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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. There's a bar in Mineral Wells, Texas, housed in an old WW2 Quoset hut and back in the 80's, when Lonestar was usin' this ad slogan of "The National Beer Of Texas", it was painted like half a giant Lonestar can!
  2. Like I said Sam Iam, Mama's hunting season! Stalking the very cheap but endangered Wedgewood!! Ah, the sport of it all...
  3. Why do youall eat with the fork upside-down? It just seems weird to me because of the configuration of the fork. I mean does it go back in tradition (like somebody almost poked some king's mistress' eye out with the fork tines up) or to make the meal go slower? I have had 2 English, and one Zanzibar-Colonial aunts and they all ate like that...
  4. Oh, man, I love Portmeirion! It is so luscious-looking. This will sound kind of dumb, but my favorite purchase was $2.75 for a 1950's Mirro French Frier, just like my mom and I used to use. It was virtually new in the box. All I have to do is get it out to make fries, and it just gets to me.
  5. I know what you mean. I constantly look out for the enamel dishpans all of our grams had for dough-rising. And wooden bowls, especially if they've been repaired with some brads and a strap of steel. Be still my heart!
  6. Damn, that made me remember the tap beer, and not to be forgotten, red beer!!!! There's a bar on 28th Street in Fort Worth that sells Bloody Marys on Sunday for a buck apiece, staring at 7:30!! Long live the Crow's Nest... Edit to add: that's 7:30 a.m.
  7. I love finding stuff that qualifies as handmade wooden or iron or steel antiques. It's becoming 'Mama's Hunting Season' as my darling refers to it up here. Fortunately we have genuine estate and 'clearing out for the smaller house'. I also dive into old linens, old cookbooks, and real nice crystal.....sigh
  8. Their mama mighta been scared by the Easter Bunny. tam319, that sounded finer than froghair to me. If my dessert came out looking 'lop-sided' to me, I am secure enough to straighten it up, and proceed with the eating. And no, I am not a Cretin in a restaurant, I just go to eat out to be HAPPY! I wish I COULD try one of your desserts. It'd be an honor...
  9. Music in Southern joints is usually made up with tragically dead people, so don't forget Buddy Holly, StevieRay Vaughan, Elvis, Patsy Cline, Hendrix, and George Jones (---thrown in for good measure). And at least 'La Paloma Blanca' by Slim Whitman when the grams come in before or after Bingo.
  10. Beer in Longneck Bottles. You cannot get in a proper fight holding a can.Be seen with your wife/husband's cousin. Have a bridal or baby shower there. Take the big fish you caught there first.
  11. Well, crud, I went to the wrong starter for this. But perhaps---just perhaps, Bobby Flay's trout dishes made the flavor of the trout come out, as well as his presention? Many, many IC battles used some real weirded out containers, and what all...I did start thinking he blew it when he overfilled the soup bowls, until he explained why. And damn, where's anyone find Golden Trout like that? It is a melanistic sport, isn't it?
  12. #1.Still drooling over the kitchen. #2. They fell down on the job---there was no RoccoWare in sight! #3. I saw a glimpse of our very own Chris in his colorful shirt, on the first show. And, #4, I still think I saw some big-assed eggs (and that's big)!! It was way cooler than the Shatner one. But remember, the viewer panel walked it away for Sakai. If it had been in Japan, he'd have won, as well. And lordy I have not seen such pretty scallops for way TOO long.
  13. Wire brushes from a welding supply are very sturdy, and do the job. Stick your grill on the fire when it's at it's hottest, then wirebrush it. I think you'll find no aftertaste and have a fairly easy time. We just did a couple of t-bones this weekend, and I swear--I wanted to eat the smoke!
  14. Katie, allow me to also congratulate you. Grace under fire is noble. Cheers, goodheart!!!
  15. Ah, Jon, it looks like you and the J-Man have come up with a way to watch the show, eat,drink,no...get blitzed!!!
  16. There we go...I'm not reading those articles because I WANT to be surprised...anticipation....
  17. Thanks for a clear judgment! I am probably too defensive of U.S. products, and I'm totally with you about panaderias and Mexico. It's all good.
  18. Rough sugar. I agree with mags. Chattering monkey minds. Egads, too good!
  19. Pant, pant, huff,huff, huff.............I can live without him.
  20. Bravo, Marlene! Thumbs Up!
  21. Yes, if I go out to eat, I indulge in whatever. Works for me, and I think most folks goin' to them are not worried about the calorie count. If I went everyweek I'd be concerned, but as a 'sometimes' treat, they got a vote from me...but not OG...sorry.
  22. Yep, and Krispy Cremes and KFC, but like we had a choice...I think a good American-style steakhouse would drag them like a frisky mule.And, they'd like it!!
  23. JPW, you and I are definitely on the fence with this here deal, and damnit, they are getting the splash they wanted!! Queen fifi, get back from that vacation, tour, whatever!! We need your razorsharp piehole, gal!!
  24. Ack! Senior citizen! He was 60, damn, that becomes a pup if you're in your 40's or 50's. A heart attack is entirely possible nowadays, huh?
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