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Sans Souci (Cleveland)


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Hello Cleveland forumites,

I am newly reregistered and have not used eGullet since planning a Paris trip three years ago. I've been reregistered for some time now, but keeping chefs hours doesn't allow too much leisure time. And honestly, after 12 hours in a kitchen, all I want to do with food is put some in my belly, not ruminate on the days transpirings. However, I really do appreciate eGullet and what it does for the dining community. Therefore, I thought I might take a few moments (from time to time) to add whatever I can to the conversation.

I have been the chef at Sans Souci in the Cleveland Renaissance Hotel in downtown Cleveland since September 2001. My official title is Specialty Restaurant Chef. The Renaissance Brand is part of Marriott. However, my background has been primarily with freestanding restaurants. Oh, no, I am not from Cleveland. Rather, I'm kind of like the new kid in town.

Today has been a great day off! I did yard work most of the late morning and early afternoon when I should have been doing some menu planning (deadlines are near!). Tonight my wife and I are celebrating more than one lucky event. We will be dining for the first time at the Baricelli Inn. As you might guess, I don't get out very often.

Just a note of understanding: I have no doubt that opinions about Sans Souci may be as varied as its history. Insofar as I am now a posting participant on eGullet, I will happily answer questions and respond (or not) to criticisms with all the respect and impartiality that I can muster. I hope this might be a refreshing outlet for me. At the very least, I might be able to comment on, if not learn something about the Cleveland scene.

My best to you all.

Ben Fambrough

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Welcome aboard, Chef. Thanks for the post and your offer to respond to questions and other inquiries about your restaurant.

We've had a fair amount of questions about Cleveland -- and Ohio in general -- lately. Hopefully some of the posts on those thread have been of use to you -- and hopefully, in spite of your not getting out much, you'll have something to add in that area as well.

Again, it's nice to have you with us :smile:


"Hey, hey, careful man! There's a beverage here!" --The Dude, The Big Lebowski

LTHForum.com -- The definitive Chicago-based culinary chat site

ronnie_suburban 'at' yahoo.com

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Welcome Ben!

It would be nice to get some more Cleveland talk going on around here!!

Though I live in Japan, I try to get back home to Cleveland once a year and will be there for 5 weeks this summer and I can't wait to get out and eat.

Just last week I received my new copy of Cleveland Ethnic Eats and have already dog-eared half the pages....

I would love to hear some of your favorite places...

Kristin Wagner, aka "torakris"


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Thanks for the welcome!

Dinner was very nice. We chatted it up quite a bit with Matt (recently promoted to executive chef, previous stints include Chez Francois and the Ritz). Paul Manilo is an affinure, yes. In fact the cheeses at the end of the meal was one of the highlights. I don't think they/he ages anything for very long. I inferred from Matt that the turnover of their stock is high.

We were treated very well. Matt is humble...I like that in a chef. Allow me for now to consciously avoid being a food critic. I'll criticize my own work. I will tell you that I was completely relaxed and comfortable. That's not to be understated. Our service was conscientious and timely and the food was good!

By the way, if anyone here happens to be attending the Harvest for Hunger benefit at the Galleria, Market Under Glass (Thursday, April 7th), please stop and say hello. I will be serving Sea Bass with butternut squash, lingonberry vinaigrette and vanilla bean oil.

Thanks again for the warm welcome.


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We have just moved to Cleveland ourselves and I would also love to see and participate in more Cleveland talk around here. We are currently on a quest for the ideal evening cafe -- we would like to reinstate our DC habit of going out on Fridays to a comfortable, friendly, punkish cafe with great coffee where we can sit and study or read or do crosswords until one in the morning. Alas, nowhere is going to measure up to our great times at the wonderful Sparky's, because we knew everyone who worked there. But we have hopes. The west side seems to be where that kind of action is, so we will be scouting there over the next few weeks.

"went together easy, but I did not like the taste of the bacon and orange tang together"

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I have not moved to Cleveland, but my son has, and I am anticipating several upcoming visits. I, too, would like to encourage any closet Clevelandites (is that what they call them?) to bravely post where few have posted before.

I'm sure I'll be there sometime over the summer, probably staying downtown. I did ask this question on another thread, and got some answers, but, Chef Ben, sounds like your hotel is downtown, so I'm hoping you've got some great recommendations. In addition to your place, of course.

I don't understand why rappers have to hunch over while they stomp around the stage hollering.  It hurts my back to watch them. On the other hand, I've been thinking that perhaps I should start a rap group here at the Old Folks' Home.  Most of us already walk like that.

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I'm sure I'll be there sometime over the summer, probably staying downtown.  I did ask this question on another thread, and got some answers, but, Chef Ben, sounds like your hotel is downtown, so I'm hoping you've got some great recommendations.  In addition to your place, of course.

