later in water in the fridge. I don't salt the boiling water, and once cool use it for plants for the trace calcium . They get happy!
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