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Varmint's Pig Pickin', Version 2 -- 9/4/05


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I was at a friend's for dinner last night and was talking so much about the Pig Pickin that everyone thought I had been there which caused huge confusion. But that's how wonderful your pictures and all the posts have been - I truly felt like I was part of the fun. Best part? How much I laughed at the pig foot in the tub. Tooooo funny. Even looks like he had a fresh manicure for the party.

Thanks to one and all for sharing such a marvellous event.



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Great job, everyone, and especially to you, Varmint!!

Nothin' could be finer than a pig pickin' in Carolina ...

Now I know why Dave was smilin', you dawg you ... :wink:

Thank you for the hush puppies. They looked illegally delicious. :wub:

Rachel, do I see a tub of ... Cool Whip ...?? :shock:

Couple of last things, Dean: What was the sauce you added into the pork? Was it Pistol Pete? As for the photo of the pig's foot in the tub, you have got to use that picture somehow.

Again, thank y'all for puttin' on the pig pickin'.

Russell J. Wong aka "rjwong"

Food and I, we go way back ...

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Wow! Just made it home a short while ago. The drive wasn't really that bad, and the Philly crew made good time, but we stopped for a dinner bite in southern DE and then drove Mummer out to his house in the burbs. When we got to Herb's house in NJ, there was the world's cutest/smartest/sweetest stray dog sitting on his front steps as though he were waiting for us. Approximately 5 month old small-to-medium sized part Ridgeback/part lab(?) puppy. Soooooo sweet. All waggy tailed and kissy. He was far too well mannered, clean and relatively healthy looking to be a total stray, but Herb couldn't let him in his house, and my three kitties would never have allowed me to bring him home either. We both called every single person we knew to see if someone would take him. No luck. I wouldn't have slept tonight if we didn't do the right thing, and leaving him running around was far too dangerous. We fed him and gave him some water and played ball with him until a nice local police officer arrived from our call to 9-1-1. He hung out with us and the dog (by now nicknamed "Rolly" for semi-obvious reasons) and called for animal control. So we waited and waited and animal control finally arrived and took Rolly away. Herb will check on him in the coming days and make sure he gets adopted. The nice officer seemed interested so perhaps Rolly will end up with him! Herb took a picture of the dog so maybe he'll post it so you can all see the post-Pickin' unofficial mascot and location namesake. Wish I coulda kept him. He was an awesome pup! :smile:

I can hardly begin to thank everyone for the wonderful time they contributed to. My memories will have to do, but seeing old friends and meeting new ones was truly a great experience. The McCords are the most hospitable hosts and I am much obliged for the warmth and kindness. It was so much fun! And lucky us - we did get some leftovers in addition to some wonderful purchases from the NC Farmer's Market we picked up to bring home as well. YUM!!! I'll be eating good Carolina food for the rest of the week.

Brooks, bless you for being so sweet and thinking of us. Here's to hoping the next party is at your house. I wouldn't miss that for the world!

As for the photo of the pig's foot in the tub, you have got to use that picture somehow.

I couldn't agree more! I tried to convince Jason to Photoshop in some toenail polish and bubbles in the bathtub. Now there's an eGullet Christmas card if ever there was one! :wink:

The Limoncello Arnold Palmers have been dubbed the "Arnaldo". Very refreshing. The photos don't lie. The weather was picture perfect in every way. It was a spectacular weekend all around.

Katie M. Loeb
Booze Muse, Spiritual Advisor

Author: Shake, Stir, Pour:Fresh Homegrown Cocktails

Bartendrix,Intoxicologist, Beverage Consultant, Philadelphia, PA
Captain Liberty of the Good Varietals, Aphrodite of Alcohol

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I'd like to add my thanks to Dean and Marcella for their hospitality, and to the kitchen crew for letting me assist. Some people come to these events for the food, but the draw for me is the cooking together.

Brooks, even though we have never met I missed you this weekend. Thanks for thinking of us - be assured we were all thinking of you, and all of the many hundreds of thousands displaced by this storm, many cut off from food and friends and the comfort and good cheer that both provide.

Edited by hjshorter (log)

Heather Johnson

In Good Thyme

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As for the photo of the pig's foot in the tub, you have got to use that picture somehow.

I couldn't agree more! I tried to convince Jason to Photoshop in some toenail polish and bubbles in the bathtub. Now there's an eGullet Christmas card if ever there was one! :wink:

I thought the same thing myself about the piggie foot picture, but instead saw a little yellow rubber duckie bobbing around alongside it! :smile: Didn't dare say so, though.

You all have been wonderful in sharing the time that you had so that we could enjoy it without having gone, just through the photos and words.

I am totally amazed at Varmint and his family and the great generosity shown in pulling this thing together.

