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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. That's an interesting thought. Perhaps when sleeveless gowns with elbow length gloves became popular among the Less-Than-Hoi-Polloi had less to do with fashion, and more to do with the advent of ranges in kitchens.
  2. I am of the opinion that if our mamas, daddys, grams, or whoever made our favorites could compete, there would be grilled cheese mayhem figuring out a winner. Nearly all of us got our idea of the best grilled cheese from our caregivers.
  3. Food Tutor, you have a wonderful website, and you go for it! If you are gettin' cussed, give it back.By the way, have you ever played soccer? Sorry about repeating the comment...I just went back to "fries". Mea culpa.
  4. How lucky you are! Have a great time, for sure!
  5. Any nut is a gift from the gods; but I love enormous AZ or NM pistachios,pinons, PECANS, and cashews. Hazelnuts...yum. Lychees-do they count? I too cannot overeat mangoes or cashews. And if I pass within 5 feet of poison ivy, that devilweed will get me. Spent 1/2 of a summer once in hospital with poison ivy in my nose, mouth, and throat. GAH!
  6. Squeat, thanx for that link...this is precisely what I meant about carrying down the blame. The song comes from 1853, so in it's time context, "darkies" was more likely than not a "polite" or "generous" word choice. Now it's appalling. I feel the same sometimes while watching old westerns.Hell, I feel the same about the 60's civil rights movement. I reckon DQ oughta just suck it up and change the name, although I do understand that a controversy is astute free publicity.
  7. When cornnuts and Jello get X-TREME, it is time to get ready to hide in a cave somewhere until it all dies an unnatural death!
  8. That's one perceptive site agbaber...I love it.
  9. Pan, thanx for enlightening me on the old thumb thang. But whoever perpetrated the hoax forgot the woman's rule of thumb defense--you have to sleep sometime.
  10. That has always riled me too. People do tend to get carried away, eh?
  11. Thanks, Pan. You grounded me from being insensitive about his accomplishments. Your grandma's admonition is the reason I've not posted regarding his passing. He will be judged by a power he cannot hide anything from. I am so glad for all the youngin's he gave a love of food to, but do not mistake him for a sterling personality. Just keep in mind--speaking of clowns--that John Wayne Gacy was a well-respected citizen for over 20 years.
  12. chromedome, I give; what's up with rule of thumb? My family is metis back to 1838, so far as known. Every one of my three daughters is married to a tribal member. So I can understand the willingness to protest. But on the backside of the coin, do you think DQ was setting out to insult a full 1/3 of the U.S. and Canada? I really can't see it as intentional.
  13. I confess I have never heard muzz...how odd. Those are the best peaches for a little homebrew. Heyh!!!
  14. mags, I totally agree with you that there is no place for this bullcrap in this day and time, but at the same time I am very sensitive to the restrictions of a religious nature, for surely, that qualifies as crossing the corporate Rubicon in desensitivation. There can be no excuse to "What they don't know won't hurt them," whomever they are.
  15. Very good with some other greens,pan-wilted with a good hot chile pepper with it. Taste of it really changes with chiles. Very healthy and more a home remedy type plant, or a forage type foodstuff for natives.
  16. That's certainly a truth as unvarnished as they come. But what we are "chewing the fat" over---sorry about that, I couldn't resist--is the fact that McDs has been representing potato products as vegetarian safe, while knowing full well that they contain beef flavorings. That is beyond contempt because it demonstrates that someone, somewhere has no understanding of fundimental dietary or religious dietary restrictions. Fie on that.
  17. More power to someone with somethin' between their ears! Rock on, 7-11!! Our favorite teenage hangout!!
  18. I had not even flashed to the implication of MooLatte, now if they had named it "High Yellow", I'd have perceived it as a slam. But I fervently hope the Moo comes from Dairy Queen, and the Latte from Latte's recent surge in popularity.
  19. Bout as sensitive as "Jimmy Crack Corn" but bad or no, part of our history and by acknowledgement, half the battle is won. But I'm one of those folks who do not carry down blame; only when the lesson stays unlearned do I tend to get impatient.
  20. WAIT...the post gingerly put up is a wholly different story from the leader on this thread. Putting beef products in fries and not allowing the public to know about and decide their preferrence is unnatural and very sleazy, to say the least. That changed my view on the deal, and yes, I can and will change horses in the middle of the stream.
  21. It seems they are attempting to get away from the GOB and Gimme cap image, bless their heart. Maybe someone might misjudge them because of John Deere or Agra Seeds being promoted by their public...how uncouth
  22. enrevanche, you touched my heart with your mention of crumbled cornbread with buttermilk. That was my daddy's and my own favorite night time snack. Especially good in a tall glass...ah, me, gonna have to heat the oven up tomorrow--there's cornbread coming on, I can feel it. Fo' shure!! Thanx
  23. Hand-gathered as well. A Palm Beach sort of appellation that truly means "picked by exploited poor folks".
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