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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. Sorry, Pan. When Meso-Americans process corn in a wet state, it's nixtamal, (or masa, once ground). So you then have the slaked lime treated kernels soaked in water and ready to rock. Think tamale, and you get it. Nixtamal came from Atahuilapan--Aztec.
  2. andie, I am going to try that. Thanks. Do you rinse them-after the soak? I can take a little milk, but it would seem like you ought to for some dishes, like with clear brothes?
  3. Yep, I learned from one of my tias in AZ. OK, I even got me confused. The bulblets-just one or at most two, but in a meat dish like stew. Then the bottoms themselves for a confit--which would take at least a SKILLION!!
  4. It's real weird this came up, because last week I finally got to the library, and one of the books I picked up was "Wild Fermentation: the Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods," by Sandor Ellix Katz. It has plenty of food history, and a lot about how the author has survived 15 years longer with HIV than the doctors thought he would. It has some cool VINEGAR recipes, which is where I found it. Read it if you get the chance...you will get caught up by it!
  5. fifi, I can imagine the many things our 'savage', 'uncivilized' forbearers laugh at us about! But the flour thing in particular....most people had their teeth ground to nubbins just past twenty from grit-munching. And I at so sorry, but I do not like whole wheat grains in my bread. They feel like lil' ole rocks...sunflower, yep, okay, but the wheat's just too hard to me.
  6. Just think how many it'd take, fifi! When you cut up one of those onions that are gasmask-strength, you can soak them, in a strainer, in icewater about 15-25 mins., then shake the water off, and they are considerably milder. I do strong whites that way for guacamole, when I don't want the onion running the show.
  7. Grape to wine to vinegar. To go with bleu's bread and cheese.
  8. I used to use the little bulblets of the ripe 'walking onion' tops, before they bend over and plant themselves, when I wanted intense onion taste. It works, too. They're usually about the size of an English pea, but Hell for stout!!
  9. Oh my...this is creepy. I had to use a grain elevator's scales to weigh some cattle at Julesburg,Colorado. I was in a line of grain trucks, so I walked across the road to an old Drugstore type lunch counter.When I walked in there were about 8 folks,including the cook and waitress. No one said a word to me. When I sat down, I said hi and asked for a hamburger, fries and iced tea to go. The girl wrote it up, the cook made it and bagged it all up, and the waitress took my money, made change, so I figured she would at least say something if I handed her a buck. No dice, not a word the WHOLE time. It creeped me out, I tell ya. I think there's maybe a massive inbreeding problem up there or somethin'--oops;down there now. I almost didn't eat the food, but I was about to have my stomach start gnawing on my backbone, so I settled for just lookin' it over real good!
  10. Lordy, I'm getting senile...corn! Native Americans nixtamalized corn to add the necessary nutrients to make it viable to the body. When the Europeans exported corn, but not the alkaline process, they introduced whole populations to pellagra and kwashiorkor.
  11. Peanuts. Make mine boiled,salted, roasted,etc.
  12. NW_Texan--My heart is in little bitty bits around the desk...Now I guess I can quit thinking of Pancho's and just dwell on memories. I agree with all your other choices too. I reckon I've just gotten stuck on the 'joint' type-places, speaking of which, Jesus' on South Main--bad place, good food--pronounced Hay-Sues, just so nobody confuses it with Bread and Fishes (another place, I swear), also on Southside. Edit for a Joe T.'s Marguarita; equal parts Tequila, Triple sec, and fresh lime. Barbed wire swizzle sticks. Oh yeah!
  13. Poke salad. Another from the South, and a springtime salvation for many after bad winters. It needs several different slow simmers and water changes (3, for tender shoots).
  14. Now that's what I mean!! That's great!! The repositioning factor is very cool--leaving you time to get it right. And thanks for the gesso tip...I could not think of it's name to save my soul. Only 1 cup of Earl Grey this morning.
  15. I've been thinking of making some seed pictures to use in my kitchen. So far, I've settled on basswood for a background, drawing my designs, and gluing the seeds in sections. There's so many talented people here that I want youall's thoughts about the way to go about it. I don't really care for a hotglue gun, because I end up with those danged strings everywhere. And once they are finished, I wanted to fill the cracks and spaces as you would with a mosaic. Any thoughts, dear folks?
  16. Wow...I've been runcibly-impaired up till now!
  17. What's a runcible spoon? Brava, fifi.
  18. Indeed. Pray for mamakajiwins--Miracles.
  19. Mexican soups have got names like sopa seca, or dry soup, for stuff you get in a bowl, and eat with a spoon, also. Had to stir things up a little (sorry, that popped out).
  20. Oooh, I have wondered about the golden beets, because they are restricted from my coumadin diet. There are white ones, too...and no, they aren't called turnips edit to clarify--the red ones are restricted, like the deep green veggies and orange stuff as well.
  21. This is just a little note on the side about the cap on SO's Troutfly brew from Yellowstone Brewing Company;it is a mini-sized little cowgirl astride a trout fly with a lariat, under her it says Wild Fly Rider, and on top it says BITE ME! I glued a bunch of these to magnets for the fridge. Okay--your tv will now be returned to you. Anchor Steam.Draft. Nuff said.
  22. judiu, you must be a long lost relative!! One time my mom caught me and my dog Trusty (from Lady and the Tramp ) under the dining room table with scissors and milk bones. I was eating one, cutting my hair, then giving Trusty one, and cutting his hair. I always say I was her despair. Goes to show why she and my dad waited 9 years to present my sister to the world! No one has mentioned toast, bananas and whipped cream.
  23. My favories have mostly been the stuff pets eat, and the stupid things we do.
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