Maybe next time the crew should throw a party for him the day after the party! :biggrin:

Sit him in a lawnchair with some beer to watch the cleanup crew or something.

Well, maybe not. The whole thing might go on for a week. :wink:

Thank you all, anyway, for sharing the fun of what looked and sounded like a really enjoyable (and of course historic) time!


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Ladies and gentlemen,

Dave the Cook's Barbequed Shrimp, New Orleans style.

All that diced butter Jason photographed? That went into the shrimp. This makes a very, very saucy dish.

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great timing

I was thinking we should have something light like seafood for dinner tonight :wacko:


The great thing about barbeque is that when you get hungry 3 hours later....you can lick your fingers


Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away.

"It is the government's fault, they've eaten everything."

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After participating in my first pig picking, I hate I missed the first one! Thanks to all at Chez Varmint for patience and hospitality. It's hard to say what I'll remember more: the primo pig and all the other food, whatever it was I was drinking (I got to where I just said, "Make me anything good with no gin."), the sight of so many people working in one kitchen without the loss of any body parts or Varmint in the elbow-length black gloves and orange do-rag - defnintely THE look for fall!

It was great to meet everyone!


BTW, Cheerwine was invented in Salisbury NC and is not Dr. Pepper. It's a blend of cherry flavor and cola.

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I grew up drinking Cheerwine. I stopped drinking it when I left North Carolina to move to the Washington area after college. Then, a few years later, I picked up a can while visiting my folks in Greensboro and drank it. I nearly spat it out--it tasted like nonmedicated carbonated cough syrup to me! Haven't had it since. Just a warning for those of you considering extreme machinations to get your mitts on some (I'm pretty sure Cheerwine is only distributed in North Carolina).

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(I'm pretty sure Cheerwine is only distributed in North Carolina).

Nope, saw a delivery truck here in Lexington, South Carolina the other day

Dave Valentin

Retired Explosive Detection K9 Handler

"So, what if we've got it all backwards?" asks my son.

"Got what backwards?" I ask.

"What if chicken tastes like rattlesnake?" My son, the Einstein of the family.

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Wanted to add my thanks to Varmint and family and all the rest of the crew. It was great meeting you all. Katie, I must say again, your limoncello as a digestivo was my saving grace after all that great food. Varmint, I know you say the pork wasn't up to "your" par, but this Eastern NC girl (I do not admit to being from Va when it comes to BBQ) thought it was incredible. My portion was tender and yummy. Malawry, your puppies were killer also. Debbie, it was a pleasure to get to know you and to house your little devils.

And I must add that bourbon and Sundrop was "my" drink back in college....I had to import it through my friends in Charlottesville, as you can not get it in that northern city of Richmond! Mmmmm...may need to get some Sundrop for cocktail hour...............................

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I had to have beef tonight.  I couldn't face any more pork :biggrin:

Ditto, we picked up some steaks at Seabra's in Newark yesterday, straight from the airport.
the shrimp on Saturday night was the best thing I think I've eaten in like a month and a half.  Actually, maybe just the broth and the biscuit I dipped in it was enough to take that title.  So I'll be searching for that recipe - Someone said it was posted.

Like Malawry mentioned, that "broth" was mostly melted butter. :raz:

Rachel, do I see a tub of ... Cool Whip ...?? :shock:

I cleared it with the organizers beforehand, but Cool Whip just seemed appropriate for the event and Jell-O.
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What a riot! :biggrin: Everyone looks great! Good job everybody! I wish I could have been there. One of these days I have to organize a lobster bake on a Maine beach. You folks down there can't have ALL the fun! :smile:

"I took the habit of asking Pierre to bring me whatever looks good today and he would bring out the most wonderful things," - bleudauvergne

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Jason's shots were so good, I felt a little strange even bothering to take pictures. But, as I discovered when I got home a couple of hours ago, my wife managed to snap a few . . .


An absolutely beautiful day and setting for the event.


Before the event, Mummer gives a brief lesson.


Sections of pig carcass, removed to the chopping table after being gently smoked over pecan wood for about 15 hours.


The ribs, which were picked and then brought up to the house to be picked again by the hungry kitchen crew.


Breaking down the pork a bit more . . .


. . . until it's just the right consistency.


Up north, we call this "flipping the bird."


Puppy perfection in progress.


Katie's homemade Limoncello was absolutely delicious.


Our intrepid host makes a passionate plea for each and every attendee to make large Katrina donations directly with the charities of their choice.


"Hey, hey, careful man! There's a beverage here!" --The Dude, The Big Lebowski

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I had to have beef tonight.  I couldn't face any more pork :biggrin:

Ditto, we picked up some steaks at Seabra's in Newark yesterday, straight from the airport.

It was even better that I didn't have to prep it or cook it. :biggrin: Don made me dinner, while I put my feet up and regaled him with tales of the weekend.


