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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. Mabelline


    See, next we will need to compile the eG Guide To All Things Hominous...I think I'll look in some of my older cookbooks that aren't boxed up and out of the spin.
  2. The power of the internet and good ideas!! That looks just gorgeous!! Your cooker is great lookin', and you'll have it now for beef, fish, lamb, whatever. For turning you might try getting two nice new hayhooks. They will give you purchase, along with your flip board.
  3. GG, I forgot to tell you you are not kidding me. This is by no means the last shoe....you'll just go and buy yah some more!
  4. Tell him, tryska that you've got our permission to doctor his lyin' tongue up. Jaymes is absolutely authentic, and we used to have some knock-down, drag-outs when it came to any marrows.
  5. Very true about fellow service workers; the only thing I dispute about his article is how in the Hell can he equate tipping today with Lady What's Her Butt in 1912 bitchin' about those annoying little people who expected a 'little something' after waiting on her hand and foot for a week? Or go back to a time when if the Tippee was not happy about a servant, they could get flogged? I agree that there's a drastic need for the wages to be commesurate -sp? with the effort. The old days of thinking the tip was the cream on top don't exist. Lady What's Her Butt's servers did not pay rent, day care or gas bills. With the exception of plum-type serving jobs, most folks take service jobs because of the money in the pocket everyday as opposed to the dismal check every two weeks.
  6. New Braunfels Smokehouse is good as well for sausages, smoked stuff of every description, and their shipping is excellent. Isn't there some buttkicking smoked sausage where you are?
  7. Mabelline


    I agree with RG that the uncanned is best. For yours, torakris, I would tell you that pozole done from this takes anywhere from 2-4 hours of simmering time. The frozen is my favorite, as it's taste is so stellar. I fully agree with Jinmyo; if your hominy is canned, it really needs not just draining, but a cold water bath to remove that liquor that's in the can. The taste will spark up, for sure. And, you want to taste the hominy, not the canning by-product.
  8. Mabelline


    lmarshal1- I will send you a much more specific recipe. Believe me, this is some good stuff, okay? Oh Hell I can't Pm you. But you can pm me. Just hit that thingy on the bottom, tell me what I need to know.
  9. I recall one Sunday Supper with both of my grams, and I was informed this only happened twice. One was Native American, married to my German Step-Granpa. The other was 1/2 English, 1/2 Native, and of a very Eastern chilly reserve.We ate a meal of very excellent foods, on the farm, and at the end of the meal, dandelion wine was brought out. I do not really recall the end of the evening, but it seemed to have something to do with my Step-Granpa asking my mom's mama to become one of his wives.I just wish I could have seen that. As any Native would tell you---eh, this happens.
  10. Mabelline


    Ah, what heaven is some braunsweiger with onion or apple and horseradish, on any sort of GOOD bread!!! It is so good in the early morning before you go out to work. But, I have to say, I wouldn't turn down any of the preceeding ways. Except the dog pill. Well, maybe even the dog pill, if I didn't know aforehand....
  11. Mabelline


    Okay, this is the working-single mother's invention to fill three picky girl sprouts up. Drain the canned hominy, add your cumin, garlic salt , and some minced onion. Just pulse till it resembles your wet masa for tamales. Spray a good size pyrex dish, spread about 1/2" for a bottom layer. Put in all your other tamale ingredients in(this is entirely up to you- my two biggest winners were shredded pork or chicken) and when you get near the top cover with a good crust layer. Oven at 350 for about 30 minutes, then put your oil on top and brown it up. My kids called this my Mexican Lasagna.
  12. Mabelline


    Whiz it in a processor and use it for the top and bottom layers of a damn decent tamale pie.
  13. Mabelline

    Crookneck Squash

    Cut your squash in cubes and put some butter, say 1/4 stick in a good-sized saucepan, with about 2 cups of milk, and your seasons. Warm the milk/butter till just bubbling, then put your squash cubes in. Let the heat come up to a good bubble, but keep stirring, and after about ten minutes, add some good melting cheese. Turn off the heat, let it thicken and I swear even squash-haters will eat this. GG, it works a charm with pattypan. That was what I had on hand when I made this up about 30 years ago.
  14. You can always try getting a good stout plastic garbage bag, and some Parsons' Lemon Ammonia. Lay your bag out pour some on the bottom pour some in your roaster, slide it in the bag and secure it tightly. Let it sit overnight, then scrub it with your scatchless scrubber, and put it in the dishwasher. Just by your description, I think your pan may have had a residue of the coating oil applied after manufacturing. Although it is 'stainless', the makers coat it with a neutral oil so that you do not go in the store and see a bunch of roasters with something called white rust.
  15. Russ Parsons last comment about Julia covers her and a lot of her contemporaries: THEY DON'T MAKE THEM LIKE THAT ANYMORE. Indeed they do not. These were women who had the courage and fortitude to do a man's job, do it well, and were not embarassed to be ladies while they were at it. And they had one thread running through all of them--never-failing honesty, and genuine interest in everything. I feel there are quite a few of Julia's sisters sittin' around having tea with her...in fact, I'm sure of it.
  16. Russ Parsons last comment about Julia covers her and a lot of her contemporaries: THEY DON'T MAKE THEM LIKE THAT ANYMORE. Indeed they do not. These were women who had the courage and fortitude to do a man's job, do it well, and were not embarassed to be ladies while they were at it. And they had one thread running through all of them--never-failing honesty, and genuine interest in everything. I feel there are quite a few of Julia's sisters sittin' around having tea with her...in fact, I'm sure of it.
  17. You are working in the right direction, fifi. If you don't give it a little rest, how's that baking powder gonna 'take' to the buttermilk? Keep it up, and don't worry 'bout no photos. The Olympics are on, so when they are showing those split-second medal winners, I will just imagine one of your bisquits hangin' from their necks!
  18. Never heard that!! But ever so true!!
  19. I think when we start moving, I will take a cooler-load of my Chinese bud's restaurant food. Their Hot and Sour Soup, Velvet Chicken, and SUPERB kalamari and octy dishes are something I can eat. It's just the thought that we will be in Pryor, miles from everything, that intimidates me. My doctor won't let me go till tests are 80% good, because I would have to ride the angel bucket(helicopter) if something screws up. I'm tryin' I swear I am!!
  20. Thank your good spirits you never hit Texas while the old Blue Laws were in effect. Talk about Southern Baptist fear of reprisals! Sunday: everyone make sure they bought enough juice to make it till 6 pm Sunday, and no liquor. By the way, you could buy baby formula, but not pacifiers or diapers. GO FIGURE.
  21. Thank you for warning me that they aren't any fun in VA.
  22. Are there fuddrucker's everywhere?
  23. Yeah, fifi, I really don't trust the processor for this critical step, because it whirls so fast, the blades heat up. NO HEAT to the cold ingredients. These are what meld in the cooking. My mama and gram did not roll the dough out, as well. It was just patted "like a good babie's bottom". The Dutch Ovens you show are as good as they get. Now you can visualize what I meant about a tower with the entire meal cookin'.
  24. Ah, how appropriate for that singular lady. May the Great Spirits smile when we pronounce her name!!!
  25. That's an excellent suggestion, the last in--first out box! I hate moving. Blech! I also have packed everything for my portable grill. To be gotten to easily. We will be moving way out of town when my treatments are finished. This place is a nightmare, because I packed up all sorts of stuff, expecting to move 3 months' ago. It looks like one of those bag lady places with a trail leading through. If I did not have this TOTAL lack of ambition, I'd have had a lot of it moved. But lately, I am crying a lot, and living on our sofa.Sorry about the pity party. Everyone go on and give your good ideas.
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