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eGullet in Star Ledger 7/28


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Won't have a chance to buy it - I'm in NY until tomorrow. Executive summary? Were you mentioned? Was I mentioned? I assume tommy was mentioned. That's all I care about.

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The article is about "e-food." It starts out with a profile of Rosie, discussing the rise of the internet and food sites on the internet. Then it describes eGullet, from its founding to the present day; positively comparing it to some other food sites, like NJ.com's food forum. An example of how eGullet helps the home cook is found in the Costco-a-go-go thread, where I make a couple recipes. There are pictures of me cooking in my kitchen, with Truffle and Bailey looking on. (Bailey is looking up, hoping I throw him something. Truffle is watching the floor, in case something falls. Truffle is smarter.) Recipes include torakris' Zucchini Frittata and my Strawberry Sorbet.

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Saw it! Read it! And was delighted with the article! It is soooo true. I have hundreds of cook-books, but where do I go most of the time? On-line!!

I didn't quite understand what Lowery meant by " Although Perlow and his wife, Rachel, were unable to participate on the designated date-------" Did she mean the discussion on Cosco? Also about the Zucchini Fritatta without any dairy?

So glad you guys got the attention. Membership should rise.

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There are pictures of me cooking in my kitchen, with Truffle and Bailey looking on. (Bailey is looking up, hoping I throw him something. Truffle is watching the floor, in case something falls. Truffle is smarter.)

For those who have the article and have noted the two Perlow pooches, awaiting dropped ingredients, notice that Truffle (the black poodle) is not only looking down instead of up, but is ALSO further away. He's poised to either dive in when something drops, or lean back for the (distant) possibility of the long toss. Bailey (the white poodle), not nearly as smart as Rachel notes, is edging right up to the counter and looking plaintively up at her. Truffle also cannily understands that the pooch who is less irritating is also most likely to get a toss of something, and yet he's never off alert status.

I wonder, have we ever had a thread of comparitive food begging behaviors? It doesn't have to be limited to canines... I know Jason was in the background there somewhere too, begging himself. :biggrin:

Jon Lurie, aka "jhlurie"

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Rachel was also modelling the egullet tshirt...great article, accurately described us as high caliber and knowledgeable, but at the same time approachable and user friendly.

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The article is on line, sans pictures of the dogs.


"There are people who strictly deprive themselves of each and every eatable, drinkable, and smokable which has in any way acquired a shady reputation. They pay this price for health. And health is all they get for it. How strange it is. It is like paying out your whole fortune for a cow that has gone dry." - Mark Twain

"Please pass the bacon." - Me

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The link just wasn't online this morning. Thanks go to MJ Crowley, online/archive editor at the Star Ledger, for getting it online when I emailed her an inquiry. Here is a link to the discussion the article on nj.com's "recipe swap" forum. I invited the participant there to find the recipes on RecipeGullet (linked in my previous post, above).

In addition to the picture of me cooking (with the dogs looking on), there was a picture of the zucchini frittata I made and some fabulous artwork detailing food and a computer. The article was on the cover of the Savor section, and a headline leading to it was on the front page of the paper.*

The sans dairy comment was to mean cream or milk, as Jason was comparing it to quiche. There was cheese in it, which, of course, is dairy; but I don't think it provided the luscious-factor.

* This link http://www.nj.com/starledger/pdf/wednesday.pdf should bring you to the front page, where the headline should be in the upper-right hand corner. However, it is still linking to last week's Wednesday paper. Probably by tomorrow you should be able to see the headline.

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Nice article although it starts out by referencing our community as the "Adventures In Eating Forum". eGullet itself is mentioned by name halfway through the article but the writer does not make the connection clear (although it becomes self-evident). Despite that bit of murkiness it's nice to see the publicity and the credit being given where it is due.

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The Adventures in Eating reference was in regard to the Costco-a-go-go thread. I have a feeling that the article was edited. It was unfortunate that eGullet wasn't mentioned until the continued section, but at least the recipes were all credited appropriately to eGullet, if not to their actual contributors. BTW, in addition to the frittata and strawberry sorbet (recipes linked above), there were also recipes for Marlene's Baby Back Ribs and Potato Salad and a Mango Salsa credited to nj.com (I can't find a link).

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Nice article although it starts out by referencing our community as the "Adventures In Eating Forum". eGullet itself is mentioned by name halfway through the article but the writer does not make the connection clear (although it becomes self-evident). Despite that bit of murkiness it's nice to see the publicity and the credit being given where it is due.

I thought it was something with my computer. That I missed a page or something. :wacko:

True Heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic.

It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost,

but the urge to serve others at whatever cost. -Arthur Ashe

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I was looking for the link to the article all day and couldn't find it.  What did I do wrong and what did you do right?    Thanks for posting it.

me and you both. but then i thought, "why the f*ck". :raz:

nice article. nj.com's forums? please.

Edited by tommy (log)
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nice article.  nj.com's forums? please.

What he said!! :biggrin:

And this is just one more reason I love eG...I'm in northern CA right now (had lunch today at Chez Panisse, in fact--more on that later), but I logged on, and didn't miss the article 'cause y'all are minding the store at home today! Maybe Jason or Rachel will scan the photos in? I'd love to see the pups!!

"I'm not eating it...my tongue is just looking at it!" --My then-3.5 year-old niece, who was NOT eating a piece of gum

"Wow--this is a fancy restaurant! They keep bringing us more water and we didn't even ask for it!" --My 5.75 year-old niece, about Bread Bar

"He's jumped the flounder, as you might say."

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The article was on the cover of the Savor section, and a headline leading to it was on the front page of the paper.*

* This link http://www.nj.com/starledger/pdf/wednesday.pdf should bring you to the front page, where the headline should be in the upper-right hand corner. However, it is still linking to last week's Wednesday paper. Probably by tomorrow you should be able to see the headline.

Wednesday's link works now (for the next week), see, there's the headline, top right.

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