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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. I am gonna try andie's recipe, as well. It sounds very good, as do all her 'receipts'! Have eaten plenty of the sugar drops, as we called them. I bet a touch of bitters in them would be nice, too.
  2. This is supposed to be a Cossack saying, but this is the only place I can use it, unless on a diet thread--which I am allergic to--- Eat your breakfast for yourself;Share your dinner with your friends; Give your supper to your enemies.
  3. Ghostrider beat me to the punch, because I was going to say I can't believe no one has mentioned sprouts! I love bean, radish, corn, and alfalfa in the summer. When I had to cut back on the greens in my diet, bean sprouts poached in mirin, soy, and rock sugar, drained and chilled was the base of many cold dishes. They are fabulous! And as if you are eating meat. Water chestnuts and bamboo shoots trip my trigger, too! Ah, summer...cold noodles, as well. Citrus fruits with artichokes, good cheese, yum...scuse me, I must raid the kitchen now.
  4. I just cannot fathom how somone can be fasting but consuming so much. All my life a fast has had a sacred connotation of purifying oneself with certain things allowed for a space of days, such as blue corn meal cooked into a certain small marble type of offering, and water.Over a five day fast, it wouldn't touch that many calories. I guess illuminating those manuscripts was a lot heavier labor than ever imagined?
  5. That's a hilarious translation...I'm still laughing about they made it in 1560, but had to wait till 1750 for it to be chou pastry and not cabbages.
  6. re Lalitha's link : Rachel "Gatemouth" Ray!!!
  7. I haven't ever tried, but that 'mute' button makes me wonder if the closed captioning works on those shows. Har! I'd like to see the mangled version of Oliver's Twist!
  8. Wow, 4500 calories while FASTING!?! How'd they do that? Great article,for real.
  9. Anyone remember when pistachios and pumpkin seeds had so much salt on them they made your tongue raw!! The good ol' days--B.S.C.-before salt cops...sigh
  10. I'm guessing you're spot on. I know some more aged ladies who use nothing but Crisco-oil or shortening-for everything.
  11. Yep...too bad they couldn't determine them by age. I remember sweet oil quite well.
  12. I am with you for changing the name. It can upset people and what is worse to me, little sprouts who have no idea of word meanings could be running around being unintentionally annoying. I do agree that SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE should have cut this in the project stage.
  13. Whoa, Nelly! 4.29 for 4 ounces? Yipes!
  14. I have updated one for myself: If life hands you lemons, preserve them!
  15. I guess I was fortunate in that my father spent some time on Sicily and at Palermo during WWII. Therefore he came back with a passionate obsession for Italian food, and encouraged my mama and myself to cook Italian anytime.
  16. I too sometimes get tired of the Native American label, which I use here simply as a way to distinguish and as an honorific for the TRUE Indians who post. What I really wish for is something faster to type. I agree with the names crap. Carrydown P.C. crap. When the music awards were on this year, Outkast did a SUPER job of this 25th Century tribal-version of Hey-yah, and the next morning three of my serious N/A webs had memos calling for an apology and a free concert at the gathering of tribes. Eeesh.
  17. Perhaps it's just an archaic carryover from the days when you also got your food extracts from the druggist.
  18. How about too many cooks spoil the broth? That was very true when my two crazy aunts came to family gatherings. Everytime Miz Leitha or Miz Evelyne went past something, they would taste it and whoosh something into it. My mom and gram got so tired of them doing that they talked my gramps and dad and uncles to keep them seated with 'cordials'.Maybe not fair but it worked pretty good.
  19. I never get the same effect from Scotch as from Tequila. And I usually take Scotch neat or with soda, and Tequila in a mixed drink. But I mostly stay away from Tequila because its smell is reminiscent of kerosene.
  20. gingerly, I went to your link, and I liked this one: melt with some beeswax and pour into a tin--makes a good lipbalm, leather conditioner, or furniture polish. Hell, none of my other lipbalms are 'multi-taskers' like that!
  21. Mabelline

    pocket knife

    Check out the site for Cabela's. They carry beautiful stuff.
  22. Aw, jeez, after reading slyaspie's descriptions of Cypriot cooking, I think I will seek out somebody in Cyprus to adopt me! That sounds toooo Gooood!
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