I would be delighted to give recommendations. I hope we can have more discussion here about dining in Cleveland. I have some questions of my own looking for a diners perspective.



PS I am happy to receive email if anyone wants/needs to take their queries off board.

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. . . PS I am happy to receive email if anyone wants/needs to take their queries off board. . .

By any measure, an "on-board" discussion of Cleveland's dining scene (save for specific meeting plans) would be of great benefit to all of us and stand as a useful resource, going forward. So, I highly encourage it. :smile:


"Hey, hey, careful man! There's a beverage here!" --The Dude, The Big Lebowski

LTHForum.com -- The definitive Chicago-based culinary chat site

ronnie_suburban 'at' yahoo.com

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Welcome Ben!

It would be nice to get some more Cleveland talk going on around here!!

Though I live in Japan, I try to get back home to Cleveland once a year and will be there for 5 weeks this summer and I can't wait to get out and eat.

Just last week I received my new copy of Cleveland Ethnic Eats and have already dog-eared half the pages....

I would love to hear some of your favorite places...

Kristin, I hope we can organize an eGullet get-together in Cleveland while you are here. I'd be thrilled to drive the 1.5 hours to meet eGulleters!

Danielle Altshuler Wiley

a.k.a. Foodmomiac

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I will happily answer questions and respond (or not) to criticisms with all the respect and impartiality that I can muster. I hope this might be a refreshing outlet for me. At the very least, I might be able to comment on, if not learn something about the Cleveland scene.

I've always had great food at Snas Souci, but I've been treated so badly by wait staff and most especially the host/hostess/manager out front that I avoid returning as best I can.

It seems the only response they know is we're sorry, but there is nothing we can do about it. Which, to me, is just not acceptable.

I rarely complain at restaurants at all. Once every couple of years would be on the high side. When something awful enough occurs that I do complain, I expect more than patronization, which is less even than I received there.

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Thank you for your comments. I sincerely think/hope your expercience an anomoly. And, of course, I would ask that you give us a try again. I agree that service trumps food. I will go back to a restaurant even when the food was not exactly right provided the service has made me feel welcome, comfortabe, informed and wanted. I am less likely to return even if the food is perfect when I have been treated badly.

Ah, service staffs and the importance of training. Unfortaunately in the hotel structure the wait staff does not fall under my purview. I'm not sure there's a single one of them that I would hire for my own staff! Which is not at all to say I think they do a poor job. Quite the contrary.

I am horribly late leaving the house this morning. Allow me to wrap up quickly by letting you know that I will share your comments with the restaurant manager. Also, please call and identify yourself to me if you are inclined to give us another try. I promise to take care of you.

Cheers and more later,


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Welcome Ben! I am a little behind in reading my E-Gullet mail becuase my husband had an accident last Sunday night - fell down the stairs and ruptured tendons in both knees. So, I expect to be getting a lot of take out the next few weeks.

I've lived in Cleveland for the past 9 years, and would love to see additional chat on Cleveland restaurants. We also have an active Food & Wine Forum on Cleveland.com - www.cleveland.com/forums/food.

I haven't yet tried Sans Souci, though I have heard good things about it. Perhaps after my hubby heals, we will have an opportunity.

Best - NJH

"Life is Too Short to Not Play With Your Food" 

My blog: Fun Playing With Food

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Sorry to have let the thread go so long without reply. I had some "distracting" medical news--everything is ok now. Then I took off a couple days to decompress and promptly got sick. Yuck.

Anyway, Michael, Angel moved on from the hotel some time ago. He had moved into banquets when I came on the scene. Reg is another story. Talk about being in one spot for way too long for his own good. I promoted him to supervisor (after 11 years of being a line cook!?!?). Unfortunately, a leadship role in that kitchen did not suit him. Fortunately, he moved on to a sous chef position at a local country club. He is married with a kid of his own (in addition to daughter his wife already had) and he seems very happy. He calls from time to time.

Yes, I read Creas comments. He dines with us very regularly at lunch so I was keen for his opinions. I am glad he wrote what he did. It sure fired up some reaction that more restaurants should pay attention to.

Nancy, let me know when you are coming. I would love to say hi. I doubt I will join you on the other forum. Sorry. Another activity is the last thing I need. :) But thanks.

I've got a menu ending on Sunday and some revisions in place for Monday. Nothing huge, but my hands will be full for a little while. Still training new staff, too--that's always one of the most demanding aspects of the job. I'll report back on how everything is going in another thread.



Hey Cleveland Diners-try Three Birds if you haven't already. I think John Kolar's got a real nice thing going on there.

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