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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. fifi, you may have hit it pretty close to the mark. It may have been just as flavor and perhaps easier to pry out by first giving them a "hot bath".So, in the interests of paleo-recipe search, you are hearby nominated to go out after your next storm and boil up a batch of slime bugs!
  2. As far as stuff everyone else is crazy about, but I immensely dislike, there has to be Mango Friggin' Everything.Give me a break. Mangoes are good, yeah, but tone it down. Okay---and chipotles. They were not made to go in EVERYTHING, people. Okay, now I'll go back under my rock.
  3. I guess the curacao aquarium would beat out Jello shots, cuz that'll be a lot of curacao!
  4. You have to find one of those posters with the hidden picture if you blur your eyes and de-focus. And what about "Oh Mickey, You're So Fine" Macaroons?
  5. As an old school person, I've no trouble with no hats. Gentlemen and courteous folks remove their hats to eat. Cellphones are a bane in public situations. Tank tops are for on the boat. Unless you are eating dockside, cover up for cryin' out loud...okay? Am I just imagining that people have the good sense to act civilized?Or are they just up in arms(hairy ones) about someone presuming to encourage them to be respectful?
  6. Marlena, what do they cover their pillows with during that time? My favorites are souvlaka, spanakopita, avgolemenos, and those fancy little cookies for Easter. OOH, and the fancy breads, any skewered meats, and on and on, etc.
  7. The site is wisdomkeepers.org/nativeway/nwidx.htm They are trying to save Native traditions and folkways.
  8. Mormons are not from outerspace (I know, I can't prove that) but in my lifelong experience with Mormons, when you have a meal, put out your different beverages, like so...ice water, grape juice, non-caffeine sodas, wine, iced tea, whatever, and your guests should make the transition easily for you.I've never had a Mormon lecture me about what I drank. It is merely what they do not.
  9. I dug up (sorry, I can't resist) a serious Oklahoma Cherokee recipe for parched yellowjacket larva, including how to smoke out a ground nest, and remove said larvae.So who knows?
  10. Damn--that was a seriously male squirrel!!!
  11. Does that mean I am proscribed by loving tomato aspic (the real thing, not tomato jello or some other aberration)?
  12. Well Hell, call me ignorant, but I've never had a problem with any indigenous foods. If I was at Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco to purists) I ate shark, shrimp, jacks, dolphins(not mammalian dolphins) or carne seca, with their salsas, their tortas, their jugos. And it was GOOD. Now, down farther, it was totally different. Tamales 3 feet long worked on all day by every woman there. Guajalote. Different jugos. Man, it's all relative. But I think people need to change their headset about this being "Mexican" It is indigenous, Native American, North, Mid, or South. Those things which are 'popular culture' are Spanish, not indigenous. Give credit where credit is due.
  13. Where's the stamp-your-foot emoticon when you need it ?
  14. Cold soups! Tabbouleh. Cold Chinese or Thai Green Curry. Sliced vegetables with nothing but some good vinaigrette. Raita alongside. Cucumbers and onions in a pickle. And ditto on the hot foods. Workin' up a sweat in the heat is good for you.
  15. Mabelline


    I'll tell you about porcupines, if you are interested.There's a fancy Greek name, but they are rice-studded meatballs, and delicious.
  16. If you go to look for wild ones, remember they are bitterish, but if you ask someone where there's field of 'cockleburrs' they will be able to tell you. Don't gather anything beside roads--too many residual chemicals from motor traffic. And be ready to work for them...they are tightly bound if not the cultivated ones.
  17. And you graduate from redneck to gearhead if you know the lift and duration for each one....
  18. You KNOW you're a redneck if you think the color of your State Flag is Primer Grey.
  19. If I religiously consume meat, does that make him discriminating against my religion?
  20. I think that most of us women are wondering too. And make her pay her own way? What kind of perverted fiend is he?
  21. A corkscrew. There's no mood breaker quite like opening a wine bottle with a screwdriver from the cartrunk.
  22. There's a small cheese concern that markets their product at my favorite co-op. I can't remember their name, but the goat cheese is named "Butthead". I just love it....makes me giggle.
  23. Sure. But with cheese I think it was yoghurt first, and was the way nomadic Arabians still do.
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