Practice. Do it over. Get it right.

Mostly, I want people to be as happy eating my food as I am cooking it.

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I got on the scales yesterday morning and saw that I had lost 5 pounds from Thursday morning. Amazing. Now I know why most chefs are pretty damn thin -- between the standing on your feet, the heat of the kitchen, and the cigarettes, drugs, and booze, well, you're not likely to be very fat. Thus, I've been eating very, very well beginning with yesterday's lunch. I think I'll get takeout Chinese tonight!

Dean McCord


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I can second the losing weight over the last 5 days. I was a little surprised as I expected to gain a couple of pounds! I'm going out for dinner, so I can keep up this other people cooking for me concept. Chinese sounds awful good for tomorrow night though!


Practice. Do it over. Get it right.

Mostly, I want people to be as happy eating my food as I am cooking it.

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I gave those delectable shrimp a shot tonight...didnt have enough worchestershire subbed a little Maggi and simmered some shrimp shells in there to bulk up the flavor...hot paprika instead of sweet ...the moths dont like the hot...damn tasty all around though



The great thing about barbeque is that when you get hungry 3 hours later....you can lick your fingers


Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away.

"It is the government's fault, they've eaten everything."

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garden state motorcyle association

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What a wonderful weekend! We arrived home last night about 10:30pm with an additional 965 miles on the car. As has already been said - our only regret was not being able to bring leftovers with us. The food was fantastic - all of it. There were so many highlights that I can't even remember enough of them to try to make a list.

Tonight, dinner was from Cooking Light and Light & Tasty. Wonder why?

The McCords are wonderful hosts - as has already been said several times. Dean and Marcella are top notch. The fellowship, the sharing of work, the willingness of everyone I saw to do whatever was needed whenever it was needed was inspiring.

I have printed out the three recipes posted above because my travelling companion wants to see if we can recreate those wonderful dishes on our own.

It was great meeting everyone. Putting names and faces together always helps me.

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What can I add that hasn't already been said? (as if that ever stopped me!)

Thanks to Dean and his lovely wife, Cella, and those adorable mini-Varmints for allowing this rampaging herd of starving foodies to take over their new and gorgeous kitchen for this weekend event. It must take nerves of steel to give people free rein in your showplace of culinary delights!

To those of you whom I had never met in the flesh: what a delight! You all never fail to amaze me with your love of all things culinary! Your words on the eG website match your enthusiasm displayed up close and personal in real life!

To the Perlows: thanks for the joys of your huge tomatoes, the evanescent and quivering multi-layered and Technicolor Jello mold, your photos posted before anyone else and done with great expertise, your comments as the event transpired ... yes, Jason, it was something of a "vacation" from my kosher home kitchen ... :wink:

For not laughing at me when I brought my rabbi to a Pig Pickin' ... sure it was a huge display of chutzpah but he raved about it and bought the t-shirt to wear (probably while giving his "Live a kosher Life" sermons) ... he had never seen bacon used in so many unusual ways ... draping the goat with strips of bacon really knocked him out! :laugh:

To Dean in particular: your words about having the Pig Pickin' in this week of mixed emotions were perfect and you voiced aloud the sentiments many of us share but are unable to voice so beautifully ... it was good to meet you in person and to understand your need for authenticity and keeping the food so very North Carolina authentic.

I learned so much about technique and will someday have the courage to attempt Malawry's golden hush puppies (not the matzo balls I make at home!), Dave and Marlene's squash casserole, the Butter Tarts Marlene made, the pig-in-the-bathtub (what a great kids' book that would make!), and the potato salad made without eggs!! the limoncello was an eyeopener! the okra (which I normally avoid like the plague) actually changed my opinion of the green stuff finally ... I am leaving out a million other things I learned but above all else, the comraderie here came at a perfect time to reassure me of the "family" eG has provided us all.

Thanks doesn't begin to cover my appreciation ...

Melissa Goodman aka "Gifted Gourmet"

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Correction. Dave made the casserole. I just followed instructions. It was good. I'm not a squash lover, but it was a great dish. I will try this for my own family.

The potato salad was simplicity itself. A mustard mayonnaise, some green onions, some chopped celery, a little dash of celery seed, and voila.

Probably the biggest thing for me this weekend was that I learned to do so much more by touch and taste than I've ever done before.


Practice. Do it over. Get it right.

Mostly, I want people to be as happy eating my food as I am cooking it.

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Probably the biggest thing for me this weekend was that I learned to do so much more by touch and taste than I've ever done before.

What??!! Goodbye, written recipes?? Hello, experience ... :biggrin:

Nevah will I give up my precious recipes. Nevah!


Practice. Do it over. Get it right.

Mostly, I want people to be as happy eating my food as I am cooking it.

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